Data problem

    Oct 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    So here's my problem. My server works fine when I run it from my own computer, now I went ahead and got a host, and when I upload my server files to that host, the server won't start... Now the host was so kind to look up the problem for me, and found this:

    [17:27] Good news : I found the file causing the problem. It's /games/starmade/server-database/index/.data
    [17:27] Bad news : I have no idea why it's causing the issue, and it's mandatory for your map to work as expected =/

    So basically, the .data's are not letting me boot my server on the host, could ANYONE know what this is? Except for maybe corrupted file.

    I'm desperated lol. Thanks in Advanced!