Complete weapons systems remake

    Jun 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    I don't like the current AMC system. Too boring. Too repetitive. It's like using 9mm bullets for every job on earth.

    So. Suggestion. New system. Splits weapons into 3 parts: Weapon block, Charge block, output block. No weapon will be complete with any missing.

    Weapon block: like all those suggestions out there, each weapon has it's unique firing and damage mechanisms. Railguns, lasers, blasters, artillery, chainguns, launchers, stuffs... etc. These are the main blocks of the weapon, placed like they are now. They don't fire without a Charge block and an output block connected.

    Charge block: Decides what the weapon fires (This is NOT an ammunition block. Ammo must never be a thing) . Different weapons have different charge blocks. Only 1 charge block is required per array. Different charge blocks do different things (effect fire speed, damage, COLORS) For example we could have, for chainguns, iron charge, lead charge, or something stramade-y like awesomite charge, then for lasers we could have frequency channelers. They all effect range and damage and firing speeds and are useful in different situations.

    Output block: We could have all kinds of output blocks for different weapons, like interceptor channelers, heavy electron energy sequencers, light auto-lock missile targeting systems... etc. Still, only one needed per array. These decide on how the weapon will be fired, and play a damn major role in DAMAGE, RANGE, FIRING SPEEDS, and ENERGY COST. So for example, on my fighters, I will use interceptor channelers to catch other ships, on bombers I could use something heavier. Then on my capital ships I could use some giant ship specialized output block.

    So, here's an example of a missile ship with these improvements. I could use missile launchers as my weapons, with a "light rocket" charge block, then use a auto-lock missile targeting output block.

    This can allow a much wider variey of weapons and ships, and, in my opinion, is much better than the current AMC system. Uness, of course, you like to tape pistols to a tank.
    Sep 4, 2013
    Reaction score
    I don\'t think it\'s a good idea.

    The game should just get more customisability for weapons, allowing to make all this stuff with checkboxes
    Jul 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Hardware Store
    If you split every weapon in 3 parts, as you suggest, how will the weapon controller know, which blocks are part of which group?

    E.g. if you have an two separate output blocks on the front of your ship and two different sized groups of weapon and charge blocks in the back of your ship. How can the weapon controlling block assign the right groups of weapon and charge blocks to the correct output? How will the size of the charge/output block group affect affect the projectile?(You said only one of charge and output is required, but you never said more than one would be illegal)

    Besides, there already is a way to set the weapons output block, and change the weapons stats(e.g reduce damage but increase speed). You already can build interceptor missiles, heavy bombers, etc., you just need to know how. Even ammunition based rail- and coilguns are possible, using docked \'projectiles\', that are fired using a pulsator (array).

    Don\'t get me wrong, the idea isn\'t bad IMO, but important aspects aren\'t explained/thought about, or are already implemented.


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Do you sugest a color-module?

    I love the concept, but I don\'t know if I like the details and consequences from the current state of your suggestion.

    Is the first post describing this?:

    Charge block = Wiki: SD_pc1.3_Power_Tank, but fills up a per-array value instead of the ship-value.

    Weapon blocks = size of array modifies the maximum damage burst or just channels the power from adjacent charge blocks to adjacent output blocks, set color/style and is used to bind the output grid to a cpu?

    Output number and shape modifies damage, range, velocity?