Crystals - Glow and Wedges

    What properties should be added to the colored crystals?

    • None, they are currently completely OK.

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    Oct 11, 2013
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    Before I begin, you might have seen from the title what this is about. And yes, I am aware a part of this has already been suggested before. I am just including that to make this suggestion feel complete.

    I, and many others, have loved Ice Crystal for it's outrageously fantastic glow properties. I find this something that the new crystals lack. The glow is very very weak, which makes them by far not the coolest option for making engines/cool-looking decals/etc.

    And another thing - this has been suggested before, I'm pretty sure. - wedges for these crystals. And none of this: "but but but, we have limited item ID's" ... Yes. I am aware there are approx. 2000~ ID's for blocks. Currently 1/4 of this is in use (?) ... And I believe adding wedge versions of the new crystals - AND include the glow properties Ice Crystal has, would be a good investment in both effort and item ID's.


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
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    Crystals should be transparent aswell, not as much as glass, but somewhere between 50-75% opacity would be cool :)


    Nov 10, 2013
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    I might be remembering wrong, but I think Kupu once said that the new crystals were different then the old ice crystal (someone was commenting about the textures pattern not looking good). I mean the new crystals are a manufactured good (made from ores), whereas Ice crystal is naturally forming compressed ice.
    I'm rambling my thoughts again... Point was that the new crystals were not made akin to Ice Crystals for some reason. Blerghf...

    As for wedges, I'd support that (not all wedges, just the common ones). Mainly cause crystals are used almost universally (aside from small and basic ships), meaning they would benefit almost everyone in some way.

    I personally dont understand the whole "Limited IDs" issue myself...
    I mean, there is over a thousand free IDs still, do we really have plans for that many blocks? I can imagine a new style of internal hull taking up quite a bit, and a flora system (with growth states) taking up even more, but that many? New effects would only need 2 IDs (computer and module), and even new systems (like Mabe O2) would only need like 4 or 5.

    I understand why they cant give in and add all the shapes, but just adding wedges should be enough (I mean, not many have complained about lack of shapes with Grills and such, right?).
    I dunno... many ramblings of a tired man.
    Oct 11, 2013
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    I might be remembering wrong, but I think Kupu once said that the new crystals were different then the old ice crystal (someone was commenting about the textures pattern not looking good). I mean the new crystals are a manufactured good (made from ores), whereas Ice crystal is naturally forming compressed ice.
    I'm rambling my thoughts again... Point was that the new crystals were not made akin to Ice Crystals for some reason. Blerghf...
    Starmade's a game in which 'balance' is apparently a key factor, so why do they drag Ice Crystals up front as cooler looking thingys? Why not make all crystals equal? That means, less limitations in cool thinghys.
    Ah well, that's just how I look at it.
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    Jul 21, 2013
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    If you set your expectations high, then you can be disappointed. If you set your expectations low, you are either pleasantly surprised or proven right.
    I'm not disappointed, just thinking how "easy" the change really would be and comparing it to your prediction.


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    There are a lot of relatively easy things to be done to the game that would add so much to it.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    I believe the maximum ID limit is actually 1024 (correct me if I'm wrong)

    I'd like to see the glow amount equal to ice crystals, as well as wedges (and corners and tetras and pentas) although they're probably far off.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    I believe the maximum ID limit is actually 1024 (correct me if I'm wrong)
    Non-placeables could have more IDs. AFAIunderstand it, it is only limited to 1024 for blocks which have to get rendered.