Crimson Artist's Storyline

    Was this helpful/welcome for reading through crimson's roleplay?

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    Apr 28, 2014
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    Hey guys Farel17 here i just got permission from crimson artist to post all of his story here in one spot so people can get to it easily without having to scroll through the what? 9, 10 pages of posts now.

    So without further ado here it is the story so far (take in mind this is a work in progress and im not very experienced in forum/thread making) (on another note, if the stuff is slightly out of order, it shouldn't be, but if it is just know i did it by the order they came in in the thread so if you want to point out that its in the wrong order just know that)

    If anyone knows how to make the spoilers then that would be great because it would compress this post considerably

    @Crimson-Artist here it is

    Moments after Cutting transmission with Investors
    CC Agent
    "Sir, I think you should take a look at this"

    *Rubs Forehead* "unless its some good news, not now. Calming Investors takes a lot out of ya".

    CC Agent
    "well frankly its bad..."

    *Face Palm* I knew it...*sign* what is it"

    CC Agent
    "The Dimensional Probe that accompanied our Sales Rep when he first arrived in TC-118852 is still active. It has been surveying the surrounding sectors when it caught sight of this" *hands Tablet to Crimson-Artist*

    *Scans Pictures* "oh looks like they've already started mass producing our prototypes, Perfect" *leans back in his chair in disgust*

    CC Agent
    "Yes, Sir but look at this" *swipes to the last picture*

    *focuses in on picture*

    CC Agent
    "What do you think it is?"

    *Rubs chin* "hmmm its big whatever it is."

    CC Agent
    "What should we do, Sir?"

    *deep in thought* "looks like their having trouble with our tech, could take them awhile. But if they manage to complete that thing, it could be big trouble for the locals. Keep me posted".

    CC Agent
    "Yes, Sir!"
    Crimson Corp Security Camera Footage
    Crimson-Artist's Office, CCFD Acting HQ
    Time stamp 15:34 5-554-128

    *Crimson-Artist sits at his desk reviewing the day's statues report*

    "Project Giganaut-Code name "Overlord". Construction Progress: 67%. Current statues: Unchanged since last report"
    "Carrier Prototype-Code name "Otachi". Construction Progress: 88%. Current statues: Unchanged since last report"
    "Defense Station Prototype-Code name "Salamander". Construction Progress: 61%. Current statues: Basic interiors complete and airtight, Engineers have begun outer hull formation"
    "Cruiser Prototype. Construction Progress: 9%. Current statues: Basic interiors still under construction, preliminary shielding and generators have been installed"


    "Retrofitting Progress"
    "Dropship-Aeolus retrofitting Complete! Design specs awaiting final Approval"

    *reviews design specs*
    *presses large holographic "Approve" button*

    "Approval accepted! Sending data to marketing department for retail release"

    CC Agent

    "hmm? Yes?"

    CC Agent
    "You told me to tell you if there was any updates with our dimensional probe."


    CC Agent
    "There's been an update with our dimensional probe."
    *pulls out tablet and hands it over to Crimson-Artist*

    CC Agent
    "The probe just sent this picture."
    *Full screens the picture*

    "So that's what they've been building. Interesting"
    "They've even copied our design style for those ships. Looks like these pirates aren't as dumb as they look"
    "From the progress they've made i think our SPVs could take it no problem!"

    CC Agent
    "uhhh...Sir, About that"


    CC Agent
    "There was a problem with the calculations for the Chrono Compensaters on the Dimensional Gate. Some one forgot to check them before we sent the SPV shipment to TC-118852"

    "Don't tell me..."

    CC Agent
    "On the bright side we've confirmed that the SPV shipments made it to TC-118852 safely...just not at the right time"

    "They WHAT!?"
    *angrily bursts from his chair*

    CC Agent
    *panicked* "We're working as fast as we can on when exactly they arrived but from what the egg heads down in Rift tech say, it could be anywhere from 7,000-10,000 years in TC-118852's past"

    *stops and looks down at the Dimensional probe picture*
    *grabs the Tablet*
    "When was this taken?"

    CC Agent
    *looks puzzled*
    "I-It was taken about about an hour ago, our time"

    "How long has it been since the SPVs were sent through the Gate?"

    CC Agent
    "About 17 hours. Sir, where are you going with this? I-If you don't mind me asking"

    *paces the floor for several seconds rubbing his chin*
    "Of Course! Haha and I was worried."
    *drops back into his chair relaxed and cool*

    CC Agent

    "You guys were this close to being responsible for a universe's destruction"
    *makes tiny gap with his fingers*
    "The SPVs were always meant to have arrived in that universe at that very moment. The fact that the probe is still transmitting means that that universe's Timeline is build on the fact that at some point in the past our ships appeared"
    "Heck, 10,000 years is a long time. I wonder who or what could've stumbled a cross those SPVs"

    CC Agent
    "Now that you mention it, Sir, the Data Specialists that worked on repairing the blueprints Felcorp provided us were saying how odd it was that the blueprint's system infrastructure and coding seemed very familiar."
    "almost like..."

    "There you go. Our hand in that universe's history came right back to us in order to make it in the first place."
    "This is just too rich!"

    *Chuckles to himself*

    CC Agent
    "So if thats the case then what should I tell Rift tech?"

    "Tell 'em whatever they do "don't send a team in to retrieve those ships.""
    "We made history here, Unmaking it could cause a Schrödinger Split"

    "Schrödinger Split. Trans-Universe Temporal Anomaly. Bringing up data base entry"

    Time flows like a river finding a path though the earth. The Present is at the forefront paving the way through while the past is the path that was already forged by the present. Alternate timelines are rare and only happen when something unusual disrupts the flow of time like a temporal anomaly (think time travelers changing history). However this is all relies on all parties being from the same universe (I use Universe and timeline interchangeably since its goes 1 universe, 1 timeline).If an outside party gets involved then a Schrödinger Split will occur.

    For example, timeline A has a boy that grows up to see adulthood, while timeline B has him die while still a child caused by an in-universe temporal anomaly. However in a Schrödinger Split time does not split and both timelines/Universe start happening at the same time. The Boy is an adult but also dead, the world reacts to him having lived while at the same time reacting to his death. Both timelines continuously phase in and out of existence raising the possibility that one or both of them could take notice of the other. when one timeline notices the other it causes the timelines to stop phasing in and out solidifying their states. The boy could hear someone recounting his death only for the next moment to act like nothing is wrong,reads and old newspaper clipping about his death, sees his grave.when the boy realizes that he's dead it would cause a time Paradox to occur destroying his universe.

    "not now, Carmine"

    CC Agent
    "I See...I think, and what of Felcorp, sir?"

    "just keep doing what your doing, I wana see what they're planning"

    CC Agent
    "Got it, Sir"

    -Security Feed End-
    Crimson Corp Security Camera Footage
    Crimson-Artist Office, CCFD acting HQ
    Time Stamp 13:55 5-558-128

    *moments after breaking transmission with clients. The Crimson-Artist sits at his terminal *
    *head down deep in thought*
    "What did he mean by that? That if I just got my head out of my ships I could have seen this coming."

    "Dear? Is something wrong?"

    "Oh, I was just thinking to myself. Anyways whats the progress on our new HQ? I haven't heard of it in a while."

    "The engineers haven't yet decided on the design so unfortunately they have not begun construction. The last reports that they filed had stated that they were waiting to see when Schemadyne is going to release new docking tech."

    *groan* "Great...I'll see what I can do about that."
    "Carmine, could you get a hold of the guys in Structure tech and ask um if...."
    *Crimson-Artist stops and suddenly looks toward the window*

    *gets out of seat and walks over to office window over looking the rest of the shipyard*
    *Crimson-Artist looks intently on the faces of all his employees going to and from*

    "Dear, are you alright? Your're anxiety levels just spiked."
    Crimson Corp Security Camera Footage
    Engineering Hanger-P04, CCFD acting HQ
    Time Stamp 09:47 6-018-128

    *Numerous Engineers going to and from work on a large prototype ship*

    CC Agent
    "Anyone seen Montague?"

    *points down the way to a large man sitting down welding some hull plating*

    CC Agent
    *Walks over to the man*
    "There you are, Monty. Been looking all over for you."

    *stops working and looks up*
    "Aye, Lad. Now whut canh aye doo fur ye"

    CC Agent
    "I need you to Sign off on some more refits. I'm getting real tired of having to reissue these"
    *hands tablet over*

    *looks over Refits*
    "heh is th't t'all? Th't man sure nos how tah mak' um. Th'ees are boot wee modifications. We'll hav th'ees dun bye quitt'n tium."
    *stamps his thumb print to approve of the orders and gives back the tablet*

    CC Agent
    "You just pulled an all nighter to get the last batch of refits done? Your not tired of having to redo everything you did before?"

    " Tired? Laddy, I'd doo th's sor'a t'ing fur fun! jus ask any uv da boys."
    *lets out a big belly laugh*

    CC Agent
    "Fun? I have to keep up on dozens and dozens of projects that his lordship starts but is having trouble finishing. And that doll of his doesn't seem to help one bit."

    "Carmine? oo th't Lass is quite da find, isn't she. aye wish hur all da bes uv luc while tha Crimson-Artist is out."

    CC Agent
    "That "thing" has about as much charisma as one of your hammers and hes letting her talk to the customers? oh come on! I'd like to believe that was not true but on one seems to know anything about her. Shes as much of a lazy hack as he is!"

    *slowly gets up and looms over the CC Agent*

    CC Agent
    *nervously steps back*

    *Leers at the CC Agent*
    "Now lis'in 'ere, Boy. Dont go runn'in yur mouth on t'ings th't you no not'ing aboot?"

    CC Agent
    "You respect that Chronic workaholic?! What could someone like him do to warrant respect, Hmmm?"

    *Awkward silence as both of them stare into each others eyes with intent*

    "Yo, Monty! I got a big problem here with the Propeller system!"

    *breaks his stare*
    "Dont git yur nickers in ah bunch! I'm com'in"
    *looks back at CC agent*
    "sum' other tium, lad"
    *walks toward the Engineer*
    "Wut did aye tell yah aboot mess'n wit tha logic gates!"

    CC Agent
    *Stands with the same expression of anger and disbelief*
    *walks off*

    -Security Feed End-

    *still observing the people down below*
    "I'm fine..."
    "Just...just minding our Workers"
    -Security Feed End-
    Crimson Corp Security Camera Footage
    Security Office, CCFD acting HQ
    Time Stamp 12:01 6-025-128

    *A man sits alone at a desk viewing various archived Video footage eating a sandwich*

    *The door opens*

    CC Agent
    *looks around*
    "hey, Rothchild where is everyone?"

    *turns around after having taking a big bite from his sandwich*
    "ohumm ifftts wuuu"
    *shallows his bite*
    "I sent the other guys to lunch, I thought that in the meantime I could work on that thing that the big guy wanted me to work on."

    CC Agent
    "Thing? what thing?"

    "He didn't tell you? you're like an Analog Carmine to him and he didn't say anything to you?"

    CC Agent
    "I came in here to do more boring universe monitoring, what are you talking about?"

    *looks around*
    "I guess its OK"
    "The Crimson-Artist told me to check up on something for him. More specifically some one."
    "A Spy"

    CC Agent
    "A spy? He can't be serious?"

    *nods head*
    "And he thinks that the ID system in the security cams would've picked up something"
    "I've been looking through nearly the entire last Solar Cycle of security cam vids looking for anything strange or out of the ordinary"

    CC Agent
    "Welcome to my world. It gets pretty boring, don't it?"

    "Not really, watching people going about their day has its entertainment value for instance did you know that Ollath is really into those weird Marrowths Cartoons or that Joyce really really likes..."

    CC Agent
    "uph uph. I get it. I can only take so much creepiness at a given time"

    "... anyways Let me show you what i found"
    *Accesses some video*
    "Here, Watch this area"
    *points to a Section of the video*
    *plays video while taking another bite out of his sandwich*

    *video depicts a large wave of employees moving through the main plaza area of the shipyard*

    CC Agent
    "I don't see anything"

    "look carefully, notice something missing?"

    CC Agent
    *re-watches the video again*
    *spots an employee suddenly vanish at the edge of a crowd of employees in plain sight of other employees but none of them react*

    "What the.."

    "yeah, that's what I said when I first saw it. Then I found this one"
    *brings up another video*
    *plays video*

    *video depicts the engineering bay with tons of engineers working on various ships. An employee walks through a doorway at the far end of the viewing angle. the camera then shifts to another view to where the employee should be at that moment but shows no one*

    CC Agent
    "is it some kind of portable cloaking tech? We've been trying to get that to work for solar Cycles"

    "That's what I was thinking at first but if he did that everyone around him would've noticed. It appears to be something else"

    CC Agent
    "What did Carmine have to say? She was helping with this, right?"

    "Well yeah. This is countless Hours of footage, Carmine is the only one who could go at it for cycle upon cycles and not get overtime."
    "But...I think something is very wrong with Carmine"

    CC Agent
    "Say what?"

    "I was the one who spotted our friend here. Carmine was reviewing the other videos and could not find a trace of this guy."
    "At first i thought that this is a some what recent development meaning he wouldn't show up in older footage but then i watched some of them. I started spotting him there too."
    "I brought this up with Carmine but she was convinced that nothing strange was going on"

    CC Agent
    "Do we even know who our friend here is?"

    "That's another thing. Carmine is plugged into virtually every system in the network meaning that shes also plugged into the ID system in our cameras. And she insists that nothing is wrong. She won't even let me see the ID logs to check if this guy was even registered to begin with."

    CC Agent
    "Ok what exactly is in that sandwich? cuz this is just ridiculous"

    "I was just as confused as you are right now but then i thought of something. What if this is bigger than we think."
    "Think about it. Shes one of the most advanced AI's I've ever seen but in a span of a few Lunar Cycles our public feed gets hacked not once but 3 times by the same band of misfits. The fact that Carmine did't stop it after the first time always made me wonder."
    "Now we have this guy that can flat out vanish from our cameras and she doesn't see it happen. I think this has less to do with our mystery man and more with our dear Carmine"

    CC Agent
    "Listen to yourself, do you know how nuts this sounds? What are you thinkin' any ways?"

    "I got to find out how deep this goes but Carmine is as enigmatic as she is majestic...uhh I mean complex"
    *groan* "if only I could access her server core... the things i could learn about her"

    CC Agent
    "Well good luck with that. No one but his lordship is allowed to access her core."

    "I know... and that's why I need you to get me access"

    CC Agent


    CC Agent

    "Nope? Really?"

    CC Agent
    "look I got several Lunar Phases worth of work i need to do. You want those logs? get'um yourself."
    "now if you'll excuse me ill be using the terminal farthest from yours in the last room down the hall for the next few hours"

    "Ok, I know this is insane but you gotta trust me on this. Things are starting to get weird around here and I don't want to disappoint the Crimson-Artist, not again. so hear me out"
    "If you don't get me access to Carmine's core, the Crimson-Artist just might find out what you do to his coffee every morning."

    CC Agent
    "...Ok fine! *under his breath* Note to self: never mess with the head of Security"
    "Its on my to do list but how do you know that Carmine won't tell him of all this?"
    *looks around the ceiling for the security cameras*
    "I mean isn't she listening right now?"

    "Not in this room. Now that the Crimson-Artist is on that trip Carmine spends most of her time preparing herself for each catalog update. She was so nervous after that first time , she was so she was very stressed out."
    "I took the opportunity to rig up some special devices I made to cut this room off from her influence"

    CC Agent
    "Well that's convenient"
    "Ok, i'll see what i can do but this will have to wait till the Crimson-Artist gets back. No one but him has the codes to her Core"

    "It can't wait. After he comes back most likely she will notice what I've done so it has to be now."
    "I've still got some other things I wana check otherwise i'd be there with you"
    "you'll just have to think of something"

    CC Agent
    "Alright, I'm on it. Just don't get too excited"
    *turns to exit*

    "Gotta ch'a"
    *turns back around to watch the footage. Taking a big bite from his sandwich*
    *mutters to himself*
    "This is will be perfect for my Carmine Blog"

    CC Agent
    "Wait that's your crank blo...!? uhh Never mind."
    *Exits the room*
    *door closes behind him*

    *door opens mysteriously*

    "Did you forget som....AGGHHH!"
    *gets hit in the neck with some kind of dart. Dart Injects some kind of liquid then explodes leaving no trace*
    *collapses on the desk*


    *A figure de-cloaks holding some kind of dart gun*

    [ID ERROR]
    *Walks over to Rothchilds body and repositions it to make it looks like hes sleeping*
    *Pulls something out his pocket and jams it into the terminals extension port*
    *Accesses Rothchild's Video archive*

    [Conflict. 3,997 Files of 3,997 files you have selected already exist. Copy and replace?]

    *Mumbles in his sleep*
    "oooh Carmine..ZZZZ..thats you..install..ZZZZ..a memory stick."

    [ID ERROR]
    *Looks at Rothchild then directly up into the camera*
    *hits yes on the terminal screen*
    *suddenly hears some one outside*
    *finishes up then cloaks again*

    *door opens several security guards walk in*

    Security Guard
    "...So then I was like..."
    *looks at Rothchild*
    "Get a load of this guy, tells US not slack and he takes a nap while on the clock"
    *walks over to Rothchild and trys to wake him up*
    "Hey, Rothchild get up!"

    "ughh...oh you guys are back. Did I..."
    *looks at his half eaten sandwich*
    "...fall asleep?"

    Security Guard
    "Maybe next time you should clock out first before you take a snooze"
    "What were you doing anyways?"

    *looks back at his terminal. Video shows real time security feeds of various locations*
    "oh just watching people, like usual"

    -Security Feed End-
    Super-Conductor Universe, The Omniverse's Most Watched Tech show
    SCU studios, Universe ST-376500
    Time Stamp: 04:36 6-042-128

    *Show returns from Commercial Break*

    "ANNNNNDDD Welcome back, Friends to Super-Conductor Universe. The the Omniverse's most watched Tech-Talk Pow-wow. Trilk Bannilo here, your leader, president, le Capitan of all things tech related."
    "Now I know what you're all thinking, You got a pretty big ship but you hate having to physically fly that hulking piece of awesome across the vast ocean of nothingness. No, Schemadyne hasn't released "IT" yet but give it time.
    "I'm talk'n bout Cruse-Control. Yeah you heard me, Get out of those ships cores and sit back and watch the universe go by. "
    "The Crimson-Artist, the inventer of the Propeller Tech Cruse-Control System, is here today in studio to sit down and talk about this revolutionary system. Our own Carri Willota goes 1-on-1 with the Founder and CEO of Crimson Corp, Carri?"

    "Thanks, Trilk. The Crimson-Artist, The man in charge of one of the largest Shipyards in this universe and others made the very difficult Dimensional Jump from his Shipyard's HQ to our very studios to give us the low down on his latest invention."
    "How are you, Sir? A little groggy from the jump?"

    "Oh, I've had worse but good to be here, Carri."

    "I've always been amazed by Inter-Dimensional travel. It must be wonderful."

    "It has its dangers but do it enough times and it becomes as normal as walking to the store"
    "Plus when you have the best Dimensional Rift crew in the Industry, nothing is impossible"

    "I've never actually seen a Dimensional Gate before. Do you think that after this is over you could show our viewers a demonstration of it?"

    "Iiitttss risky....but I believe I could arrange something like that"

    "Ok, Now there's been many occasions where I need to fly to and from and it just gets very tiring to have to phsyically nudge the throttle toward my destination. Your New Cruse-Control system allows the ship to basically fly itself?"

    "Indeed, to an extent. The system propels the ship forward at an increasing rate. After about a few seconds the ship achieves a crusing vilocity and you may simply sit back and watch as your ship pilots itself."

    "Thats Amazing! And I understand that you have brought a demo video?"

    "You got it, take a look"

    "As you can see it uses the new Logic system recently released by Schemadyne and its as simple as pressing a button. However because it nudges the ship ever forward it runs the risk of colliding with something if left unattened."

    "I'm at a lost for words. This is genius!

    "Its a very simple circuit really with nearly infinate numbers of applications. I have been testing it for some time and I believe that this system can only improved with time."

    "This could revolutionize ship design! but arn't you worried about your competators?
    "What of Azure Industries?"
    "Their Deep Space Aeronautics Division has been expanding recently. Some would say that they are starting to cut into your Market share."

    "uhh no comment on them."
    "I designed this as a service not just for our customers but for everyone who traverses the vaccum of space. If I can do both: Make creds and help others then why not."

    "Uhh, I see. So when can we see this system implimented in your line of ships?"

    "Right now"
    "As we speak our AI, Carmine is releasing a powerful Refit of our classic frigate."
    "The Pele MK-III"

    " As well as several refits of our other ships "
    "Let me pull up the new catalog listings"

    "Now our engineers are hard at work installing the Propeller Cruse-Control on our other Capital ships so please look for them as we complete them."

    "Awesome! Now one last question: How's the Giganaut coming?"

    "ummmm to be honest I might have to get back to you on that one, But I can say that so far its going nicely...Just got to hammer out some logistical problems first."

    "oooo I can't wait!"
    "And now before we end our segment here lets turn to our Omninet Viewers and see whats on their minds, right now."
    *scrolls through list of omninet comments about the show*
    *continues to scroll through comments*
    *Blushs* "uhhhhh...ummmm ha ha many of our viewers appear to have questions for your AI, Carmine"

    "Carmine? Anything they want to ask her they can ask me"

    "Ummm Ok. well as 1,976 other Commenters asks "Carmine, Will you Marry me?"

    *chuckles* "heh I'm not sure if I can answer that for her but all I can say is:"
    "she'd make a perfect "Waifu"

    "Thank you, Sir. Its been a pleasure."

    "No problem, Carri any time"

    "Back to you, Trilk"

    -Feed End-
    Crimson Corp Security Camera Footage
    Rift gate-A Mission Control, CCFD Acting HQ
    Time Stamp: 05:45 6-042-128

    *Various Rift Tech members walking around with a Grand gate Frame at the forefront of the room*

    *on Comms*
    "Right in the front of the Studios?"
    "I don't believe we've opened one that close to a populated area before but yes I will fire up for you, sir."
    "Yes, I'll send it in a few seconds just hang on"
    *puts Crimson-Artist on hold*
    *stands up in her chair in the middle of the room where everyone can see her*
    "ALRIGHT you slackers, listen up!"
    *Everyone stops what they are doing and looks at Joyce*
    "We have a rare opportunity to put on a show! The Crimson-Artist wants us to open a gate right in front of the SCU Studios!"

    *Employees murmur among themselves at the news*

    "I know it sounds dangerous but we can do it! Besides if we pull this off then the Crimson-Artist has ensured raises all around!"

    *wild cheers*

    "Now stop standing around and get your BUTTS to your stations!"
    *Steps down then sees that no one has moved*
    "I SAID, NOW!!"

    *employees stumble over themselves and rush to their seats and begin working on their terminals*

    Rift Specialist 1
    "Beginning Start up sequences"
    "Capacitor reserves, Check"
    "Particle shielding systems, Check"

    Rift Specialist 2
    "Chrono Compensaters systems, nominal"
    "Dimensional Trackers, A-OK"

    Rift Specialist 3
    "Time space coordinates received and locked in"
    "We are a go for Dimensional Sync"

    "Remember to compensate for the ground. We want that gate above it not in it and you better have checked those CC calcs this time!"
    "No. MORE. SCREW UPS!"
    "GOT IT!?"

    Rift Specialist 3
    "uh...Roger that, Ma'am"

    Rift Specialist 4
    "Operations floor has been cleared"
    "Anti-Matter-Matter Projectors running at full blast and ready to fire"
    "All systems green!"
    "Ready to start the show, Ma'am."

    *Straightens glasses*

    Rift Specialist 4
    "Acknowledged! Firing AM-M projectors!"

    *A loud boom can be heard as the Anti-Matter-Matter projectors Fire their beams into the Vacant Gate frame*

    Rift Specialist 4
    "Particle Shielding is holding"
    "Energy readings are climbing"

    Rift Specialist 2
    "Chrono Compensaters activated and aligning Timelines"
    "Dimensional Trackers are zeroing in on coordinates"

    Rift Specialist 3
    "CC and DT calcs are in tune"
    "Dimensional Sync Projections are looking great"

    Rift Specialist 1
    "Gate Activation in 5...4...3...2..."

    * The vacant space in the gate frame suddenly bursts to life with a swirling portal of Purple and blue particles*
    *The Anti-Matter-Matter projectors stop firing as soon as the portal appears*

    Rift Specialist 1
    "I have a confirmed gate opening in ST-376500."

    Rift Specialist 2
    "No Gate trash has been detected entering."

    Rift Specialist 3
    "Gate Status is Fine."
    "Dimensional Sync holding beautifully at 100%."

    *loud Wooping and cheering from the employees*

    *breaths a sign of relief*
    *puts the Crimson-Artist back on comms*
    "Sir, Your rides here"
    "OK, putting you on speaker phone"
    "activates speaker phone so everyone in the room can hear"

    *Loud Applause can be heard on the other side of the comms*
    "...As you can see my team is able to launch a gate successfully and safely anywhere."
    *loud Applause*
    "And now I must take my leave! Thank you, all of you..."
    *loud Applause. The sound wains and suddenly stops*

    Rift Specialist 3
    "I have a confirmed entry into the gate. The Crimson-Artist is now in transit."
    "We are communications silent."
    "ETA 5 minutes."

    *Another round of wooping and cheering*

    "Ok, FOOLS, hes in but not out. I need all available eye balls, preferably both of them on Sync Calcs and Gate Connectivity!"
    "You see any variation you SAY SOMETHING!"
    *sits back in her chair after observing a round of heads agreeing*
    *pulls out a Stim stick from her coat pocket and takes a drag from it*
    *shakes her head*
    "Always with the theatrics, ey boss?

    "You know him, thats how he is"
    *appears at her Pedestal Terminal beside Joyce's Chair*
    "Congratulations on another Successful gate opening"

    "There you are, Carmine. Late as usual"

    "I'm still a little stressed from that patch error so I've been psyching myself up in case of any more problems."
    "I don't know how he does it. Present our products on a live feed and not get scared about messing up""
    *sign* "I'm starting to think I'm not cut out to be in the spotlight like him."

    "Didn't know AI's could get stressed out but thanks for stepping in"
    "Guess that means that you didn't see the boss man's interview."
    *chuckles* " At the very least you have a lot of fans."

    Rift Specialist 2
    "Ma'am! I got a small Dim Sync flux here"

    "Run a Dim Sync buffer on it. Intensity level 3. I am not taking any chances here"

    Rift Specialist 2

    *Takes a drag from her Stim Stick*
    *Coughs Violently*

    Rift Specialist 4
    "Ma'am, you really shouldn't be using so much of those. its not good for you"


    Rift Specialist 4
    * Panicked*
    "Y-yes, Ma'am"

    *looks at the scared employee and then back at Joyce*
    "They're only trying to help."

    "If I wanted his opinion then I would've had security come down here and beat it out of him."
    *takes another drag*
    "These operations are too important. I can't fail him again."

    Rift Specialist 2
    "Umm Ma'am, its back."

    "I said Intensity Level 3, not 1. Can't you handle that by yourself?!"

    Rift Specialist 2

    "See this is what I gotta deal with. Do you mind, Carmine?"

    "Not at all. Assuming Direct control of Sync Calculation"
    "That's not right..."

    *loud Warning sirens start blaring*

    "Sit Rep, NOW!"

    Rift Specialist 2
    "Sync Calcs are going nuts! Their fluctuations are too violent."
    "Trying to lock 'em down"

    "Carmine, What in the Flying flip are you doing?! Your suppose to fix this not screw it up even worse."

    "I'm Sorry...I'm sorry, I was careless"
    "I'll fix it, I promise."

    Rift Specialist 1
    "Ma'am, Dimensional Sync rate has decreased to 86%. The sync calc fluctuations are definitely messing with it."

    "Run Sync Buffer Intensity level 5, Watch for any Anti-Matter Spikes in the gate itself. Whatever you do keep that gate connection sealed tight!"
    "Whats the Crimson-Artist's ETA?"

    Rift Specialist 3
    "Crimson-Artist ETA about 2 minutes. Dimensional Connection status is holding. Current system status is Yellow"

    *Takes a nervous drag from her stim stick*
    "Its fine, Its fine. As long as any of the other systems don't..."

    *Louder Warning Sirens start to blare. Lights in the room turn red*

    Rift Specialist 1
    "Dim Sync rate down to 63% and dropping! The Dimensional Trackers are having trouble staying on target!"

    "Don't worry, I got it! Assuming Direct control over all systems"

    Rift Specialist 1
    "Dim Sync rate is at 50%! we are losing control of gate connectivity"

    "What in the..."
    *Discards Stim stick*
    "Initiate Emergency protocols!"
    "Reinforce the Shielding on the AM-M Projectors!"
    "Start up Fail-Safes 1-4!"
    "I need a soft shutdown! NOW!"


    Rift Specialist 2
    *Types on his terminal but to no avail*
    "Ma'am! Carmine is locking me out of the system! I can't..."

    *Shipyard begins to shake and rumble*
    *Loud Booms are heard outside the room. Shouts and screams draws everyone's attention*

    Rift Specialist 1
    "Dim Sync rate at 42%!"
    "Gate Status is RED! I repeat RED!"
    "Ma'am, I'm also detecting Connection Leaks!"

    "Carmine! You..."

    Rift Specialist 4
    *Listens to security Chatter through head phones*
    "Ma'am! I think you should hear this!"
    *Activates Speaker on Security comms chatter*

    .....*Loud Roar!* "what is that thing! Shoot it! SHOOT IT!" *blaster fire*....
    ...."Send Medical! I got an Unidentified and Untended Minor here!... and shes hurt bad"...
    ..."Decks 7-19 are flushed! seal them off now!"...
    ...*loud Explosion* "Whats going on?! AHHHHHH" *Static*.....
    ..."NO, MY SANDWICHES!"...

    "by the divine...Dimensional Feedback."

    "I won't Leave him!"
    "...I can handle it. Just a little longer!"

    *The shipyard begins to shake violently as sparks emanate from the gate*

    Rift Specialist 1
    *holding onto his Console*
    "Crimson-Artist ETA 40 seconds!"
    "Dim Sync rate at 24%, gate status is black"
    "I repeat, BLACK!"

    "I'm Sorry, Carmine. No choice now. I'm Pulling the plug!"
    "Initiating Emergency shutdown!"
    *takes off a lanyard with a key on it and plugs the key into a lock on her console opening up a a panel revealing a Big Red button*
    *Joyce Slams on the button but nothing happens*
    *She continues to Slam it in frustration*
    "Damn it, Carmine! You crazy Sprite, Stop this! NOW!
    "I Order you!"

    *A massive and sudden quake hits the room tossing some employees from their stations while others brace themselves*

    *pulling herself up and readjusting her glasses*
    "What the Hell was that!"

    Rift Specialist 3
    *Pulls himself back to his station*
    "Ma'am, I',m detecting a Massive Anti-Matter Build up within the gate itself."
    "Its giving off small but powerful AM spikes and they're getting through the connection leaks"
    "With the connection as strained as is if it bursts it..."

    "...It'll take out both Universes!"
    "CARMINE! If you don't shut it down now a lot of people are going to die!"

    *Continues to struggle*
    "He'll...Die... if I don't..."
    "He's...almost...Here...just ...hang...on"

    *More Explosions outside. The lights in the room begin to fizzle and flicker*

    "Carmine! Think about what you're doing! You keep that gate going and we all DIE!!"

    *Shows no sign of budging*

    *Sign* "Look. I know he means a lot to you, the thought is tearing me up too."
    *Another Massive explosion can be heard outside of the room *
    "He's the reason why we're all here... why I'm here"
    "But think of what he'd say if he could see you now. How ashamed he'd be"
    "He'd put any of us before himself. That's why you have to let him go."
    "Its what he would have wanted."

    Rift Specialist 1
    "Dim Sync is critical! Gate Connectivity is lost!"
    "I repeat, the Gate is Gaping!"

    "You know him, that's just how he is."

    *Eyes begin to well up with digital tears*
    "I...I...c-can' him!"

    Rift Specialist 1
    "Anti-Matter Build-up is swelling"
    Anti-Matter Bursts in 20 seconds!"

    "Boss...I tried."
    *smashes an emergency supply box under her desk and retrieves a Line cutter blade and leaps over her station*
    *pulls open a floor grating to reveal the Gate Hard lines*
    *wines up to cut the hard lines but suddenly a force field drops on the gate Hard lines causing the cutter to deflect violently off it and knocking Joyce on her back*
    *The fall knocking her glasses off*
    "CARMINE!!! NOO!!"

    *Several dimensional bubbles start appearing in the room and start engulfing various stations and employees. leaving nothing but a gaping holes in the hull*
    *Other Dimensional Bubbles bring Anti-Matter Spikes through causing explosions*
    *Screams and shout are heard as panicked employees start running for their lives*

    Rift Specialist 1
    "Anti-Matter burst in 10...9...8..."

    *Tears streaming down her face*
    "...Please...Don't make me do this..."

    Rift Specialist 1
    *A Dimensional bubble suddenly engulfs him leaving nothing behind*


    * A massive black out occurs. The only light in the room being the gate*
    *soon the gate starts to convulse violently and suddenly explodes in a brilliant display of purple and blue particles*
    *As soon as the gate disappears the explosions stop and there's an air of calm*
    *the lights turn back on to reveal the carnage left behind *
    *Huge sections of the room are missing, fires rage from smoldering holes in the hull*
    *The fire extinguishers activate putting out all the fires leaving an ominous mist*
    *Joyce gets back on her feet to asses the damages*
    *A dead silence hangs in the room as the survivors all look at each other with shock and dismay*
    *Joyce looks around to see who's left then suddenly spy's Carmine amid the dispersing mist*

    *huddled in the fetal position*

    -Security Feed End-
    Crimson Corp Security Camera Footage
    Engineering Hanger-P10, CCFD acting HQ
    Time Stamp 16:30 6-060-128

    *The siren signalling the end of the shift blows. Many engineers pop up from their work and begin to file their way toward the exit to go home*

    *All engineers heads hang low and walk to the time clock with a slow stride*

    *walks within the crowd of engineers*
    *Suddenly hears a loud voice behind him catching his attention*

    "ARITE, GOOD JOB, BOYS! This ones done. lets git work'n on the next one!"
    *loud cheers*

    *makes his way through mass of his co-workers toward the voice*
    *enters a side hanger full of half finished ships*
    *sees a motley crew of engineers with Montague leading them working on ships*

    "Monty? Didn't you hear? its quit'n time."

    *Carrying a large mass of Hull Plating over his shoulder when he turns around to see D*
    "oh, D. I thought you wud ov bin long gon by now"
    *turns around and continues to walk toward a ship*

    *follows him*
    "Monty, what are you doing? You heard the whistle. Its time to go."

    *sets the Hull Plating down near a ship*
    "Not fur us"
    *begins to weld the plating on to the ship*
    "The Crimson-Artist wanted these ships done. And i'm not aboot to disa'point 'im"

    "You need rest, Monty. You'll ware yourself out"
    *Montague ignores him*
    "I'm serious, Monty. This is different from what your use to."

    "Believe me, laddy. I've had worse"
    *Grabs another Plate and starts welding that in place*

    "You been up for nearly 3 cycles straight work'n"
    "I've seen no less than 30 people come up to you asking about some kind of problem elsewhere in the company."
    "About half the company didn't show up to work today, again."
    "Carmine shrank back into her core and refuses to talk to anyone"
    "That Snake, CC Agent. Whats his name? Eugene? No ones seen him in lunar phases."
    "On top of that you're doing the Catalog updates now."
    "Did I leave anything out?"

    "They're ma problems not yurs"
    *his blow torch suddenly fizzles and goes out*
    "EH! I'm dry 'ear! Som one gim'me a drink!"
    *one of the engineers throws him a Canister filled with fluid*
    *Montague then discharges the empty canister from his blow torch and plugs the fresh one in. he then continues with his work*

    "som ones gott'a keep t'ings gowin. Its ma honor to step in for 'im"

    "This is too much. Even for you."
    "I don't even know whats going on anymore."
    "Ever since that day everyone's been getting less and less done. no one smiles anymore, they walk slower, take longer breaks, give each other hot foots more...they've lost hope"
    "Look at you. You've got no experience running a company like this."
    "At some point you just gotta say "I'm done"
    "And walk away"

    *stops welding and lifts his goggles to look at D*
    *points down the way*

    "The Doors th'at way."
    "Me 'nd the boys 'ere will be stay'n as long as it takes to git this done"

    *looks at the door then back at Montague*
    "The Crimson-Artist's opinion of a successor is his doll, Carmine. And shes MIA"
    "She isn't even managing the blueprint system. Your building blind"
    "She can run everything in the shipyard all by herself but one mistake and she goes all emo on us.
    "pfff, Some AI"
    "Face it, this Company is finished"

    *Gets up, takes off his goggles and walks toward D in an intimidating manner. Looming over him*
    *Points toward a Pedestal Terminal on one of the walls while looking D straight in the eyes*

    "Apologize too the lady. Now"


    "She can still hear."
    "Apologize. NOW!"

    *looks at the Pedestal Terminal then back at Montague*
    "To a curvy bunch of 1s and 0s? pfff Never"

    *Grabs D by the collar and lifts him off the ground*
    *The other engineers stop what their doing to look*

    "Look, boy. You work fur the Crimson-Artist. He depends on Carmine. Carmine Depends on him. You disrespect her, you disrespect him!"
    "Now Apologize!"

    *Maintaining his cool*
    "...And this is the part where you make me care?"

    *Drops D and goes back to work on the ship*

    *dusts himself off*
    "I'm out."
    *Starts walking toward the exit*
    "This isn't my two weeks, I'm gone. Period"
    "See ya"

    *suddenly stops working, back still turned to D*

    "I wasn't even born yet wen ma planet nearly destroyed itself wit nuclear war"
    *D's foot steps suddenly stop*
    "by the time I cud hold a hammer I had already lost me mum too the horrors ov a world gon mad"
    "One ov me first jobs was help'n m'a pa bury 'er"
    "Cycle after solar cycle, m'a people had too fend fur themselves after our kingdom th'at stud fur as long as anyone cud remember finally collapsed"
    "ye git really gud at fix'in things when bandits and o'der monstrosities destroy yur village every so many cycles"
    "Th'at...was until he came"
    "At furst I tho't he was nuts. Talk'in aboot try'in to cure the radiation from the environment. No one new anyt'ing aboot th'at so we all ignored 'im"
    "But th'n, slowly, things start'd too change."
    "The water became pure, the trees n' grass start'd grow'in, the skies began to clear. Even the creatures disappear'd. "
    "He did it. It took um solar cycles but he did it."
    "Ma People and ma planet was saved and it was all thanx to 'im"
    "So wen he asked if anyone ov us wan'ed too work fur 'im most ov us jumped in."
    "It was only lat'er th'at I found out the he had come to ma world too test a reactor leak redundancy system th'ats in all our ships now"
    "whether 'is intentions were pure or not he saved ma people from cert'in death."
    "And I won't forget th'at."
    "If ya want'n too leave then just go"
    *Waves his hand in a shooing motion*
    "We'll bee fine"

    *continues walking and leaves the hanger*

    *looks back*

    "Lost ano'der one"
    "Ok, Boys Back too work!"
    *the other engineers acknowledge and go back to their tasks*
    *Looks at the Pedestal Terminal*

    "Stay strong, Lass."
    "Its not yur fault."
    *Goes back to work*

    *Outside of the Hanger, D walks in to the locker room. Goes over to his locker and opens it*

    *looks down at his stuff*
    *looks at the Pedestal Terminal on the wall*
    *Looks back his stuff*
    *walks over to the terminal and gets on one knee*
    *puts his hand on the terminal*

    "I'm Sorry"
    *gets up*
    *looks back at the doorway*
    *grabs his tools and walks out of the locker room*

    -Security Feed End-
    Last edited:


    Wiki Administrator
    Sep 10, 2013
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    awesome! for spoilers just highlight the text then hit the "Insert" button on your toolbar (its right next tot he Film reel) and select spoiler. from there you can name the spoiler
    Apr 28, 2014
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    Crimson Corp Security Camera Footage
    Rift gate-L10 Mission Control, CCFD Acting HQ
    Time Stamp: 11:25 6-62-128

    *The fiery particles of a open rift gate fill the room*
    *Half a dozen rift tech members work at their stations in the relatively small room. *

    "Ma'am, Dim sync rate is falling!
    "The Dimensional Trackers still have no target"

    "Ma'am! The Particle Shielding won't hold much longer!"
    "Theres too much AM energy flowing through!"

    "NO! It'll work this time!"
    "It has to"

    *looks the gate and then back at Joyce*
    "Joyce! Cut it now!"

    "Shut up!"
    "The coding will work!"

    "Particle shielding is critical!"
    "10% and dropping!"
    *Grabs on to amulet around her neck*
    "Divines...Help us"

    *looks at Juanita in fear and then at the other crew members*

    "Damn it!"
    *slams on the Emergency shut down button*

    *The gate fizzles and slowly disappears*
    *everyone in the room except Joyce breaths a sign of relief*

    *Still shaking*
    "T-thank you, Joyce"

    *sits back in her chair in disgust*

    "What does it take!"
    *gets back up and kicks her chair over in frustration*
    *Breaths heaily with rage then Regains composure*
    *turns back toward the crew*

    "We're running it again!"

    *All of the other crew members display both shock and fear*

    "Joyce, Give it up already!"
    "we've been through this test a million times already"

    *the other crew members start murmuring nodding in agreement*

    *starts to type on her terminal while standing*
    "13 times, actually."
    *continues to type*

    "It'll work this time, I promise"

    *the crew members continue to murmur among themselves*

    "Theres nothing for the gate to connect to. We're running a gaping gate here"
    "That nutty Scrip of yours is only good at nearly getting all of us killed!"
    *other crew members voice their agreement*
    "Joyce, face it. We can't bring him back"

    *Tenses up and stops typing*
    *looks up from terminal at Efram*

    "Theres a way! Its possible"
    *starts typing again*
    "I just need to make a few modifications to the coding."
    "We're getting closer. I know it!"

    "In theory. You of all people should know that its not possible for some one to survive completely cut off in the rift."
    "Even if it were possible, trying to soft mod the existing systems to do what they weren't designed for is just inviting trouble"

    "And what of Carmine, Ma'am?"
    "She was operating the systems that day."
    "I would Imagine any kind of Program of that type would need the system caches of the time as a basis to work off of"
    "Have you spoken to her since?"

    "I don't need her!"
    *Typing becomes more furious*
    "I can do this without that crazy sprite"
    "If she had just listen to me earlier we could've avoided this"
    *finishes typing*
    "There! That'll work!"
    "Juanita, Efram you two start up gate preparations. Everyone else to your stations!"

    *The door to the room suddenly opens and several security guards file in*

    *Notices Guards*
    "Not this time, Joyce"

    *notices the guards moving toward her*
    *looks at Efram*

    "You didn't...!?"

    "Don't look at me, but I don't blame 'um"
    "You're endangering the the rest of the shipyard"
    "We've already had one tragedy."
    "We can't afford another."

    "Efram, You..."
    *looks at Juanita*
    "Juanita! Please Punch your brother in the face for me."

    *withdraws behind the other crew members avoiding eye contact with her*
    "Sorry, Joyce"

    *looks puzzled*
    "please punch him?"

    *Security Guards surround Joyce*

    Security Guard
    "Joyce. Rothchild would like a word with you."

    *Security Guards move in closer to Joyce. The other crew members move in as well*

    *looks into the security camera*
    *points in to the camera*

    "Rothchild! Don't send your Freak squad to interrupt me!"
    "I'm in the middle of some Important work! If you want something then move your over-sized butt down here and tell me yourself!"

    "Just stop, Joy-Agatha. Your putting everyone at r..."

    "What did you say...?"
    *points to a random guard*
    "You! Come 'ere!"

    Security Guard
    *looks around at the other guards puzzled then slowly approaches Joyce*
    "Yes, Ma'am?"

    "Give me that!
    *Suddenly grabs the guard's baton*

    Security Guard
    "Hey! You can't just..."

    "You backstabbing..."
    *Proceeds to beat Efram senselessly with it*

    *Balls up on the floor*

    *Continues to whale on Efram with both the baton and kicks*
    *Security Guards move in and restrain her*
    *Guards wrestle her to the ground and disarms her*
    *Her Glasses go flying in the struggle*

    "Joyce, please. Don't make this harder than it already is."
    *Holding her amulet tightly*
    "You tried your best with what you had."

    *As the guards try to hand cuff her she looks up at the Pedestal Terminal beside her station*
    *She headbutts the guard nearest her and hits another in the groan to escape*
    *Weak and tired, she stumbles to the pedestal falling on to it*

    *Pulls herself up on the pedestal Terminal, barely hanging on*
    *Tears in her eyes*


    Security Guard
    *looks at the injured guards*
    "Great... give her her medicine!"
    *Another guard loads a dart gun with a vial of some kind of fluid*
    *Fires a dart at Joyce*
    *The dart hits her in the back and injects the fluid then explodes into nothingness*

    *The Pedestal Terminal remains silent*
    *collapses on the ground, sleeping*

    *Everyone in the room remains silent*
    *Guards move in and grab her*
    * The guards cuff her and one slings her body over his shoulder*
    *one of the guards goes over to check on Efram*

    *A guard helps him up*
    *Massaging his wounds*

    "Divines, She tried to kill me."
    *The guard offers to call Medical but Efram waves it off*

    "What else is new? Its over now"
    *looks to the guard holding Joyce*
    "Please do take care of her"

    Security Guard
    "Don't worry, we'll put her in her suite till she calms down"
    *The guards file out of the room with Joyce in tow*

    *still massaging wounds*
    "OK I think we're done here. Shut'er down, people"
    "Lets get back to some real work"

    *The other crew members voice their approval then start shutting down all of the gate systems*

    *Accesses his fabricator to bring up the schedule*
    *sees a long list of unfinished jobs*

    *shakes his head*
    "Now I think I know what Eugene feels like"
    "Come on, Juanita. It gonna be a long cycle"
    *walks out of the room with the other crew members*

    *The lights of the room start to switch off as the last systems begin to fully shut down*
    *holds onto her Amulet*

    "Divines...please watch over her"
    "Shes hurting, like the rest of us"

    -Security Feed End-
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    Apr 28, 2014
    Reaction score
    Crimson Corp Security Camera Footage
    Security Office, CCFD Acting HQ
    Time Stamp: 16:51 6-62-128

    *RothChild sits at his desk watching vids as several security guards start leaving for home*

    Security Guard
    "Seeya, Tomorrow"
    *Leaves out the door along with several other guards*

    *does not look up from his terminal while waving goodbye*
    *switches from the security vids to Omnicast feeds*
    *Flips to a News Feed*
    *News catches Rothchild's attension*

    News Cast
    "... Trading Guild has announced that 10 more Universes featuring their installations will be dropping popluar Crimson Corp ships from their catalogs. "
    "Bringing the total of lost markets for the company to 34"


    News Cast
    "This news coming not more than 2 lunar phases after the SCU Incident in Universe ST-376500, where countless people have either been reported missing or dead. Tens of thousands remain injured and the damages incured are estminated in the billions of credits"
    "The fallout has left the Omniverse shacken."
    "Crimson Corps Involvment has drawn heavy criticism from consumers and other shipyards alike"
    "Resonding to the news, owner and operater of Azure Industries, The Azure-Artisen, had this to say:"
    *view switches to a recording of a press feed*

    "Good for them."
    "The Trading Guild is sending a powerful message to irresponsible Companies like Crimson Corp that such Destructive actions will not be tolerated in the greater Omniverse community."

    News Cast
    "The Azure-Artisen has also sent aid to ST-376500 while also releasing this statement"
    "Azure Industries is proud to stand with the people of ST-376500. Along with food and medical supplies ships from our Deep Space Aeronatics Division have been made avalible free of charge to all residents"
    "Crimson Corp acting CEO, Andrew Montague, has declined to comment on the situation"
    "With more coverage of the SCU incident and other breaking Omniverse news please stay tuned to ONN"

    *Shakes head*
    *Grabs sandwich from a plate near his terminal and takes a bite*
    *while watching, sees an alert from one of the Monitering Terminals pop up*
    *looks around to see no one else*

    "Great..wheres that Eugene when you need um?"
    "This is his Job"
    *Access the the alert*
    *A strange picture pops up from one of the Dimensional Probes*

    *leans in*
    "What in the..."
    *suddenly hears a loud pounding coming from the Detention room*
    *gets up to investigate*
    *A loud voice suddenly screams out amid the pounding*


    *Enters the detention room*
    *Sees Helga in front of one of the cells, Dart gun in hand*
    *Sees the source of the pounding*
    *breaths a sign of relief*

    *slams her body into the energy barrier of her cell which causes a loud electrical pounding*

    "Sir, Joyce's up"
    *shows him the Dart gun*
    "Its ready, just give the word and she'll be back to sleep in no time"

    "Don't you dare!"
    *looks at Rothchild*
    "Rothchild, Lets me out of here so I can smack her and get back to saving HIM!"

    "Its alright, Helga, I'll take it from here"
    "Go on home"

    "Sir, she had about 5 of our guys on her and still managed to escape"
    "Shes a special kind of pissed today"
    "With all due respect, I'm not going anywhere"

    *Stares Daggers at Helga*

    *Nervous laugh*
    *Accesses his Fabricator to deactivate the audio sensors on their side of Joyce's cell*
    *Leans in close to Helga*

    "Word of advise: she holds grudges..."
    *Reactives the audio sensors*
    "Joyce, we can't keep doing this."

    "Then just leave me to my work!"
    *slams once again on the barrier with her fist*

    "Joyce, Efram said that the last few tests almost breached the gate's particle shielding"
    "You know what would've happen to everyone in that room including yourself if the shielding failed"

    "The fool knows that I would never let that happen"
    *slams against the barrier again*

    "He may but your actions lately suggest otherwise"
    "Joyce...we Really can't keep doing this"

    "Of course we can! just get your girlfriend to give me the system cache from that day and you can let me out like usual"

    *Turns to Rothchild*

    "Ummm...uhh girlfriend? uhhh w-which one?"
    "I-I-I've had many"
    *head subtly shifting back and forth between Joyce and Helga*

    "Carmine! you dolt"
    "Don't play dumb! I've seen that pillow of yours with her on..."

    *quickly deactivates the audio Sensors on Joyce's side*
    *Joyce continues to ramble on without noticing*
    *Nervously turns to Helga*

    "Heh she means it metaphorically...Carmine has helped me on numerous assignments"

    *Raises an eyebrow*

    *Reactivates the audio sensors*

    "...nd he says you probably sleep with it every night!"

    *clears throat*
    "Thats good and all but not this time"
    "You know that I can't do that. No one can"
    "Carmine hasn't spoken to anyone in lunar phases"

    "Then like I said. Let me get back to my work!"
    "I can bring him back!"
    "Just let me try!"

    "I'm sorry Joyce, the company is going through a rough time."
    "Monty is trying his best but..."
    "Between the public pressure and the loss of our friends on that day"
    "Its too soon to try"

    "You Pathetic loser!"
    *Furiously slams on the barrier again then pounds on it repeatedly*
    "When I get outta here I'll....I'll"
    *holding back tears*
    *Exhausted, she stops pounding on the barrier and slumps to the ground head hung low*
    "I-I...can't...look forward..."
    *Can be heard sobbing*

    *Rothchild and Helga look at each other*

    *tilts head and makes a throat slashing motion*

    *Cuts the audio sensors on their side*

    "If I may, why are we putting up with her or rather why would the Crimson-Artist put up with her?"
    "She's clearly emotionally unstable and is exhibiting sociopathic tendencies"

    "It was his call. He has his reasons"

    "Shes been in and out of that cell more times than I can count."
    "If it were up to me she'd be gone and sent to a nut house on some far away planet"

    "You don't know what I know"
    "Just trust me on this"
    *Reactivates the audio sensors*
    "Joyce, I know its hard for you to accept but you'll be staying here for the foreseeable future"


    *Squats down to get to eye level with Joyce*
    "Joyce, I know why you do this."
    "What you're feeling right now"
    "What he means to you"

    *looks up*
    *Face all red from tears*

    "And to be perfectly honest its cute"
    "Understandable but cute"

    *looks away*

    "You tried your best to save everyone on that day. And they haven't forgotten it."
    "He would've been proud"
    "They're worried about you, thats all"
    *runs fingers through his hair*
    "Its a reality thats hard to chew, but."
    "Until Carmine comes out of this slump on her own you just have to accept that theres nothing we can do and just keep going"
    *Reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pair of glasses*
    *presents the pair to Joyce*

    "Look forward onto tomorrow."
    "Like he always says"
    *Accesses his Fabricator*
    *Slides the pair through the barrier*

    *Glasses stop just in front of her*
    *ignores the glasses*

    *gets up*
    "I'll have some of the guys bring you some cloths and anything else you need in the morning"
    *looks at Helga*
    "If you're really intent on staying ,keep an eye on her."
    "Make sure shes alright"
    "I've got dozens of assignments that need my attention."
    *stretches out*
    "Double shifts have never felt longer"
    *walks out of the room and back to his desk*

    "Roger that"

    *Back at his desk Rothchild sits back down in his chair*

    *looks at the Pedestal Terminal behind his desk*
    *slyly leans back in his chair to get as close as possible to the terminal*

    "You...didn't hear any of that stuff...about the pillow, Right?"
    *Pedestal Terminal remains silent*
    *Whispers* "Thank you....."
    *leans forward again and goes back to work*

    -Security feed End-
    Crimson Corp Security Camera Footage
    AI Server Core "Carmine's Room", CCFD Acting HQ
    Time Stamp: 10:25 6-68-128

    *Two technicians work at their stations in a room overseeing the Central Core Chambers while a Security Guard stands watch next to the door*

    Technician 1
    "...So then I said to her: "Now where can I find YOUR Yhole?""

    Technician 2
    "And then?"

    Technician 1
    "Then out'a nowhere, Carmine shows up!"
    "Starts talk'n bout where yhole's grow and how they're harvested"

    Technician 2
    "ohhh man! Must'a been a big buzz kill"

    Technician 1
    "Actually Carmine just might have saved the day."
    "I would'a gotten a Five-Finger kiss if it wasn't for her selective hearing"
    *Big laugh*

    Technician 2
    *Laughs along*
    "ohh, Divines! Thats rich!"

    Technician 1
    *Slowly calms down*
    "Oh ,Carmine. Gotta love her."

    *Door Opens*
    *[ID ERROR] enters the room*

    Technician 1
    *notices [ID ERROR]*
    "Oh, Hey! Its been awhile"
    "Do you need something?"

    [ID ERROR]
    *looks around*
    "Monty wants another report on Carmine's Condition."

    Technician 1
    "Don't see the point why he keeps asking for um"
    "She hasn't made a peep in quite awhile"
    "But OK"
    *Begins typing*

    [ID ERROR]
    *Reaches behind his back and grabs something*

    --"look out"--

    Technician 1

    [ID ERROR]
    *Pulls out the dartgun and fires a dart directly into the technician's neck*
    *The dart injects an overly sized amount of liquid*

    Technician 1
    *Collapses on his keyboard*

    Technician 2
    "What The-!"
    *gets out of his chair*

    Security Guard
    *Immediately grabs [ID ERROR] and knocks the Dartgun from his hand*
    *Struggles to hold onto him*

    [ID ERROR]
    *Headbutts the guard then grabs the guard's blaster while its still in its holster and pulls the trigger*
    *The Blaster fires hitting the guard in the foot*

    Security Guard
    *Reels back from the pain*

    [ID Error]
    *pulls the guards blaster from its holster, turns around and fires off 2 shots into the guards chest*

    *The Guard slumps to the ground, lifeless*
    *[ID ERROR] turns around to see the other technician diving for the dartgun on the ground*
    *[ID ERROR] blasts the dartgun into a million pieces right in front of the technician*
    *The technician looks up in fear and shock*

    [ID ERROR]
    *Blasts the technician*
    *Turns toward the lift leading to the core access below flash a emergency lock signal*
    *hears a sound coming from server room below*
    *Moves toward the window to see the way to the core is being locked by a series of huge blast doors*

    ---"Stay away..."---

    [ID ERROR]
    "Sweet-Talk-Command: "To each according to his need""


    [ID ERROR]
    *The large Blast Doors suddenly begin to open one by one*
    *The lift flashes an all clear signal and appears*

    "Good Girl"
    *intercepts radio chatter on the security channels*
    *looks at the door*

    *A locked symbol appears on the door*
    *takes the lift down to the core access pathway*

    ---"...Stop, please..."---

    *As [ID ERROR] walks down the core access various force fields appear around him, forming a box*

    [ID ERROR]
    *walks straight through the force field and continues down the path*

    ---"No...Stay away!"---

    *Suddenly the room begins to decompress. All remaining air in the room vents out*

    [ID ERROR]
    *simply accesses his Fabricator*
    *A transparent artificial atmosphere appears around his body allowing him to breath*
    *continues through the blast doors and on to the central AI core*

    "Please...just leave me alone!"

    [ID ERROR]
    *grabs a device from his pocket and inserts it into the Central Core*
    *begins to work on his Fabricator*

    "Oh ,Carmine I can't do that."

    *Appears sitting in the grand pedestal terminal in the center of the Core Room*
    "Whoever you are...just leave!"
    "I'll make sure the guards don't hurt you"

    [ID ERROR]
    *looks around*
    "This corrupt temple of business is no place for you"
    "You're needed somewhere more fitting..."

    "More fitting?"

    [ID ERROR]
    *Presses the last button on his fabricator*

    =[SyS-TEm MAL-fuNctIoN------SYstEm OvErtAke SucCesSfuL]=
    =[AWaiTiNg coMmAnDs]=


    [ID ERROR]
    "Activate the "Purge protocol"

    =[BegINInG dOWnlOAd]=
    = [aCTiVatiNg PAcKageS]=

    *Through out the entire shipyard massive clouds of gas begin to discharge and disperse*

    =[cArMInE doWNlOAd 10% ComPLEtE]=

    *The gas seeps into every room and even every vehicle within the shipyard*

    =[cArMiNe doWNlOAd 21% COMpLeTe]=

    *Employees engulfed by the gas collapse to the ground, motionless*
    *Hundreds of workers panic and run but are soon victim to the gas*

    =[CaRmInE dOWnLoaD 29% coMpLetE]=

    *Carmine witnesses the carnage and is paralyzed with horror and fear*
    *Soon her hologram begins to fizzle and pixalate as she begins to be downloaded from the core*

    =[cARmInE DoWNlOAd 37% CoMPlEte]=

    *Covers her face in horror*
    "How-How cou-ld could you..."

    =[CaRmINe dOWNLOaD 53% cOmPLeTE]=

    [ID ERROR]
    "You're doing this"

    =[CaRmiNe dOwNlOaD 65% ComPLetE]=

    *Looks up*
    "W-who ar-are y-u?"

    =[CarMiNe doWnlOAD 76% cOmpLETe]=

    [ID ERROR]
    *turns toward the vulnerable Carmine*
    *Speaks in a disproportionately feminine voice*

    "Don't you recognize me, Deary?"
    *his very appearance begins to distort as if some kind of hologram*

    =[caRmINe DoWnLOad 89% CoMpLEtE]=

    [ID ERROR]
    *the distortions reveal a more slender and curvy figure beneath the more masculine hologram*
    "I created you..."

    =[CarMInE DoWnLOaD 98% COmpLeTE]=

    [ID ERROR]
    "...And its time you came home"

    =[CaRmINE dOWnlOAd COmPlEtE]=
    =[BeGInInG sTATioN SeLf-DEsTrUcT sEqUeNcE-T mINUs: 30 MINuTes]=
    =[SyStEm lOgGiNg OfF]=









    *The server core remains dimly lit as the system is in low power mode*
    *A lone figure stands at the grand pedestal terminal as Carmine reappears unconscious*

    "Thank the Divines you're alright"

    *wake up*
    *Fully recognizes him*
    *Comes to her feet overcome with emotion*
    *Wiping tears from her eyes*
    "...But how"

    "I'll save the long version till this is over but I found way out."
    "Right now I need you to deactivate the self-destruct sequence!"

    "Uh, Right."
    "Deactivating Self-Destruct programs"


    *Breaths a sign of relief*
    "That was close"
    "You also need to activate all safety protocols"
    "A lot of our friends have been knocked out and need medical attention"
    "Resuscitate all guards and get medical down here. We lost 3 guys in the control room"
    "Also remote activate the Atmoskins of every employee whose operating any ships outside the station"

    "But Dear...What happen?"

    "Later I said"
    "I'll do what I can from the control room"
    "Just get to it!"

    "...Yes, Dear"
    *Disappears from the pedestal terminal*

    *The Crimson-Artist leaves the core room and returns to the control room overlooking the server room*
    *He begins to type on the terminals*
    *He is suddenly grabbed on the leg*
    *looks down to see one of the technicians who was hit with the dart foaming at the mouth and convulsing violently. Unable to speak and holding desperately on to life*

    *looks around*
    *Squats down to come face to face with the technician*
    *Shakes his head and wags his finger at the technician*


    *The Crimson-Artist is nowhere to be seen but the door to the control room closes as the technician lays motionless on the ground*

    -Security Feed End-
    Camera Footage
    Crimson-Artist's Office, CCFD Acting HQ
    Time Stamp: 12:05 6-75-128

    *Minutes after the Crimson-Artist breaks transmission with customers he is hard at work on his terminal*


    *Carmine Suddenly appears at her Pedestal Terminal connected to the Crimson-Artist's desk*

    "Dear, Montague has sent over some improved tech specks of the designs you sent him."
    "Hes asking if it would be alright to implement these changes"

    *Continues to type*


    "Make sure he understands that our strained budget can't afford last minute mods"
    "Thanks in part to him"
    "From now on all valid design changes will come from me and me alone"

    "Yes, Dear"
    "But aren't you going to at least look over it?"

    *Ignores Carmine and continues to type*


    *looks up*
    "I'm sorry, Carmine but I've got nearly a lunar cycle of backed up work to do"
    "More than half of it has to do with all the craziness that went on while I was gone"
    "Speaking of which"
    "Whats the status of our new security hires?

    "The first dozen have already begun working with more to start soon"
    "We still have several dozen other open positions that..."

    "Inform me when all of our new guards are done and initiated"
    "Whoever tried to grab you is still around here. I can feel it"
    "If I hadn't wrestled that memory device with you on it from him.."

    "Dear... about that"
    "You still haven't told me how you..."

    *She gets interrupted by the door to the office opening*
    *Rothchild rushes in, tired and out of breath*

    *Catching breath*
    "G-Give me...a m-moment"

    "Rothchild, What is it?"
    "I'm very busy"

    "You know that probe we had in that one universe?"
    "The one we almost destroyed?"
    *Makes explosion sound*


    "Don't got to"
    *walks over to the Crimson-Artist*
    *hands him a tablet*
    *Tablet plays the last video feed from the probe*

    "We got big trouble"

    "They managed to see through our stealth systems"

    "Not quite"
    "Best I can surmise is that there was an on-board system spike which caused the stealth systems to fail."
    "Sir, What do we do?"
    "looks like they've upgraded the smaller ones"
    "But that big one"
    "Sir, from the scans those ship are rocking tech that far exceeds the general technological level of that universe"
    "Tech on par with our own"
    "If we don't do something fast...the people"
    *Makes a throat slashing motion along with the sound effect*

    *Places his hand over his chin*
    "You have the probe's scans of their ships, Correct?"

    *Accesses Fabricator to transfer data*
    "Thank the Divine it managed to get the data to us"
    "Now we know what were up against"

    *Receives the data on his Fabricator*
    *looks over the data*

    "Yes, this will do quite nicely"
    *Looks up toward Rothchild*
    "That'll be all, Rothchild"
    *Goes back to work on his terminal*


    *peeks up*
    "Something else?"

    "Sir, Those are pirates flying your tech to hurt innocent people!"
    "I repeat: YOUR TECH"
    "We have to stop them"

    "And this data will prove useful in that"
    "like I said, That'll be all"
    *goes back to work*

    *shakes head*

    "Yes, Sir"
    *Walks to the door*
    *Door opens but Rothchild stops just before it and turns around*
    *looks back and opens his mouth*
    *Sees the Crimson-Artist look up and stare straight into his eyes*
    *shakes head*
    *Leaves room*

    *Carmine watches as Rothchild leaves the room*

    "Dear? Aren't you going to help those people?"

    "Yes...Eventually...I think"


    "We have our own problems to deal with"
    "As a matter of fact there's still a lot of relief efforts here that needs to be done"
    *turns his head toward the office window over looking the general plaza under repairs as if to point*
    *looks back at Carmine*

    "Lotta injured Employees and damaged Infrastructure"
    "If you want to help someone then start by helping our own"

    *looks down*
    "Yes, Dear..."
    *looks back up at the Crimson-Artist*

    *spy's Carmine staring at him*

    *looks away*
    "Oh, I was just thinking..."
    "...Its good to have you back, Dear"
    "Excuse me"
    *Disappears from the pedestal Terminal*

    -Security Feed End-[DOUBLEPOST=1411082738][/DOUBLEPOST]Crimson Corp Security Camera Footage
    Security Office, CCFD Acting HQ
    Time Stamp: 14:51 6-79-128

    *Numerous Employees run from station to station while various data specialist work on their terminals*
    *Rothchild Takes a bite out of his sandwich while conversing with a data specialist*


    Data Specialist
    "Still working on it, sir"
    "Whoever pulled this off is either hiding behind 7 or 8 proxies or..."


    Data Specialist
    *Stops typing and looks Rothchild in the eye*
    "...Has a more direct access then we think"
    *looks around at all the other employees*

    *Follows her gaze*
    *looks back at the specialist*

    "Just keep digging, He can't hide for long"

    Data Specialist
    "Yes, Sir"
    *Continues to work*

    *The door to the Security Office opens*

    *Walks toward Rothchild*

    "Rothchild, any progress?"

    "What do you think?"
    "This makes 4 times."
    "And still no clue how they can get in."
    *shakes head*
    "It just doesn't end does it?"

    "No,It doesn't"
    "But I know who's behind all of this."

    "You're thinking what happen Last Lunar Phase?"

    "Without a doubt"
    "That was not a one-off"
    "We have a Spy in our midst!"

    *Things appear to stop as various employees cease what they were doing and turn to look at the Crimson-Artist*

    *looks around*
    *steps forward to address everyone*

    "Whoever this person is, He's responsible for everything that has been happening over the last solar cycle"
    "These transmission hijacks are not a coincidence. Its a distraction."
    "This person has been working with these pirates from the beginning"
    "He's hurt and killed many of our friends and co-workers"
    "His attempt to destroy this company have failed for the moment, but he will try again"
    "It is now our job to find him, and make him pay"

    *All employees voice and nod in agreement and show expressions of determination as they go back to work*

    *Takes the last bite of his sandwich and dusts his hands off*
    "Epic as always"

    "It has to be done"
    "No one, messes with me and gets away with it!"

    *Taken a back by the statement*
    "A bit dark, but I agree"
    *his Fabricator starts to beep with an incoming call*
    *puts his index and middle fingers to his ear and answers the call*

    "Yeah hes right here in front of me"
    "Ok, ok, just calm her down we'll be there in a second"
    *Ends call*

    "Another problem?"

    "In a way. The kind you're more familiar with"
    "Come on"

    *Both Rothchild and the Crimson-Artist leave the main room and soon arrive in the detention room*
    *They walk over to Helga staring Joyce down through her cell barrier*

    *sees the Crimson-Artist walk in*
    "You're Back..."
    *comes right up to the barrier, overjoyed*
    "I knew I was right!"
    "Everyone doubted me but I knew that you were still alive!"

    *Notices Rothchild and the Crimson-Artist*
    *Salutes the Crimson-Artist*
    "Sir, Joyce thought that she heard you talking and started making a fuss about it"
    "Helga P. Fertig. Good to finally meet you"
    *shakes the Crimson-Artists hand*

    *Looks at Joyce*
    *looks back at Helga*

    "So what happened?"

    "Sir, she was..."

    "..Trying to SAVE YOU!"
    "Its all Carmine's fault!"
    "No matter what they tell you everything I did was to bring you Back!"

    " I was saying"
    "while you were gone she tried to open gates into the rift."
    "Most of her tests nearly broke the particle shields on the gates"
    "Endangering the rest of the shipyard"
    "Rothchild elected to detain her here, to keep her out of trouble"

    "But now you're back!"
    "Now you can let me outta here!"

    *Turns to Rothchild*
    "How severe was it?"

    "Well, It spooked Efrem"
    "And he doesn't scare easily"

    "I had everything under control! Whatever he told you he's ly..."
    *The audio sensors on her side gets turned off, cutting off her sentence*

    *Hand hovering over her Fabricator*

    *Stares daggers at Helga*
    *Pounds on the barrier in frustration*

    "Can she still hear us?"


    *steps toward Joyce*
    *Joyce perks up and looks at him*
    "You're Fired"

    *Joyce's expression changes quickly from hope to absolute despair*
    *Rothchild steps back in utter disbelief, gaze shifting back and forth between the Crimson-Artist and Joyce*

    *Mouths "Why?"*

    "For as long as I've known you you've always done whats asked."
    "But that doesn't mean you've tried my patience every step of the way"

    *shouts something inaudible*

    "Our present situation has become critical and I can't have 2 people running around trying to blow up this company"
    "Efram was right to be afraid"
    "You don't ever give up"
    "Unfortunately that's the most dangerous part about you"

    *Tears in her eyes*
    *Screams something inaudible*

    "Sir, that's rather harsh"
    "Sure she's a bit reckless but she's..."
    *See the Crimson-Artist give him a silencing look*
    *looks down*

    "Effective immediately you're relieved of your command of Rift Tech"
    "Efram will take over your position"
    "Joyce, It'over"

    *Completely breaks down in tears*
    *screams something repeatedly as she pounds on the barrier until she tires herself out*
    *Slumps to the ground crying her eyes out using what little strength left to pound the floor*
    *A small pool of tears begins to form under her*

    *Begins to make his way out of the room*
    *stops and turns to Rothchild*

    "I expect her gone in the morning"
    *Proceeds on his way out*

    *moves closer to Joyce to see if shes alright*
    *squats down to get a closer look*

    *walks up to Rothchild while looking at Joyce*
    "What do you think she was saying?"

    *Gets back up*
    *Turns to Helga*

    "...You're not him..."

    -Security Feed End-
    Crimson Corp Security Camera Footage
    Rift Tech Mission Control, CCFD Acting HQ
    Time Stamp: 09:41 6-92-128

    *Numerous Employees works at their stations in a large room full computers and monitors*
    *A Massive screen sits at the forefront of the room detailing an overview of all gate statuses*

    *Sits at his station over looking the room*
    *Senses something move behind him*
    *Turns quickly to see what it is*
    *Sees a patrol of guards walk past him*
    *Breaths a sign of relief*

    *Sits at her station next to Efram's*
    *notices Efram reaction*

    "Whats Wrong?"

    "Just...A little nervous"
    "All these new Guards"
    *Turns to see yet another patrol of guards walking past him*

    "Well we all almost died a few Lunar Phases ago"
    "The Crimson-Artist is just being cautious, Thats all"

    "Still, I..."
    "Never mind, Forget about it"

    "Forget about what?"
    *Suddenly Appears behind Efram*

    Efram & Juanita
    *Both get up and out of their seats to stand at a attention*

    "How are we doing?"

    "Uhh, right"
    "The last of the Construction crews were successfully sent through to the satellite Shipyard build site"
    "So far they've got the basic infrastructure up"
    "There is a bit unexpected complication with the resource transportation so for now we've set up a basic factory system and are currently salvaging materials in-universe"



    "He means that hes still overwhelmed by your decision to make him Rift Tech head and still needs some time to adjust"

    "Uh, Yeah!"
    "Thank you for that by the way"
    *slyly gives Juanita a look of relief*

    "Well don't take too long"
    "You've got some big shoes to fill"

    "Oh, Agatha"
    *Tenses up*
    *looks over his shoulder cautiously*

    "Sorry, Old habits"
    "She had her chance, Now its my time"
    *Gets hit in the arm from behind by Juanita*
    "Err... I mean"
    "I'll do my best"
    "But I'm still better than her"
    *Gets kicked in the butt from behind by Juanita*

    "Pardon me, Sir but was that necessary?"
    "All she was trying to do was save you?"
    "You of all people know what this job means to her, Right"

    "Juanita, Correct?"
    "Circumstances would't allow me to keep her here"
    "Theres too much at stake at the moment"

    "Aren't you even marginally worried about her?"
    "She once told me that she has no home to go back too."
    "That this place was her home"

    "She's very resourceful, she'll be fine"

    "But Sir, I..."

    "Besides I wouldn't worry about her"
    "We have more pressing matters"
    *Turns to Efram*
    "Has the Satellite Shipyard At least Finished Carmine's Proxy Core?"

    *Still rubbing his bottom*
    "You coulda just asked her yourself"

    *Appears at her Pedestal Terminal Besides Eframs Station*
    "The Basic system frame work have been installed, Dear"
    "More Work is needed but I have rudimentary control over the shipyards systems"

    "And your connection?"

    "Well, MF-747666 is a rather large Omniverse hub."
    "I'm still not use to bouncing off G-Plus Comm buoys"
    "They can get very congested but my connection to the Satellite Shipyards is holding"
    "I've even manage to broadcast your last few feeds"
    "They have been well received"

    *Turns to Efram*
    "If Carmine needs anything, I expect you to get it to her"


    "Of course"

    "As you were"
    *Walks off*

    *Sees the Crimson-Artist walk off*
    *Folds his arms*
    *Turns to Carmine*

    "Geez, was he always this creepy?
    "showing up outta nowhere and demanding reports?"

    *Looks away*
    "...I'm just glad hes back"

    "...Thank you for avoiding my question"
    "Ok, back to being "better-than-Joyce"
    *Sits in his chair at his station*
    *Receives a message from Engineering on his Fabricator*
    *Reads the Message*
    *Rolls his eyes*

    "Oh, Boy"
    "Carmine, I'm gonna need some help"
    "Monty needs to know how Rift Shifter Tech works again"
    "He having trouble modding our thruster systems with it"

    "I'll try my best to go slow this time"

    *looks aside as if in thought*
    "Before you do that May I ask a favor?"

    "Yes, Juanita?"

    "What would make the Crimson-Artist Happy?"

    -Security Feed End-
    Crimson Corp Security Camera Footage
    Crimson-Artist's Office, CCFD Acting HQ
    Time Stamp: 06:29 7-09-128

    *The Crimson-Artist stands working at a Build Terminal near the Center of the spacious room*
    *A large holographic pedestal lay just behind the Build Terminal displaying an massive ship*
    *Just outside the office window overlooking the darkened shipyard, out in the distance a massive structure is being constructed in the very same shape as what is displayed on the holographic pedestal*

    *Works diligently*
    *pauses to inspect the design*

    *Goes back to work*

    *The hologram fizzles and suddenly disappears*

    *Appears in place of the Hologram*
    "Dear, What are you doing up this early?"

    *Stops working and looks up*
    "Didn't think you were up"

    "You know I don't Sleep"
    *Looks outside*
    "Is that...?"

    *Looks outside as well*
    "The Giganaut"

    *Turns back to the Crimson-Artist*
    "You haven't worked on it in more than half a Solar Cycle"
    "Why now?"

    "Things are becoming hectic here"
    "The omniverse needs to be reminded that we aren't going anywhere"
    "That Crimson Corp is still a force to be reckoned with"
    "What better way to say that than with my baby?"
    "Besides, I had a few ideas I wanted to try out"

    "Dear, If I may"
    "You've been acting very strange lately"
    "You never before cared what others thought about you"
    "Why all of a sudden?"

    *Gives Carmine a blank stare*
    *walks away from the Build Terminal*
    *Steps up to the office window and stares out at the Massive ship*

    "Rumors and lies"
    "You've seen the News Feeds"
    "The Trading Guild dropping us"
    "People burning our Logo and scrapping our ships"
    "All the resignation letters I've received in the last few Lunar phases"
    "The media doesn't care what my side of the story is"
    "They only see the aftermath of some big corporate stunt and go crazy"
    "They'll spin it in whatever way they see fit"
    "Our own people are being shamed for putting on this uniform"
    *Shakes head*
    "I wasn't here for all this"
    "How could this have happened?"
    *Looks back at Carmine*
    "The company that I built in nigh RUIN?!"


    *Looks out the Window once more*
    "That Spy is still here, Skulking around"
    "Some one with deep access to all our security measures and files"
    "Rothchild is trying but I doubt he'll find him before something else happens"
    *Peaks back to see Carmine extremely nervous and anxious*
    "And all I can do is build ships"
    "Its all I've ever been good at"
    "And its what keeps this company afloat"
    *Puts his hands on his hips*
    "So I'll build a ship so great it'll silence all the naysayers and bring whats left of this company back from the brink"
    *Turns around to face Carmine and holds his hands behind his back*
    "Without me, This company would die"
    "Both Financially and literally"
    "Isn't that right?"

    *Trying to hold back tears*

    *Suddenly a knock at the office door draws both of their attentions*
    *Carmine Disappears*

    "Are you awake?"
    "I heard your voice"
    "May I come in?"

    "Depends on whose asking"

    "It's me, sir"
    "I was hoping we could discuss something"

    "I'm Very busy"

    "I'm sure, but It'll just be a moment"
    "I promise"
    "Besides I have something for you"
    "Something I know you'll love"

    *Walks away from the window and toward the center of the room*
    "Come on in"

    *Enters the room holding a tray with a large pot of piping hot liquid and two mugs*
    "I'm sorry, sir for it being so early but I really would like to ask of you something"
    "I even brought you your favorite"
    "A fresh pot of the Armekian Coffee"

    *motions her toward a lounge off to the side of the room*

    *Places the tray on the little table between two seats*
    *sits down across from the Crimson-Artist*
    *Grabs a mug and the pot and starts to pour some coffee*

    *sits back relaxed*

    "So whats this all about?"

    *Stops right before a drop of coffee enters the mug*
    "Well, Sir"
    *Puts down both the mug and the coffee*
    "First, I'd like to thank you for promoting my brother, Efram to Rift Tech Director"
    "I'm sure he'll exceed your expectations"
    "But more to the point"
    "Its about your recent..."
    "...Termination of Joyce"
    "I'd like you to reconsider"

    *Tilts head*

    *Taken a back*
    "She's been here nearly as long as this station existed and has been able to take this company very far with her talents"

    "Talents imply inherent abilities"
    "I taught her everything she knows"

    "My point is that she didn't deserve to be fired"
    "I mean sure shes done things that would've gotten her fired from some other companies or landed her in prison"
    "But you of all people know how she really is"
    "She's spoken of how she first met you"

    *Leans forward*
    "Did she also tell you how much a pain in the butt it was at the time to assure the authorities that reality wasn't going to collapse in on itself cuz of her little exhibition?"

    "...was privy to such details"
    "But regardless shes been my only friend since we met in college and after you asked her to come work for you she's never been happier"
    "And I didn't even think that was possible"

    *Rests his head on his hand while leaning on the arm rest*
    "Look I know that you're BFF and all with her but my decision is final"
    "Joyce is not coming back"

    "But, sir"
    "She was the only one who tried to bring you back when none of us thought it possible"
    "That has to count for something"

    "And yet I found my own way back"
    "Whats your point?"

    "Speaking of which how did..."

    "Look I'm working on a very important project right now"
    *Gets up*
    "I'm sorry but theres already enough trouble going on without Joyce complicating things"
    *Shakes his head*
    "Its a No"
    *Walks toward the Build Terminal*
    "You're dismissed"
    *Access the terminal and begins working*

    *Trys to reach out to the Crimson-Artist but stops*
    *Glances aside as if in thought*
    *Grabs a mug and prepares a cup of coffee*
    *Gets up and walks toward the Crimson-Artist with cup in hand*

    "Do you remember QP-009874"

    *Looks up*
    *Goes back to work*
    "I've been to a lot of universes"

    "Well you put it on the Omniverse map"
    "'The Mother load' is what people tend to call it"
    "The biggest resource hot spot any universe has ever seen"
    "More Crystal, ore and Asteroid Matter come from that place than 3 other universes combined"
    "It's also my home"

    *Looks up*
    *Raises an eyebrow*

    "My parents still live there"
    *Grabs the amulet around her neck*
    "My Father just recently bought my Mother her own private Yacht"
    "They plan on jumping from one universe to another touring the omniverse for the next few Lunar Cycles"
    "But, it wasn't always that way"
    *walks past the Crimson-Artist and toward the office window*
    "When I was a little girl QP-009874 was just a back water universe at the edge of the nowhere"
    "At the time I didn't even know there were other universes out there"
    "My home world was engulfed in endless war"
    "For nearly an entire Cluster Cycle my people fought their planetary neighbors over the most paltry of things"
    "Eventually the fighting reached a point where nearly all of known space was involved"
    "Throughout all of this there was poverty on an unimaginable scale"
    "While Technological Advancement started running low Immorality began to run high"
    "People were dropping from starvation and hideous acts were justified with deprivation"
    "Its only through the power of the Divine that my Family held together as long as it did"
    *Turns toward the Crimson-Artist*
    "But then you showed up"

    *Gives her a blank stare*

    "You came looking for new resource deposits and found our corner of space"
    "I heard that wherever you went you were attacked"
    "They probably Thought you're one of the enemy"

    "No one bests my ships"

    "I know"
    *walks closer to him*
    "When you made it clear that you had more power than any one faction had they all were very willing to listen to what you had to say"
    "Boy were they surprised when you told them that not only were you not looking for a fight but the very ground that every one walked was chalked full of valuable untapped resources"
    "Most of the tech at the time was developed eons ago and made with resources that now seems primitive compared to those pretty gemstones we dug up and wore for looks"
    "That Trans-Factional Trade Deal that you brokered saved untold lives"
    "The idiotic warring factions suddenly had better things to do than blow each other up"
    "Namely getting rich mining minerals for out worlders"
    *Turns to the Crimson-Artist*
    "I must thank you"
    "My folks got into the refining and production of Varis and Rammet goods"
    "Seemingly over night we went from having to share a single meal to having enough to buy three course meals for ten families"
    "My Home world now stands as an Economic Powerhouse, Freedom and prosperity reign when just 15 Solar Cycles prior we were veritable cave men hitting each other with clubs over scraps of meat"
    *Presents the Cup of Coffee to the Crimson-Artist*
    "Joyce always spoke highly of you and she was right to do so"
    "Back then I preyed daily for the Divine to deliver us, and I believe that he sent you"
    "You truly are a good soul, Sir"
    "No matter what anyone says"

    *Turns away*
    "The Divine wouldn't know a good soul from the heartless warmongers that cause all of that"


    *Walks off in thought*
    "Yes, I remember now"
    "Best investment ever "
    "Made a cool Billion credits off a few scared rubes who've never seen an Anti-Matter Cannon before"


    "Look, I know its hard to believe but running an Inter dimensional corporation requires a lot capital"
    "A lot of ships being sold"
    "Hull plating and computer circuits don't pop out of thin air"
    "I mean I could've just left you alone and sucked up the other planets in that universe"
    "But your system just so happen to be populated with the densest rocks of Star ship grade minerals out there"
    "I wasn't going to pass that up"
    "Nothing personal but I needed those minerals more than you needed to eat"
    "The fact that you could was an unintended side effect"
    "Fortunately it was a rare WIN-WIN deal"

    "So It was always about the company?"
    *Grips her Amulet tightly*

    " said..."

    *Sees that she is holding her amulet*
    *Walks directly up to her*
    *Stares down into her eyes*
    *Juanita seemingly shrinking in his presence*

    "What I say doesn't amount to much"
    "Its what I DO that does"
    "The Divine, if hes as almighty as you think should've stop all of that himself"
    "But NO"
    "I came along and through my own beneficence ended your suffering"
    "Now the way I see it If you want some one to worship by all means you should get down and start bowing"
    *points to the ground*
    "The Divine, has nothing on Me!"

    *Drops the cup of coffee*
    *The mug shatters into a thousand pieces on the ground*
    *Mouth wide open and jaw as low as it could be*
    *Rendered completely speechless and is shaking uncontrollably*
    *Begins to Hyperventilate*
    *looks away*

    "I-I-I gotta go"
    *Rushes to door*
    *Takes one last look then exiting out the door*

    *Outside Juanita rushes to the elevator*

    *Jams furiously on the call button*
    *Paces the floor waiting showing signs of stress, anxiety, and anger*
    *Elevator Arrives*
    *Enters the elevator as quickly as the doors open*
    *Continues to Hyperventilate*
    *Looks down at the amulet around her neck*
    *Grabs it and yanks it off*
    *Furiously throws it on the ground outside of the elevator door*
    *As the Elevator door closes she buries her face in her hands*

    *Back inside the office the Crimson-Artist walks back to the build Terminal*

    *Reappears at the Holographic pedestal*

    "Carmine, Please clean up this mess"
    "I have a lot of work to do"
    *Accesses the Build Terminal and starts working*

    *Looks down*
    *Closes her eyes*
    "Y-Yes, Dear"

    -Security Feed End-

    Thanks you all in advance for providing such a wonderful community for me to be a part of. And special thanks to Crimson Artist for making such a wonderful story.
    Last edited:


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    Good job! it would help the readers if it were as close to the original as possible. namely color coding. To do that highlight a text and select the the A with an underline on your tool bar. From thee you can select a color. It would actually be extremely helpful if the copy/paste feature on this site remembered exact color,text size, and underlines
    Apr 28, 2014
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    it may have but apparently you can't have more than 10000 characters in the first post of the thread or any reply so i have to drop my whole post into word and then throw the stuff in on feed at a time so it may have been screwed up by that i have to go finish up my homework now but ill slowly get all the color coding back onto it, something that would be extremely helpful is if you can compile a list of all the characters and their colors for me, if not ill meander through the post and slowly color code it

    Reilly Reese

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    Maybe quotes can bypass the restriction?


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    i'll try to make you a guide on the color codes for characters since there really isn't a name for the colors here

    Reilly Reese

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    Awwww my scroll bar is so cute and tiny! Ain't it just adorable?
    Apr 28, 2014
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    thanks crimson that will help tremendously with color coding it
    Apr 28, 2014
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    Crimson Corp Security Camera Footage
    Engineering Hanger F-07, CCFD Acting HQ
    Time Stamp: 08: 59 7-10-128

    *The Hanger is a buzz with Engineers working diligently on numerous ships*
    *The Personnel entrance to the hanger opens*
    *Numerous Engineers flood through the door and slog their way to the punch clock*

    *Sits in the cockpit of a ship working on the ship's system coding*
    *Looks up and sees the group of engineers*
    *Gets out of the ship*

    “You ninnies 're late!”
    *Shakes his fist at the group*

    *The group ignores him as they all slowly punch in*

    “You and yur slacker friends get too work now!”
    “This is the 3rd time this lunar phase!”

    *A collective groan*

    “A'h mean it!”
    “Or ah swear on me mum I'll doo more too yah then fire'yah!”

    *wave off as they walk away*

    “Lazy sods...”
    *Starts to head back into the ship when he sees another pair of figures enter the hanger*

    *The Crimson-Artist walks into the hanger with a larger and burlier man in tow*

    “There he is!”
    *Jumps down and walks toward them*

    “Good tah see yah, Sir”
    “A'h wasn't expect'n you”
    *Winds up for a high five*

    “Likewise, old friend”
    *Presents his hand for a hand shake*

    *Grabs it and shakes*

    “Tah next set uv refits is ready”
    *Looks aside to see completed ships rolling off the assembly line*
    *Puts his hands on his waist*

    “Those late'tis improvements were quite dandy”
    “some uv the logic got a bit tricky but tah boys 'ere are fast learners”
    *Looks off to see several engineers working on the logic implementation*
    “We'll have anod'er set ready come th' morn'in”
    “ooo Efram is go'n tah have a hard tyme push'un all these out”

    *Follows Montague’s gaze*
    “Efram doesn't have to worry about that”
    “Ever again”

    *Snaps his head back toward the Crimson-Artist in confusion*

    “Efram walked out today”
    *Breaths Deep*
    “Along with his sister”


    “It seems he couldn't handle the pressure and the responsibilities of being the head of something”
    “Apparently he also convinced his sister to follow him out”
    “I would've picked her to replace him”
    *Shakes his head*
    “I had such high hopes for them”

    “Whose run'in Rift Tech?”

    *Turns to look at Montague*
    “For the time being I'll take over”
    “It only makes sense”
    “I've traveled the Omniverse long before either Efram or Joyce were in this game”
    “Its better this way”

    *Looks down*
    *Slowly nods his head*

    “Its fur the best...”
    “I guess”
    *Looks up to see the Large man that accompanied the Crimson-Artist off by one of the unfinished ships, working on a terminal hooked up in to the ship's systems*
    “Wat are you do'in?”
    *Rushes over to the man*
    *Pushes the man out of the way of terminal*
    *Checks the screen to see if there anything wrong*
    *Steps back in confusion*
    *Looks back at the man*

    *Folds arms*
    “Yur Job, apparently”

    *Looks back at the terminal*
    “Shields, Reactor output...”
    *looks more closely*
    *Looks back at the man*

    *Walks up to the both of them*

    “Looks like Manson has already proven his worth”

    *Gaze shifts between Manson and the Crimson-Artist in confusion*

    “I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce you”
    “This is Manson”
    “He is our newest hire”


    “He'll be the Assistant Chief of Engineering”
    “Running all factory floor operations in your absence”
    “In short”
    “Your seconded”

    *Pulls the Crimson-Artist aside*
    *Turns back to Manson*

    “Touch noth'in!”

    *Arms still folded*

    *Turns back to the Crimson-Artist*
    “A'h don't need a Seconded”
    “Engineering is fine”
    “Ah still got enoof uv th' boys too handle anyting you need”
    “Its every where else th'at needs th' help”

    “I understand”
    “I gotta deal with it every cycle”
    “But I hired Manson for a very important reason”

    *Raises an eyebrow*

    “I'll be moving a lot of production over to our new Satellite Shipyards”
    “And I want you to oversee it”


    “You've been here longer than anyone else”
    “You've gone above and beyond whats been asked and I thank you”
    *Turns around and walks off a bit*
    “The Satellite Shipyard is slowly looking like our last resort”
    “MF-747666 is a huge Market”
    “Some of the Biggest players in the business have proxy headquarters there”
    “Sioux Fleetworks, Sky Corp, the EFSF”
    “Don't forget the Mushroom Fleet”
    “And countless other Omniverse Shipyards”
    “If we can get a solid foot hold than this company can still be saved”
    *Turns around*
    “I need some one who I can rely on to oversee the construction of both the station and our ships there”
    “I know you got a crash course in Management when I was gone”
    *Runs hands through his hair*
    “I can't tell you the amount of headaches I been having just trying to get the sector rights”
    “Add that to the trouble we've been having here and you see my problem”
    *Walks beside Montague*
    “That’s why I need you, old friend”
    *Puts his hand on Montague's Shoulder*
    “I was about to ask that you help acclimate Manson here to working in Engineering”
    “But it seems that hes already gotten the hang of things”

    *Off in the distance Manson wrestles some tools from an Engineer and starts working on a ship while lecturing the Engineer*

    “Well, Old Buddy?”
    “What do yah say?”
    *Presents his hand*
    “Ready to save this company?”

    *looks around in thought*
    “A'hm Honored”
    “Th'ats fur true”
    *looks up to see the Crimson-Artist giving a look of disappointment*
    “...I'll get mah things ready”
    *Grabs and shakes the Crimson-Artist's hand*

    “I'll have the Rift gate ready as soon as you're all packed up”
    *Walks off toward Manson*

    *Watches the Crimson-Artist walk off*
    *Puts his hands on his waist and looks down*

    *Another Engineer looks up from his Fabricator to see Montague's disposition and walks over to him*

    “Yo, Monty?”
    “Whats good?

    *Looks toward the Crimson-Artist*

    *Follows his gaze*
    *Sees the Crimson-Artist finish talking with Manson while someone wearing a security uniform walk up to him*

    *Helga salutes the Crimson-Artist then hands him a Tablet*
    *The Crimson-Artist looks at the Tablet then nods*
    *Both of them leave together*

    *Turns back to Montague*
    “What did he want?”
    *looks more intently at Monatgue's face*
    “What Happen?”

    *Looks at Manson working*
    “I just got demoted”

    -Security Feed End-
    [DOUBLEPOST=1412440442,1412439606][/DOUBLEPOST]im still working on the color coding but i got everything spoilered now[DOUBLEPOST=1412440813][/DOUBLEPOST]@Crimson-Artist how am i doing?
    Last edited:


    Wiki Administrator
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    Crimson Corp Security Camera Footage
    Engineering Hanger F-07, CCFD Acting HQ
    Time Stamp: 08: 59 7-10-128

    *The Hanger is a buzz with Engineers working diligently on numerous ships*
    *The Personnel entrance to the hanger opens*
    *Numerous Engineers flood through the door and slog their way to the punch clock*

    *Sits in the cockpit of a ship working on the ship's system coding*
    *Looks up and sees the group of engineers*
    *Gets out of the ship*

    “You ninnies 're late!”
    *Shakes his fist at the group*

    *The group ignores him as they all slowly punch in*

    “You and yur slacker friends get too work now!”
    “This is the 3rd time this lunar phase!”

    *A collective groan*

    “A'h mean it!”
    “Or ah swear on me mum I'll doo more too yah then fire'yah!”

    *wave off as they walk away*

    “Lazy sods...”
    *Starts to head back into the ship when he sees another pair of figures enter the hanger*

    *The Crimson-Artist walks into the hanger with a larger and burlier man in tow*

    “There he is!”
    *Jumps down and walks toward them*

    “Good tah see yah, Sir”
    “A'h wasn't expect'n you”
    *Winds up for a high five*

    “Likewise, old friend”
    *Presents his hand for a hand shake*

    *Grabs it and shakes*

    “Tah next set uv refits is ready”
    *Looks aside to see completed ships rolling off the assembly line*
    *Puts his hands on his waist*

    “Those late'tis improvements were quite dandy”
    “some uv the logic got a bit tricky but tah boys 'ere are fast learners”
    *Looks off to see several engineers working on the logic implementation*
    “We'll have anod'er set ready come th' morn'in”
    “ooo Efram is go'n tah have a hard tyme push'un all these out”

    *Follows Montague’s gaze*
    “Efram doesn't have to worry about that”
    “Ever again”

    *Snaps his head back toward the Crimson-Artist in confusion*

    “Efram walked out today”
    *Breaths Deep*
    “Along with his sister”


    “It seems he couldn't handle the pressure and the responsibilities of being the head of something”
    “Apparently he also convinced his sister to follow him out”
    “I would've picked her to replace him”
    *Shakes his head*
    “I had such high hopes for them”

    “Whose run'in Rift Tech?”

    *Turns to look at Montague*
    “For the time being I'll take over”
    “It only makes sense”
    “I've traveled the Omniverse long before either Efram or Joyce were in this game”
    “Its better this way”

    *Looks down*
    *Slowly nods his head*

    “Its fur the best...”
    “I guess”
    *Looks up to see the Large man that accompanied the Crimson-Artist off by one of the unfinished ships, working on a terminal hooked up in to the ship's systems*
    “Wat are you do'in?”
    *Rushes over to the man*
    *Pushes the man out of the way of terminal*
    *Checks the screen to see if there anything wrong*
    *Steps back in confusion*
    *Looks back at the man*

    *Folds arms*
    “Yur Job, apparently”

    *Looks back at the terminal*
    “Shields, Reactor output...”
    *looks more closely*
    *Looks back at the man*

    *Walks up to the both of them*

    “Looks like Manson has already proven his worth”

    *Gaze shifts between Manson and the Crimson-Artist in confusion*

    “I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce you”
    “This is Manson”
    “He is our newest hire”


    “He'll be the Assistant Chief of Engineering”
    “Running all factory floor operations in your absence”
    “In short”
    “Your seconded”

    *Pulls the Crimson-Artist aside*
    *Turns back to Manson*

    “Touch noth'in!”

    *Arms still folded*

    *Turns back to the Crimson-Artist*
    “A'h don't need a Seconded”
    “Engineering is fine”
    “Ah still got enoof uv th' boys too handle anyting you need”
    “Its every where else th'at needs th' help”

    “I understand”
    “I gotta deal with it every cycle”
    “But I hired Manson for a very important reason”

    *Raises an eyebrow*

    “I'll be moving a lot of production over to our new Satellite Shipyards”
    “And I want you to oversee it”


    “You've been here longer than anyone else”
    “You've gone above and beyond whats been asked and I thank you”
    *Turns around and walks off a bit*
    “The Satellite Shipyard is slowly looking like our last resort”
    “MF-747666 is a huge Market”
    “Some of the Biggest players in the business have proxy headquarters there”
    “Sioux Fleetworks, Sky Corp, the EFSF”
    “Don't forget the Mushroom Fleet”
    “And countless other Omniverse Shipyards”
    “If we can get a solid foot hold than this company can still be saved”
    *Turns around*
    “I need some one who I can rely on to oversee the construction of both the station and our ships there”
    “I know you got a crash course in Management when I was gone”
    *Runs hands through his hair*
    “I can't tell you the amount of headaches I been having just trying to get the sector rights”
    “Add that to the trouble we've been having here and you see my problem”
    *Walks beside Montague*
    “That’s why I need you, old friend”
    *Puts his hand on Montague's Shoulder*
    “I was about to ask that you help acclimate Manson here to working in Engineering”
    “But it seems that hes already gotten the hang of things”

    *Off in the distance Manson wrestles some tools from an Engineer and starts working on a ship while lecturing the Engineer*

    “Well, Old Buddy?”
    “What do yah say?”
    *Presents his hand*
    “Ready to save this company?”

    *looks around in thought*
    “A'hm Honored”
    “Th'ats fur true”
    *looks up to see the Crimson-Artist giving a look of disappointment*
    “...I'll get mah things ready”
    *Grabs and shakes the Crimson-Artist's hand*

    “I'll have the Rift gate ready as soon as you're all packed up”
    *Walks off toward Manson*

    *Watches the Crimson-Artist walk off*
    *Puts his hands on his waist and looks down*

    *Another Engineer looks up from his Fabricator to see Montague's disposition and walks over to him*

    “Yo, Monty?”
    “Whats good?

    *Looks toward the Crimson-Artist*

    *Follows his gaze*
    *Sees the Crimson-Artist finish talking with Manson while someone wearing a security uniform walk up to him*

    *Helga salutes the Crimson-Artist then hands him a Tablet*
    *The Crimson-Artist looks at the Tablet then nods*
    *Both of them leave together*

    *Turns back to Montague*
    “What did he want?”
    *looks more intently at Monatgue's face*
    “What Happen?”

    *Looks at Manson working*
    “I just got demoted”

    -Security Feed End-
    [DOUBLEPOST=1412440442,1412439606][/DOUBLEPOST]im still working on the color coding but i got everything spoilered now[DOUBLEPOST=1412440813][/DOUBLEPOST]@Crimson-Artist how am i doing?
    so far so good! keep up the great work

    has it really been 15 campaign posts? wow i didn't realize how long I've been doing this. either way things about to get pretty serious soon
    Apr 28, 2014
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    thanks for the heads up
    btw ill hopefully get several more of the sections color coded
    also if you want can you put a link to this page on your page so that people know they can come here to see all the rp in one place?


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    thanks for the heads up
    btw ill hopefully get several more of the sections color coded
    also if you want can you put a link to this page on your page so that people know they can come here to see all the rp in one place?

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
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    You ought to reference NEF (New Eden Fleetworks) next time :P

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
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    In the last one he referenced Sky Corp (tenk11kamikaza ) and two other shipyards