Couple of things from a server admin perspective.

    May 7, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Few things would make life easier right now,

    • Maximum character length of names needs to be much shorter (someone joined with a name about 200 characters long today)
    • /ban_id /kick etc need to work without putting in the entire name with the exact correct capitalisation.
    • If we had a remote console that gave a little more feedback and a few more remote server options it would be a lot easier to keep servers up and diagnose what is causing some of the crashes/lockups.
    • We could really use an option to edit what players are allowed to import in terms of size, cost etc. I keep seeing large ships that cost 0 credits show up in our catalog.
    • AI management is quite difficult at the moment, pirates often stop spawning naturally, An option to populate multiple sectors (perhaps just active sectors) with pirates would be useful.
    • God mode cause I don't like getting shot at :D
    Jun 19, 2013
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    I totally agree with this being a server owner myself but i want to know how people are getting these giant warships to cost nothing because i tried to look into the ship blueprint files myself and i could only get it into hex i think its called? but eitherway its confusing
    Jun 20, 2013
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    From running a server as well. I\'d like to see them add some more options for importing ships. People are starting to grief servers with massive ships they download from these forums and spawn 20 of them in 2 2 2.

    Give us owners a way to fight against that. At this point in time I want to turn off blueprints all together but I know the players would not be very happy.

    An option to disabled local upload would be nice, that way they could still save the built ships in the server but couldn\'t bring in any ships from the local computer they may have downloaded.

    Also colored chat for the admins so they may be seen over the others if they need to say something important.
    Apr 21, 2013
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    1) YES

    2) YES

    3) YES

    4) They cost 0 credits? that\'s a bug. Report in the bugs sub-forum

    5) Pirates /do/ spawn naturally, issue is that they spawn (at least the SIM pirates do) at a fixed rate no matter how much of space is explored. As for normal mobs, this is true. I would hope that schema plans on bringing back the old method of having unloaded sectors have pirates in them.

    6) I\'m not sure how i feel about a god mode. Admins already have a ridiculous amount of power at their fingertips.
    Dec 30, 2012
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    3) That already exists, it\'s called StarMote, also there are some options through SSH for hosting companies services that allow it.