Confinement Block - More than just a Jail!

    Jul 30, 2013
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    This is an idea for a new block, called a Confinement Block. It would appear visually to function like a Docking Module, with a box extending off one side to indicate it's range of effectiveness. Although, unlike a Docking Module, it's bounds would be set by variables entered into the block, similar to the X Y Z settings in advanced build mode. Once the area is set, the block also includes toggleable options to restrict access commands like chat, /spawn, and /pm; as well as having options to prevent ship creation (spawning ship core blocks). It would also include check boxes for "Jail" and "Arena", and maybe other boxes like "Gods", "Invisible", or "Respawn", and others to be announced. Possibly also an option to prevent players/entities from leaving the constraints of it's "docking box".

    A basic function for this block would be to create a Jail. The admin would set the boundaries in the block, build a structure around it (or not?) and check the "Jail" option in the block. Then if a player is getting out of hand, the admin will be able to type "/jail (player)" and it will teleport them (astronaut) into the Jail area. This might be possible to set up as a temporary respawn for the player should they somehow die, they would return there until being /unjailed.

    Along with the "Arena" check box, and of course without the restrictions enabled, there is a lot of potential for this block. Looking forward to hearing from everyone on their opinions here.
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Sounds like it could also allow a method to contain crew that aren\'t actively in control of ship but wish to remain on the ship relatively cheaply whilst still having the basic capabilities to move around. Like a living quarters.

    this would permit crew on a ship to have their respawn assigned to that ship, permitting long-haul missions in which players log in and out of the ship without being ejected into space upon login.

    In short, although you have the idea of it being used for incarceration of wrong-doers, I see great potential with such a block, and am /signed for this to be a thing, as a block that effectively \'holds\' players within its range on a ship, allowing players to be moved effectively when not controlling systems.