Connection between systems

    Jun 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hey all. First independant post, didn't find a similar thread (though I think there must be one somewhere).

    Anyway, I don't like the idea that a featureless cube made of guns can trump a well-planned and designed ship of war. In order to counteract this, and add a higher degree of realism and strategy to shipbuilding, I propose that certain systems must be connected to their dependant "power sources".

    For Instance, an engine cube that is not physically connected at some point to a power cube would not run at full strength. A weapon system should be similar. Power storage wold need to be connected to power generators, and the generator size would affect the charge of the storage. Shields, all of it could work this way. It should also be possible to route power through other systems, for convenience's sake. for instance, The generator is running to the shields, which is next to the engines. Since the shields are connected to the generator, we can run power from the shields to the engines, but the physical connection is still required.

    This would also enable, but not neccesitate the idea of "compartmentalizing" a ship's systems that I see in a lot of threads, where each part of the ship has it's own power source. It would also mean that certain areas/systems of a ship could be cut off from main power due to major damage, which feels much more realistic in a capital ship battle. All that extra space that is not made of gun has suddenly become much more important, and open up a wider degree of tactical strategy.

    I do NOT think that things like weapons computers should need to be physically connected. That would just be tedious.

    Anyway, what do you guys think?