I have a problem on my server as me and my friends often use a testdummy ship to test the effectiveness of our weapons. This is littereally a block with sheilds power and hull it has no weapons or thrusters of any sort.
The pirates and trading guild have become rather fond of spawning these ships in favour of their own and have become defenceless and made gameplay rather boring for the server. We're going to remove the blue prints however this is still problem as they also spawn turrets and try and use them as ships.
Create some lines of code that checks the blue prints for thrusters and weapons before spawning them as MOBs.
I have a problem on my server as me and my friends often use a testdummy ship to test the effectiveness of our weapons. This is littereally a block with sheilds power and hull it has no weapons or thrusters of any sort.
The pirates and trading guild have become rather fond of spawning these ships in favour of their own and have become defenceless and made gameplay rather boring for the server. We're going to remove the blue prints however this is still problem as they also spawn turrets and try and use them as ships.
Create some lines of code that checks the blue prints for thrusters and weapons before spawning them as MOBs.