Players and stations should both have their own crews. These crew members have a variety of functions, though not all crew members should have all functions
- Repair blocks
- Manage systems
- Defeat intruders
- rest/patrol/guard
- do activities. to make the ship feel 'alive' (eat lunch)
-follow the player when asked
- be sent to other locations when asked (planet surface, ship, enemy station...
- mine resources
Some members might flee when in battle, others might rush to battle. Some could fly or walk on walls, some could be big or small. Some could require respiration (Air, or maybe some other gas or liquid) Some might have special abilities or special requirements.
- Repair blocks
- Manage systems
- Defeat intruders
- rest/patrol/guard
- do activities. to make the ship feel 'alive' (eat lunch)
-follow the player when asked
- be sent to other locations when asked (planet surface, ship, enemy station...
- mine resources
Some members might flee when in battle, others might rush to battle. Some could fly or walk on walls, some could be big or small. Some could require respiration (Air, or maybe some other gas or liquid) Some might have special abilities or special requirements.