Cosmic Pantheon. . . Roleplay, Active Staff, TeamSpeak, Custom Pirates

    Dec 6, 2014
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    The Cosmic Pantheon is a Roleplay-centric server that focuses on player interaction. We encourage players to strike out and be the best they can. Many Factions have diplomatic interactions with one another. Some factions wage all out war on one-another. Some factions simply strive to catalog and help others. Some Astronauts venture out alone, seizing the Universe and taking it for all it's worth!

    With an active and maintained website, TeamSpeak Server and Staff, The Cosmic Pantheon is more than just another server. We garner a relationship between our players, making them feel more than just some strangers who play a game together. Friends in the Pantheon are friends indeed. Enemies are wary of one another, trade partners concern themselves with the advantages gained by one another and families are forged.

    The Staff have crafted a unique and challenging set of enemies in the Pirates, and even the Trade Guild Fleets. While we recognize that not all players are interested in advanced combat against an intelligent and cunning enemy, we offer this up to all players in the Pantheon. To satiate the curiosities and combat tastes of newer, more inexperienced warriors, we have two (and maybe more to come) standard, default Pirate stations in the Home Galaxy. Isanths provide good practice, but are meager for rewards. For those who consider themselves among the most powerful, we often have Boss Enemies spawned into the Galaxy. These are enemies that require tactical and coordinated assaults to vanquish, but the rewards for destroying, exploring and ultimately salvaging these behemoths are beyond reckoning.

    There are constantly, almost weekly events that are held by the Staff, and even some hosted by Factions within the Pantheon. These range from design competitions to Arena-style combat. Some are voted by players, others judged by Staff and some are simply last man standing. Rules are determined and posted on our forums. Oft-times registration or even participation will be required to take place on the forums as well. Regardless the event, the outcome is always the same: Reward and Fun!

    We have an intricate Donator Shop with rewarding payouts. Helping us reach our server goals benefits all players as we strive to upgrade our system. Currently we run on a nicely sized server, with 11 Gigs of RAM and 4 Dedicated Cores, but we strive for a stronger, more powerful Server. We also offer awards for accomplishments gained within the Game and on the Forums. We also currently require Starmade Registry login. This keeps our Staff and Server safe from potential and would-be terrorists!

    So, hop in the Galaxy, join us in TeamSpeak, chat with us in the Forums or say hey right here! We look forward to growing together. Who will you be among those of the Galactic Pantheon?

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    Mar 22, 2015
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    Well, I am pretty new to the server, having only been playing a little under a month, now. Despite this, I have been able to interact with some of the most fun, interesting and roleplaying individuals since I started playing Starmade. I've roamed from server to server, played large servers, small ones and even some foreign ones. I have stayed with the Cosmic Pantheon for the RP and the fun.

    I enjoy the server so much that I've taken to donating so we can move on up in the world! I look forward to meeting a lot of new people!

    Capitalization courtesy of 2x Surge sodas!
    Jan 20, 2015
    Reaction score
    I love this server. Its fast paced, challenging and fair.

    The server wide build challenges, fight events, and contests keep it interesting. Good teamspeak people and always people online.
    Mar 22, 2015
    Reaction score
    I have been with this server a long time now: about a week or so after it was created some months ago. Prior to joining, I had never played this game before, so I had a lot to learn! I recommend Teamspeak3 for learning this game (along with some serious study of instructional videos). The Faction I am in requires members to join Teamspeak3 because it is difficult to coordinate a decent attack or defense without Teamspeak3 (piloting a ship in combat is not conducive to typing in faction server chat). However, if you don't use Teamspeak3, some factions do not use it at all, so you can fit in either way.

    The admin-sponsored contests are really fun and provide opportunities to win cool prizes! Contests and winners are announced on this website, so it is good to keep checking the site frequently. Those who want credits, ships, stations, etc., can donate, too, and you can pick from such a wide variety of packages that it makes shopping for donator packages fun! Our website is visually appealing and filled with useful content. Best of all, it provides a way for factions to have private forums in order to make announcements and to share information with faction members. As Conyers has mentioned in his post, we have faction raids/attacks, as well as earnest diplomatic conferences for purposes of trading and cementing alliances. Teamspeak3 can add to the element of trust in making alliances, speaking from experience. RP can be expressed in Role-playing Sections of the Forums, where one can post a description of one's RP character, or perhaps write passages expressing activities on the server from an RP perspective.

    Our server has a lot of experienced players using advanced ship technology. As Conyers pointed out, the Pirates are tough to beat, but that is because our players are up to the challenge. Our server can be a formidable environment, especially if you are new to this game. Joining a faction is your best bet when you first join, unless you are so experienced at this game that you don't need that kind of help. Find a faction that suits you: some have strict requirements, but some are more laid back and will welcome just about anyone. Or make your own as soon as you make your first ship to protect it until you can decide what direction you want to take on our server.

    We have a really excellent, helpful Admin and an experienced Server Owner (I know this for a fact because I have seen him in action in this role for many years), both of whom are fair and attentive to players requests and concerns. Yet they are also strong enough to not put up with too much nonsense from players, too, and they will take immediate action to address major server issues. I have seen Bad Admins before, and I attest to the general public that this is a Server with Top Notch Administration.
    Dec 6, 2014
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    Server update is complete!

    We now have a COMPLETELY dedicated machine! 8 physical cores, 16 Gigs RAM, starting, SSD to reduce RAM and CPU requirements and full, complete control! We have moved from a Managed StarMade server host to an unmanaged dedicated host. This means that staff will have full control over all aspects of the server and on top of it all, we aren't sharing resources with other servers!

    Hope to see everyone back in the Cosmic Pantheon!
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