Table of Contents
Note: This is for people who wish to contribute to the official translation project at . This is NOT for end users.
Exporting CrowdIn translations into StarMade
This section is on how to export a CrowdIn XML and import it into StarMade for translation testing and/or actual use.
To download the latest StarMade community translation from CrowdIn, you'll need to go to StarMade — Translation Project on Crowdin and download the XML.
You should now have a pack-crowdin.xml file, which you will need to convert to the StarMade language pack XML format using the StarMade Language Editor.
Go into the StarMade language directory ...\language and upload the pack.xml file you just saved. If you wanted to upload a French translation, you'd create a "frenchnew" directory in the language folder (do not name a language the same name as an existing one, this can cause issues). Upload the .xml file to ...\language\french\pack.xml . The .xml file must be named "pack.xml" so you'll need to rename it (if it isn't already called that).
Finally, edit the settings.cfg file and change the LANGUAGE_PACK = english line to the language pack you just saved. In this case, we'd change "english" to "french" . Launch the game and the language pack should be loaded into the game.
Specifying a custom font in the translation file
For languages that don't use the Latin alphabet e.g. Chinese, Korean and Japanese... a custom font must be used. If one is not specified, the characters will not show up (StarMade's default font does not support non latin characters). In the near future, we will be bundling fonts that support all these characters. For now, one must be uploaded to the language folder.
Note: Currently, only .ttf fonts are supported.
One can specify a path to a TTF file (font file) in the Language header at the very top of the pack.xml. To do this, use fontnameorpath=location\to\font . The path starts from the root of the StarMade directory (where StarMade.jar is located). We suggest placing the font in StarMade\language\fonts\fontname.ttf (you will need to create the "fonts" directory)
For example, specifying a custom font for a Chinese Simplified language pack, it would be <Language Language="ChineseSimplified" Version="0" fontnameorpath="language/chinese/NotoSansCJKtc-Regular.ttf"> . With "NotoSansCJKtc-Regular.ttf" being the font file.
We recommend using Google's Noto Font (this font is free to use).
For Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters, we've converted Googles' Noto CJK font to ttf for use in StarMade. You can download it here: NotoSansCJKtc-Regular.ttf
- Exporting CrowdIn translations into StarMade
- Specifying a custom font in the translation file (THIS IS REQUIRED FOR LANGUAGES THAT DON'T USE A LATIN ALPHABET!)
Note: This is for people who wish to contribute to the official translation project at . This is NOT for end users.
Exporting CrowdIn translations into StarMade
This section is on how to export a CrowdIn XML and import it into StarMade for translation testing and/or actual use.
To download the latest StarMade community translation from CrowdIn, you'll need to go to StarMade — Translation Project on Crowdin and download the XML.
Select the language you wish to export, in this case, French.
Click the "..." symbol and then click "Download"

Click the "..." symbol and then click "Download"

You should now have a pack-crowdin.xml file, which you will need to convert to the StarMade language pack XML format using the StarMade Language Editor.
In the "StarMade Main Menu" Go Tools & Mods>Language Editor
In the "StarMade Language Editor" go File>Import from Crowdin-XML
Type the name of the language you wish to import and then press "OK"
Import the "pack-crowdin.xml" file you downloaded from earlier.
Go File>Save as...
Finally, set the file type to ".xml", name the file "pack.xml" and "Save As..."

In the "StarMade Language Editor" go File>Import from Crowdin-XML

Type the name of the language you wish to import and then press "OK"

Import the "pack-crowdin.xml" file you downloaded from earlier.

Go File>Save as...

Finally, set the file type to ".xml", name the file "pack.xml" and "Save As..."

Go into the StarMade language directory ...\language and upload the pack.xml file you just saved. If you wanted to upload a French translation, you'd create a "frenchnew" directory in the language folder (do not name a language the same name as an existing one, this can cause issues). Upload the .xml file to ...\language\french\pack.xml . The .xml file must be named "pack.xml" so you'll need to rename it (if it isn't already called that).
Finally, edit the settings.cfg file and change the LANGUAGE_PACK = english line to the language pack you just saved. In this case, we'd change "english" to "french" . Launch the game and the language pack should be loaded into the game.
Specifying a custom font in the translation file
For languages that don't use the Latin alphabet e.g. Chinese, Korean and Japanese... a custom font must be used. If one is not specified, the characters will not show up (StarMade's default font does not support non latin characters). In the near future, we will be bundling fonts that support all these characters. For now, one must be uploaded to the language folder.
Note: Currently, only .ttf fonts are supported.
One can specify a path to a TTF file (font file) in the Language header at the very top of the pack.xml. To do this, use fontnameorpath=location\to\font . The path starts from the root of the StarMade directory (where StarMade.jar is located). We suggest placing the font in StarMade\language\fonts\fontname.ttf (you will need to create the "fonts" directory)
For example, specifying a custom font for a Chinese Simplified language pack, it would be <Language Language="ChineseSimplified" Version="0" fontnameorpath="language/chinese/NotoSansCJKtc-Regular.ttf"> . With "NotoSansCJKtc-Regular.ttf" being the font file.
We recommend using Google's Noto Font (this font is free to use).
For Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters, we've converted Googles' Noto CJK font to ttf for use in StarMade. You can download it here: NotoSansCJKtc-Regular.ttf
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