Maybe 250.
That may be the info for a Wormhole/Gate between these two coordinates.
It has 5 chars, 1 per new line, 6+1+9 for the gate - you have maybe 10 coordinate-pairs for 1 inventar slot.
Shops +2+2+2 +2+1+2 +1+0-5 +1+0+4 2+2+1
Docks +2+2+2 +1+0+0 -1+0+0 +0+0+1 +0+0-1
Duell +4+4+4 +10+10+10
Spawn +2+2+2
This is the-pirate-alliance spawn info (with a few characters less and + instead of dots) - only locations, not rules - 133 characters incl. newlines. but you will need a second and third for the rules.
Any clan info of bigger clans (ship+description, ownership, inventar listings, etc) will much likely have the same if not a greater length of information.
This is not ok if you have only very limited ammount of logbooks and a small ship which can get killed at any time.
Only if you fly in a Titan with all your stuff in it all the time and are the first one to discover pirate sectors (pirate stations only spawn in unvisited sectors I guess).