Computer Freeze, lost all ships.

    Oct 2, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen

    So if anyone could help I would be in your debt. I was working on my large ship and my computer locked up and I had to hard reset. Now I came back to a currupt sever. I found out it was my Factions file and player state file. I had a back up of my whole sever I made right before I started major work so my items and sever will live, but I lost all 20 some hours I put into my ship. I was going to save my ship with the cat after I did the outter hull.

    Now the issue is I still have the data and ent files for my ship. But when I load into the game the WHOLE sectior is gone. Well the sector is there but the planet, my base, and all ships and objects are gone. If anyone knows how / if I can recover my ship using those files I would be in your debt.

    Also on a side note, what the heck is the point of autosave if it does not SAVE YOUR SEVER??? I know this is an alpha but seems like a large bug to me, to have people like myself see the auto save and think my work is safe just to find out it did nothing. That or maybe I am just not able to find the backup???

    Any and all help is appresciated. I do not think I can bring myself to play this anymore if I lost my ship. I will just wait till it becomes beta. I refuse to waste more of my time. And yes I should have backed up the ship with the ship cat just in case, or a copy of the sever like I did before I started. It is the point. I should not have to, seing as there is an "autosave" even if the back up is hidden, the game should auto revert to the last backup if it detects the file is currupt. Or something!

    Thank you once again people

