Craft Upgraded Blocks with Cubatoms


    Wiki Administrator
    Sep 10, 2013
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    i love the cubatom system but it needs some refining. currently its a little confused with what its trying to be. its purpose kind of overlaps with manufacturing but it has so much potential. since the system is suppose to be like atom splitting/splicing i thought that it should be used as kind of the R&D part of manufacturing.

    Cubatom Combinations can change stats of blocks they make

    With the current system all u need to do to make a block is combine two cubatoms with the required traits. Theres a ton of cubatoms with different traits that go unused so why not make them matter. Depending on the block combining cubatoms with additional traits should affect the blocks stats. Increased attack power for weapons higher armor rating for hulls faster recharge on shields/generators.

    Upgraded Blocks have Unique Prefixes

    Each upgraded block type that's made should have a unique name to suggest what is different about it.

    • All Blocks will have Sturdy for increased HP and Reinforced for increased Armor Rating
    • weapons will have Charged for increased Damage, Sniper for increased Range, Gatling for increased Rate of fire, Laser for increased Projectile Velocity, and Bursting for increased Blast radius, and Piercing for Increased chance to ignore shields
    • Generators with have High-Yield for increased Capacity, Energized for increased Recharge Rate
    • Shields will have Repulsing for Increased Damage Absorption, High-Yield for increased Capacity, Energized for increased Recharge Rate?
    • Salvage Beams will have Efficient for increased Mining Speed, Prospector for Increased Chance to gain additional blocks
    • Factories/Enhancers will have Overclocked for increased Prodcution Speed, Efficient for decreased Resource Usage, Power-Saver for decreased Energy Usage
    • Docking Ports/Enhancers will have Wide-Load for increased Docking space

    Each Upgraded Block type can only have one upgraded stat to encourage experimentation and strategy.

    Upgrade recipes randomized per Universe

    Because of the incredibly powerful blocks that can be crated the cubatom combinations that result in these upgraded blocks should be randomized so players are force to experiment. Although they should follow a set guidelines so its not a complete toss of the dice.

    Mass Production for Upgraded Blocks

    These upgraded blocks should also be able to be made into blueprints so you can mass produce them once you've found out the cubatom recpie.