change to docking modules

    Feb 8, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    When building docking place for any ship right now we all have those green cubes that can be extended when needed to fit about any size of ship ... but they are getting huge and uncomfortable in use when you want to fit capital class ships inside.
    and another not cool thing about them is that u have to place this docking module right under ships core which sometimes ruins whole concept when building

    is there a way to change that whole system?
    I would like to have something that would make my ship attached airlock to airlock, something small with all this anti grief protection ofcourse
    My Idea for that - - - maybe docking function on keyboard, that would render whole ship non physical and indestructible when pressed, then even docking modules as we have them now would not be necessary, and this way we could dock any ship which side and angle we want.
    We also could use docking blocks to have this function available, and without them procedure wouldnt be possible.
    Lets say it is necessary to use one module on ship and one on station to dock a ship, and the one on ship wouldnt work if too far from the one on station.

    maybe you guys have another ideas?
    i think im not alone with those thoughts.
    btw. Another issue with current system is improper placement, when you build dock and leave ship in it, leaving it in perfect position to airlock and loging out, often after your return to server that ship is wrongly positioned.