Cargo groups clarification

    Jan 31, 2015
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    • Thinking Positive
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    Just wanting to clarify - currently I can connect a single storage computer to several stacks of cargo modules that don't touch each other and it works fine. I had seen mention prior to the cargo update of a restriction forcing each storage computer to use a single, connected stack of cargo modules. Is that going to happen later or will we continue to be able to separate several stacks of cargo modules linked to one storage computer?

    I want to build a giant warehouse with walkways between stacks, but I don't want to waste time on it if in a few weeks it will become non-functional...
    Apr 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
    I think you misunderstood it is all, I think that was only going to mean that one storage would control one "internally connected" cargo area, mostly to mean that storages wont share cargo space and that all cargo connected to one storage is really just one group as far as the game cares.

    Forcing cargo to be one continual mass seems like an arbitrary limitation that I don't think you need to worry about.
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