Captains Log (Day 3) The Death Of Osirus

    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Captains log day 3

    Its the third day into our travels and i have been joined by another captain (his name is Pepp4r............hey dont ask dont tell) and we have greatly expanded our fleet and started our own faction, (the previous government wasnt paying me enough so im freelance now and my taxes are paid in the blood of pirates).

    Our faction is called the Crimson Crusaders (pretty sweet name ey....go on send your requests to join us its ok im hiring) and we now have about 8 ships of large variation including our secret weapon, the ships are as listed below

    KT-Vengeance MKII (only cause i didnt know i could save the 1st model!)

    KT-Hammer (my original hard hitter , had shitty lasers but had 2 massive missiles capable of 56 block wide explosions)

    KT-DarkStar (this was the quad missile ship from log 2 that took out the abominal black penis ship)

    ARM-Osirus (this was designed as a planet killer, very slow but has a damage radius of 163 blocks and 4769 damage. sadly it is so long that i had to add extra armour plating just to its front to protect its long vulnerable shaft......giggity!. but its also the best looking with u shaped red armour hovering along the shaft for designer points)

    ARM-Shield (this was for Pepp4r as his aim with the lasers was completley shit i put him on guard duty but its design was the opposite it has lasers only but was very fast and very well shielded, so it was basically the condom for my Osirus)

    ARM-Stalker (i only made this as a cheap fast scouting ship it only has lasors but in 1 on 1 its deadly)

    KT-Knight (this is a remake of the Stalker but uses a lance with a disintergrator attached to the end for quick disposal of enemies or escapes through planets when running)

    ARM-LONGnHARD ( rather not talk about this 1.,...)

    ANYWAYS! (rant over) Pepp4r and i were scouting the universe for a pirate space station as a testing grounds for our new ships (Osirus + Shield) but before we could do anything Pepp4r gets blasted by hellfire from a ship in the distance for no apparent reason, so i lock on and suddenly i notice what im about to fire on (my own god damn KT-Hammer ship! HOW THE FUCK IS IT FLYING MY SHIP? did they raid my station or did i leave the keys in it or something!) but it doesnt matter if they think they can shoot at us with my own ship there wrong, i lock on and fire the Osirus missile (i like to call it the F-Bomb cause your fucked if it hits you) and sure enough boom! it connects with great speed wiping out everything but the core.

    Pepp4r and myself continued onwards with our quest (only now im all shitty about pirates stealing my ship) and sure enough the gps picks up on an orange station (its my first pirate station so i assumed orange was pirate and purple was friendly)

    We fly in with Pepp4r leading in with the Shield and me following close behind 8 red dots appear and i see what looks like to be turrets (how the fuck do u make a turret like seriously can i make those aswell and do they auto shoot? do they even attach to ships gah it makes me even madder to see them with cooler stuff then me) Pepp4r runs through and grabs the attention of all the turrets as i begin to lock on and fire my missile, the missile flys off towards the turret and upon hitting it causes another turret nearby to also explode (i put a hole in that station so big that it made the moon feel small) 2 turrets quickly begin to fire at me but luckily the front armour is protecting it long enough to fire off my second missile killing another turret but only damaging the 2nd turret nearby.

    during this Pepp4r had disabled the other 4 turrets with lasers and the station was finally ours!.

    Pepp4r sends me a message saying we should salvage it and sell the parts off where i thought we should blow it up (yes im still pissed they took my ship! just let me sulk in peace) we both argued about it untill i decided to just fire a missile at it anyway, except Pepp4r flys into the path of the missile and takes a direct hit! and while the shield absorbed a large amount of damage he still had cracks in his armour (turns out the sword is mighter then the shield haha) but then Pepp4r begins firing lasers back at me and it breaks out into an all out war with us both using the station as protection (so despite him trying to protect the station he still decided to use it as a meat shield.) and while he did do alot of exterior damage 2 me 2 more missiles and his ship was completely weaponless and damaged (nooooo i think the term obliterated sounds better .......yeah much better) the pirate station was also rubble from being in the cross fire and Pepp4r was unable to salvage much at all.

    We fly back home tired and damaged (plus now we are both pissed about our ships) and decide to call it a truce, we shake hands and agree. As i fly away though Pepp4r orders in his own Osirus and opens fire on me!, sadly the ship is to slow to evade or realiate and the missile blows out the ass end of my ship where my core is found, rendering it useless.

    i quickly eject before it overheats and sneak off beaten and bruised and left once again......seeking revenge...... (and guess what paybacks a bitch!!)

    End of Captains Log Day 3

    Thanx for any and all support guys if you want to be mentioned in my series please send me a pm and please feel free to quote your favourite parts in the comments, as i do like to read what parts u like or dislike, and i have started to get messges from fans and yes flattery does get you everywhere.

    untill next time!
    Jun 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    This is pretty cool. Keep it up.

    Also, I\'d never want to get hit by that thing.... you basically took the gun from the death star.
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    haha thanx and yeah although id love some high powered continous laser to suit it the missile will have to do