Bounties|Cloaking/Jamming|AI / Faction improvements

    Sep 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hey guys, after having a longwinded conversation with some of the guys in the Public Chat I decided to post my suggestions (and some of theirs) in this forum and hear what people think of them.

    Index: Improving in-game economy
    Cloaking, Jamming and Detecting
    AI / Faction improvement

    First off to improve economy:

    Relying on just trade of the shops is dangerous because is a one way production system wich means to get any money you or someone in the server needs to sell stuff to the shop to make money.
    It would be great if there was a bounty system or something simular in place.

    By bounty system I mean get money for killing pirates, aswell as the possibility to put a bounty on players you want taken out.

    I also think that stations with shops that get destroyed should drop a percentage of their money instead of all items and money lost. That way there is actualy a use and reason to attack a station other than ruining someone else's day.

    Also perhaps some bounty money awarded by percentage of damage you inflicted to evenly share the cash if multiple people attacked the same target.

    I also suggest that killed pirates should also have a chance of dropping cash instead of items.

    Those being my suggestions of bounty and stations being used for the money infrastructure adding more depth to the game.

    Other than that it would be awesome if there was an option for admins to choose the amount of stations allowed to be placed in one sector.
    Aswell as one of my friends realy wished there was an option to (not have players be admins) when there are no admins, because he wanted a server without admins but I told him to make himself admin or everyone else can be admin.

    From what I hear this is already being worked on but, some sort of thrusters to speed up turning for bigger vessles.

    Cloaking, Jamming and Detection

    An option for cloaked / jammed vessles to remain invisible when you leave the cockpit. (Players inside the gravity of the ship should also become cloaked/jammed) This I would like for my cloaked spy ship (so I can walk arround in my ship and possible execute repairs or simply switch computers with my onboard allies.)

    Cloaking detection and radar detectors to detect cloaked/jammed ships. (Radius based.)

    By that I mean the bigger stronger detectors the further they can detect and then they also have to win a cloak/jam vs detector equasion. Like detectors have a basic radius and the more jammers the higher power usages but the further range and stronger detection it has. For example 1 detector can detect from a distance of 10 blocks in all directions and consumes like 50e/s add another 4 and it can detect like 50 blocks far at 5000e/s. And for every cloak/jammer block it should require several detectors to detect a cloaker / jammer (else its too easy to detect them).

    Anyways for that idea the consuption should be great and costs to reveal cloakers should be high so that its not too easy. Else it just kills the fact of having cloak ships in the first place. Finding a balance surely won't be easy.

    Enforcement on a players location would be handy too since I heard alot of complaints of friends being able to glitch though walls and doors since they aren't loaded on their screen yet.

    AI / Faction Improvement

    And finaly I know some people keep saying it but, more AI options / improved AI.

    Possibly have AI able to fly in formation or some sort of method to allow us to (don't laugh) like in gmod there was a mod that provided a self made scripting language to allow us to do lots of things in regard to AI.

    Hopefully something simular aswell for the permissions. Its realy sucky that one can't tell his own station doors who to open to and who not to (like within faction.)

    As far as faction gameplay goes on my friends server, no one trusts anyone into their faction as there is no controle to prevent people from stealing their blueprints, taking their stations, planets, ... There should be a vast array of options to all one to state specifcily (hopefully both for whole stations and with use of permission blocks using the use button) to specify exactly who can use what doors, what people can do on your ship (like fly but not save your ship to catalog).

    With these options trust and control within the factions would greatly increase making the mechanic more usefull than just "a way to protect your ship from being griefed".

    Just some idea's and suggestions to ponder while we ever wait for more epic things that schema makes. :3
    I may add more idea's later I just can't think of any of the other at this time so if you see a PS or PSS apear, thats me thinking of more stuff.

    Let me know what you guys think.
    Sep 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    Though I would also add that I would like to see recticles for different weapons types. but most of my immediate thoughts are on graphical stuff, other than wanting a mass vs mass comparision so that if a ship rams another ship or a meteor one will lose and change course/move as well as possibly take damage