Change damage mechanics


    Aug 30, 2013
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    A list of things I feel that would make combat much more fun. It already is really fun, but this could improve it.

    1. Make hull MUCH stronger. Like, nearly impossible to destroy.

    2. However, make it so all weapons go through armor and damage the blocks behind it. This makes ships easier to repair, and when there is a point to building interiors it would be a good addition. Kinda like FTL.

    3. Systems become offline for a time depending on how much damage they take. 50% is offline completely.

    4. Air, so we can strangle people.

    5. Control consoles instead of core, to blow up bridges.

    6. Option to hide player life sign signatures.

    7. Decrease damage to all weapons

    8. Punch through effect would only armor, and not debuff shields.

    9. Shields do not project over reactors, thrusters, shields, weapons, or decoration blocks. However, a system block with exposure to space gains a bonus, and one with a metal grill gets even more. This encourages exterior details.

    This would make ships easier to repair, so we wouldn't have to scrap every time we got some damage. It also would make combat more disabling rather than kill based, because it would be easier to disable ships rather than kill them. With interiors and AI crew, you'd target their engineering section or whatever and kill everyone inside, wounding or killing crew members and destroying the consoles. Making it so you can buff armor without debuffing shields would have it so larger ships couldnt rip each other apart.

    This suggestion creates thoughtful, interior based combat and doesn't change current builds.


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    HP system HP system HP system

    (already planned btw)


    Social Media Director
    Jun 25, 2013
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    1: This is the last things the devs want to do. They are aiming to decrease the number of weapon systems that players use by making them expensive. In the future with shipyards we will see more value added to weapon systems because of the shear number of materials we need to transport. I believe buying with blocks is already a feature in the dev build. Like mandatory for spawning ships. Giving hull more armor just forces the player to build bigger weapons, and the devs just made changes to try and avoid that entirely.

    3: Good idea and recently mentioned in another thread. I would like to disable systems of an enemy ship.

    4: A life support system would be great, how it is implemented is a different matter.

    5: I believe chairs with controls were mentioned. The HP system would also detract from core-killing.

    6: I have a feeling this will happen eventually.

    7: Weapons can be decreased no further. Again, doing this only forces players to build larger, which is the opposite of what the devs want. Weapons are currently non-nerfable as they would not be able to do their minimal damage to an advanced armor block and they need to be able to.

    8: Punch through debuffs shields? Or are you asking for this to be a thing?

    9: Aside from power tanks and power reactors, there should be no design restrictions that force the player to build a certain way. What if I do not want to use a grill to achieve a decorative effect? Well now I have a disadvantage because I build differently, and not based on the core values of the systems themselves.