Custom Space Docking Bays


    Jun 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Ability to spesify the size and shape of the docking bay rather than just add a cluster**** of docking enhancers to make a huge size.

    Basically, outline the docking area with docking enhancers. Or something close to that at least. I also want to be able to dock my ship in the proper way. Not some randomized way that makes my ship upside down or something. "Hey, this looks like the bottom of his ship, lets put that to the left, and sideways, and make sure he couldn't possibly ever get to his door again while we have gravity on. Ha ha haaaa!"

    Video for explination:
    Jul 3, 2013
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    Actually, once you have the docking block down, you should be able to change the docking outline like the setting in advanced build mode. As long as the docking enhances are physically connected to the docking block.

    This\'ll free up a lot more building possibilities. Particularly those for turrets and external docking.

    Say, you have a docking block linked to 10 enhancers. You could make the outline, 5X5X15 or 10X10X5, or 7X12X6 and so on.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    beyond changing the shape of the docking field, you should be able to rotate the docked item so as to make it look like it fits there. i dont understand this randomly rotated system that people have had to change their bp\'s for, but it should not have that issue. to make everyone happy, make it so you can dock, then rotate the ship as needed. though i would like a magnet like system to draw my ship in, rather then snapping into place.


    Jun 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    My ship has or is going to have 3 landing pads on the bottom of it so I can land on large flat surfaces. Since docking items all suck, I may not use them at all when I dock in stations. SInce stations don\'t move, I don\'t think it\'s even remotely nessicary to dock. But for the fact that someone may try to have a mobile station, someone should really make the docking bays more clever. Having gravity land your ship for you then lock it down so it can move with the ship and no one can move it simply by bumping it with another ship.