Deactivate Turrets through Dock via Logic


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
    Reaction score
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    • Thinking Positive Gold
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    I've heard there is a turret overhaul coming, so maybe this is already in that, but putting it out there anyway, just in case.

    Instead of having the turret active/disabled be something we have to get out of our ship and enter the turret to click on the Bobby AI, have the turret docking block have an on/off status that the AI looks to. We could then hook the turret dock up to logic, and have an activation switch in our cockpits to turn them on/off.

    For example, heatseekers are hands down the best thing to have against pirates, but they are terrible to have when you are with other players or docked to your base (Raise your hand if you've ever docked a ship with heatseeker turrets to your home base and then had a pirate fly around. You now have dozens of your own missiles attacking your base, and you if you try to go out and turn them off).

    The ability to simply press a button in the cockpit to turn off all of the heatseeker turrets whenever you go to populated areas, and then turn them back on when you go out in the wild would be very helpful. Would also be good for stealth ships. Stealth ships generally can't have turrets because they fire while you're cloaked and make you visible. Ability to turn turrets off while you're sneaking, then drop to cockpit real fast to re-enable them when you get caught would be quite nice.


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Bump with Feedback:

    Just make any array, turret or docked ai-ship on/off-able.