Dedicated server having stability problems

    Oct 17, 2013
    Reaction score
    Hi everybody,

    Before explaining my problem, I just want to add I'm French so my english can be quite bad.

    I have a dedicated computer that runs a lot of servers. I use it to host a website, databases... and even Minecraft and StarMade dedicated servers. The domestic Internet access is not really fast, but even with a few players Minecraft (for example) is still fully playable on the network, no lag and no issus.
    We played StarMade a lot with two friends during the month of September 2013, we had sometimes little lags during the loading of new planets or solar systems, but nothing unbearable.

    Now we just started to play again, we have the very recent 0.163 version, and we experiment a lot of lags and server stability issues. Very often, "server doesn't answer" for a few seconds and we have some rollback of what we've just done (block placed or destroyed, ship movements...). The server machine has exactly the same hardware, the Internet connection is the same too, we just started a new and fresh server with this new version of the game and we're going in problems.

    If someone has some fixes or ideas to help me solve the problem, it would be really appreciated.
    Thanks by advance !