Bug Chat bugs and annoyances.


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    0. Bug: The new chat is more annoying than the old chat.
    It should be better, so I consider it a bug, details follow.
    Note: I don't know if any is reported already, but certainly not all.

    1. Annoyance: When pressing enter, you see all text-messages of joined channels.
    But it's really, really!, easy to miss new text message.

    2. Annoyance: You can put it "On HUD" directly, but for that, you have to open the individual channel.
    This duplicates the very same text if the general channel is the only used one.

    3. Annoyance: The general window is not that helpful if it doesn't show from which channel a message comes and you try replying to that message only (rather than in general).

    4. Annoyance: When typing 2 lines of text, the input field hides the last text message above.

    5. Annoyance: When display not the full text, everytime you press enter (and switch between white-box view and black-window view), the text switches place on your screen.

    6. BUG: When the chat history has some pages (noticed at 10-20), showing the "FULL" chat "ON HUD" shows like if the chat were empty!
    It should work like "Full" with the last 25 or 100 messages and fill at least the box.