Claimable Shops and Shop Docking

    Jul 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    I think it would be pretty awesome if players could claim or purchase shops so that they could recieve profits from it, and decide what is for sale there, or what players can sell there. Also, I think it would be nice if all shops had public docking areas attached to them (obviously, it would be a kind that didn't require long strings of docking enhancers messing up the place.)
    Jul 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    I think what we need is Shop Core. When spawned, it\'d act as shop, but after spawn it\'d be out of EVERY item, so players can\'t cheat if near shop is out of item they want/need. Furthermore, owner (person who spawned it) would decide what is for sale by pressing R at the core (in window kinda like Bobby AI\'s), what not and would be able to set prices. He or she would be also be able to decide whether or not let trading guild refill his/her shop if NPC trading guild is enabled. Of course most of the time, you\'d want to refill your shop yourself or request Trading Guild\'s ship to be dispatched on one-time manner as all buying activites (both automatic from Trading Guild and from players) would deduce credits out of your account.

    You won\'t pay a dime from buying from your shop, but you\'d need to make sure it is always refilled and prices are competetive with automatic and other players\' shops.

    From interface\'s standpoint, shop would work like normal one.