Dedication of power

    Jul 26, 2013
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    While playing the game, i found myself, at early stages, running out of power because of a antimatter cannon being fired while flying or something. That has made me think, what if you could assign certain power blocks to certain weapons computers, the thrusters or shields?

    Consider this scenario:

    A small ship is traveling around the galaxy and is suddenly attacked by a pirate or a player. The small ship will try to flee, but also shoot back to atleast do something. In that case you might run out of power from firing, making you fly slower and the enemy will catch up with you, swallowing you with missles and guns.

    Being able do dedicate power to certain functions, such as thrusters, you could still fly at full speed, and every time the cannons' battery is charged back up, the cannons can fire. That way I think it would be a lot more customizable to build larger ships too. Having enough power can be a hard task in my opinion, when building ships with huge weapon systems and/or shields.

    With dedicated power blocks, it could also add to the tactical aiming, when shooting at enemies, since some of their power blocks could be assigned to weapons, thrusters or shields as well. Making you able to immobalize the target, or weaken it.

    Defining these power dedications could be done maybe somewhat like this:

    You physically split up your battery and power blocks, then much like the cannons and computers, you mark a block in the power array, and it'll select all the blocks that are connected to it. Then you select the reciever of the power, being a computer, a section of thrusters or a section of shields. Thrusters and shields could work the same way possibly.

    Ofcourse, you would not have to do anything with this if you just want a single power supply, powering everything. I would just love to be able to dedicate the power on a ship.

    If any of you have suggestions on this or anything like that, i would love to read them down below.

    Thank you for reading

    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    The idea seems very plausable in the game code, via limiting power usage for a block by an interface, however, everything shares the same power, and I\'ve never encountered an issue of running out of power, because i always build ships that are fine on power, so they can fly and max speed while firing AMCs and keeping their shields.
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    I never have problems with power. Maybe you just added too many AMC blocks or thrusters? Perhaps your power design isn\'t efficient enough to accommodate all your systems. Remember, you cant just put power blocks into one big block, that\'s not efficient at all.