Computer unlinking bug

    Jun 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I recently started a build on quite a large ship (not sure if the amount of blocks on the ship affects this) and last time i loaded up my game all the weapon blocks on the ship had been unlinked from their computers (Anti-matter cannons, D1000 missiles, SD KB missiles, Salvage cannons and powerdrain beams) except the SS BB missiles they were completely unaffected.

    The reason i suspected amount of blocks causing some sort of loading error or something was because i have loaded my ship many times before while i was building it and it was only the most recent time after i had added a large amount of blocks in one session that this happend.

    Also if i leave the game after reconecting weapons to the computers and thereby unload the sector, (playing on my own private server) when i join back and all the connections i just made are gone and im back to being left with only the SB BB missiles unaffected.

    Not sure if this has been found by anyone else before, but any insight into why this happens or if it is a know bug then is there a fix coming up, because i would like to be able to use my weapons.

    edit: Just noticed that the SB BB missiles are actually affected but only what seems to be random ones are unlinked with some staying connected, whereas all of the other weapons are unlinked from their computers
