Bugs ruining player experience

    Aug 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    In this thread I will list some bugs which I believe are really damaging the experience of all players. If the server configuration can help, please give details.

    Vanishing sections of ships (and stations):

    Recently, I have been finding sections of my constructions are vanishing, even after being saved multiple times. An example, is a battleship I was working on, in which I kept losing various areas. The very first part which I put on this battleship was a circular ring of shields. which would form the basic shape. After the ship was near completion (and I had looked around inside many times, to look for holes), I discovered that these first blocks were gone. (Note this is not cubes/segments being lost, blocks put on at around the same time are lost, a ring made from 1 Thick by 10 long) I had logged out many times and reloaded the sector even more.

    Also, I lost the factory section of a homebase, in similar circumstances.

    Modified Blueprints

    So I buy a big lump of powertanks to add to my station, then I jump in the core, get them all, put onto station, then I need more, so I buy the same blueprint again, modified blueprint warning, credits gone, blueprint deleted. Granted, I can afford to try 100 times, because I know the not yet balanced parts of starmade's economy, but this could really deter new players, who spend hours making credits to buy the cool ship they downloaded, then lose them all.

    Feel free to post more bugs you think belong here.
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    with vanishing sections of ships do you mean the blocks are nolonger there and instead are replaced with a black shadow / hole?

    if so (and if you have admin rights (on singleplayer you will have admin)) then exit the ship and type -

    /repair_sector 0,0,0 (replace the 0\'s with your sector number)

    proceed to relog (if in multiplayer get everyone in your sector lo leave / relog)

    if done correctly the black shadowy missing chuck should be repaired.

    This is just a temporary solution until the bug is fixed
    Aug 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    I\'m not sure if this problem is the same as what you are saying, it is hard to see what is happening in small enclosed space, this is multiplayer, so I will get onto the server admins. Is there a time limit on how long you have to /repair_sector?


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    what does repair_sector do to player stuff? Like home planets?


    My ship with 3 Plex-Stores exists in a parallel dimension now. Only light rays connect it to our universe.

    It had 3 Krull blockers (from my own re-stocked shop), some LvL5 ores and about 500-2000 from each weapon, 100-500 from each cpu when the items were cheap - used it to move items to my new base.

    Additionally missing: a factory, 20 enhancers and 5 Plex-Stores on the wall left to it, containing the other items incl. decorations etc...