Build mode - selections

    Jun 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Building large ships is a pretty clunky process at the moment, particularly if you find you need to make alterations to your design. I use photoshop a lot, and I think that somehting inspired by that could be really useful.

    Consider the following workflow:

    • from build mode, enter "selection mode"
    • click on a block to select it. the game draws a border around selected blocks. Keep clicking to add to selection. right clicking removes blocks form selection. You could even use the advanced build tools to bulk-select blocks.
    • once you're happy with your selection, you can do one of the following:

    • copy
    • move/rotate - puts you into "move mode" where you can move your selected blocks around with WASDetc. keys.

      if you try to move a bunch of blocks in such a way that they overlap with existing blocks, the selection outline turns red.
    • press another button to leave move mode

    [*]you could also, in build mode, paste a group of blocks that were previously cut or copied

    • pastes into the nearest patch of empty space to the cursor
    • supplied by your inventory - if you don't have enough of the right blocks the game says no
    • pasting puts you automatically into selection mode with the pasted blocks selected (so, for example, you can move them into place)

    Just a thought :)