Decreasing the texture alpha for salvage beams.

    Aug 5, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hi there, bit of a hobby-developer here, just doing a little bit of modding here and there. It's nothing major or important, but I was wondering is someone could point me in the right direction as far as what textures and shaders are used for the salvage beams as I would like to, at minimum, increase the alpha transparency. Decreasing the mesh width/scale may also be an option. I could just start picking and poking at things, but I'd end up sidetracked with changing every last thing I came across. Please save me some leg work if you could.
    Jul 5, 2013
    Reaction score
    I didn\'t do any testing, but i\'ve worked with GLSL on my own game demos. Beam shaders are at

    If i were to half the alpha, i would try replacing this line
    tc.a = (edgeAlpha) * pow(heat, 0.85 + 25*(1.01-heatfactor));
    with this:
    tc.a = ((edgeAlpha) * pow(heat, 0.85 + 25*(1.01-heatfactor))) * 0.5;

    There is a little awkward -0.6 that messes up the thought process, but you can work with it.