corners are too limited

    Sep 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    say you have a large flat surface on the top or bottom of your ship. you place a 3x3 of blocks on top. now you want to have it slope up instead of having such sharp angles. no problem, place wedges on the sides and corners on the corners. it works fine and makes a seamless transition. now try to do the same thing on the side of a ship. you place your 3x3, add the wedges, and... the corners won't orient? that's right, the corners won't orient.

    they are set up to only work on the top or bottom, using only 8 of the possible 24 orientations. so that nice aerodynamic cockpit has weird notches in it, that airlock has weird notches in it. everything has notches in it. it is very annoying. please fix this.
    Sep 9, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 3
    FALSE: There\'s only 16 possible, not 24. And yes, it\'s frustrating to not have those other 8 :(. (See Edit)

    Edit: I\'m an idiot. 8 per X/Y/Z. - We have the 8 for up\'n down. (left/right forwards/back missing)

    P.S. Strikethrough doesn\'t work here? :/