Building Filter in Advanced

    Nov 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    As many of you know, there is the awesome advanced mode that offers many faster alternatives to building a ship. As of late, I have been going through my ships ad making them as efficient as possible. When I skined my ships, alot of the had two thick hulls, and this made me think of a cool filter they could add to Advanced Building Mode. You could hold left control, click the add filter button, and then click a type of block and it would instantly make them invisible, or partially invisible, passable blocks. This way you could filter all of the black hulls out of the ship, find were there is a double hull, and then replace the inner hull with a power block or something of that sort.

    I hope you thought this was a good suggestion. I believe that this would be very helpful is quickening the building process.