I spotted a few bugs with the Shops while useing the [/shop_restock] command
It seems the clent doesnt FORCE resync with the server each time the shop menu gui is opened
so the stock values the shop displays in the client can be totaly difftent to stock values in the shop on server
Clent showin NA / 0 stock yet the Server has lets say has +75 stock
I did find a work around sell one item to the shop and it woud update force the value of a single item to update correcly
it will go from 0 to 76 (Server was 75+1) but it only does it for one item in the list
Think the client could do with auto refresh every few mins or a Refesh Button to resync all the item counts
- this needs to be fixed otherwise stations on servers will be showing incorrect values to diffrent players
It seems the clent doesnt FORCE resync with the server each time the shop menu gui is opened
so the stock values the shop displays in the client can be totaly difftent to stock values in the shop on server
Clent showin NA / 0 stock yet the Server has lets say has +75 stock
I did find a work around sell one item to the shop and it woud update force the value of a single item to update correcly
it will go from 0 to 76 (Server was 75+1) but it only does it for one item in the list
Think the client could do with auto refresh every few mins or a Refesh Button to resync all the item counts
- this needs to be fixed otherwise stations on servers will be showing incorrect values to diffrent players