Controlled power output by player

    Feb 14, 2016
    Reaction score
    I've said this before at the beginning of the year, but for more people to sea i'm posting this suggestion again.

    Why not make it there be, that you can re-route all or a certain amount of power to perhaps shields or thrusters or turrets. An option existing when inside a ship's core or perhaps an entirely separate console that allows a player to change the normal outputting of power from being equal to all consumers (Thrusters, shields, etc...), to having a specific consumer have a some what higher or lower consumption of power which would make it run at its optimal capacity, or decrease that so that perhaps something else like weapons systems would run at higher capacity, and that could be useful for many situations. I feel it's something that would change the game a lot and many if not all the players would see this as very useful.