Read by Council Build or Config System Idea


    Me, myself and I.
    Mar 12, 2015
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    Hi Schema/Schine,

    I often see people presenting suggestions for configuration ideas to simplify the task(s) involved with configuring things like logic, NPC's, etc.

    Why don't you use the game mechanics that already exist?
    You have an awesome 3D environment that gives you logic building capability already, and if you expand on this you can literally use it to build the game base code itself.

    This would literally be as separte to the game play as entering build mode. Or the difference between building/playing in standalone sandbox mode vs PVP online.

    What I mean is, if you apply the same entity building process in Starmade to building software, configuration files and any other logic related files for Starmade, you could possibly simplify such tasks for yourselves and players.

    For me it has made circuit building exceptionally simple. And for someone like me who has always found it difficult to progress in the are of eletronics, it has reopened my mind to it in an amazingly unexpected ways. And I thank you for that.

    I know this will likely be a little storage intensive, because you would likely need to create a work area in the game folder/directory structure to accomodate it and of course the additional textures an possibly logic, not to mention java development. Or, you could build a seperate Starmade style environment to be used separetly as with the new launcher. Naturally, having the appropriate hooks into the Starmade folder structure where required.

    You would likely need totally new blocks with new textures, functions, purposes etc.

    There are so many places you could apply this to, NPC configuration, Flight path configuration in game, Fleet controls/configuration/management, Faction permission logic, Ranking within Factions, Aliances, Individuals and one of my main wishes - logic building in central computers instead of all over your entity/structure.

    Imagine how simple it could be to configure and NPC's logic, characteristics, appearance, behaviours, rules, responses, actions, and whatever else you can think of like we do by building logic circuits. For me, this would be awesome!

    Imagine configuring Fleet Sentry duties for various battle groups of ships to perform, with advanced logic allowing for alternate actions while on duty.

    Imaging building a central computer system for your ship, station, planet or asteroid that performs a tone of complex functions with simple inputs and outputs without having to have huge structures to house it all. Where this would be awesome is, in the field of robotics within the game. There are so many clever systems players have come up with, but the bulk and positioning can effect movement and of course overall size of your entity and it's parts. I'm not sure if mass is affected, but there would be something to gain if it were.

    Sure, it's probably not going to be practical for managing something like the "server.cfg" file alone, but what if you use this environment to manage the entire folder structure like folders, xml files, config files, textures, sment files, player/NPC skins and whatever other configurations as a whole? Let's say you want to configure the server config file. Sure, you could open it with notepad or other text editor or how about jumping into a cool 3D representation in 3D space with interconnecting pipes for appropriate interconnect association with different files, folders, parts of a configuration file with other sections of the folder structure or other configuration files?

    Sorry, it this seem a wee bit out there, but this is just one thing that rattles around in my head a lot when I play Starmade.

    OK, I'm going to shut up now.