colonies and other stuff

    Aug 15, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    i think that schema should put animals and colonies on some planets. maybe have some planets with access to ships and they wage war against other planets.another should be you could buy stuff from peaceful people.

    also they should make pirate ground troopers now that they have lasers so they can mount invaisons on peaceful or abandond planets. they should put pirate bases on random planets that create ships and soldiers. i wish that maybe they could add soldier blocks that you could place and then if you are within a hundred meters you could activate them by pressing y. that way if there was pirate soldiers occupying a world you could mount a attack to free the people of enslaved people. they should also make a duplicater block that you can only get from pirate bases that lets you scan a block or a ship and duplicate it.

    they should have weird alien things on alien planets ice creatures on ice planets humans on earth planets and miners on desert planets.

    and if schema you ever read this can you add just atleast 1 thing if you found any of this interesting. also i think that you should start in a space port where mechanics and pilots are rushing around and fixing ships.

    also it would be fun if they added hyperdrives that you could enter coardnates and you would enter hyperspace varying from 30 seconds to 10 minutes depending on how far away the secter is.

    another this that why are there no black holes or exploding stars i mean its space and we are adventerures right? also why is there slow turning for mass because its space there is no air resitance so mass woudnt matter unless you were on a planet.

    also they should replace the bobby ai module with ai pilots and ai gunners and that you can tell the pilots what to do through the mic. if they happen to do my duplicater idea probaly the pirates would have bigger and a verity of ships in a fleet.

    also space stations for the traders guild would be a good idea because then there would be a verity of space stations.also you should be able to join the traders guild so that you can make a weak ship but have an escort.

    another idea is that shops should have turrets so they dont need to call in the traders guild they just have to start shooting you.

    there should also be more of a verity of planets like gas giants,water planets, jungle planets, volcanic planets, rocky wasteland planets, small and big moons.

    thanks for reading
    Jul 15, 2013
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    My eyes hurt because I read that. Please use some grammar, and you should also structure your post a bit more.


    Chronic Troublemaker
    Jun 23, 2013
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    but I have absolutely no idea what you were trying to get across.

    Please, punctuate, spell correctly, and use the \"Enter\" key when you move to another sub-topic. Or, at very least, use spell check.

    Thank you.


    Chronic Troublemaker
    Jun 23, 2013
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    but I tire of you and your laziness.

    Goodbye, and good luck with your questions.