Bobby AI shouldn't deactivate so easily

    Jul 5, 2013
    Reaction score
    New feature was added that allows player to switch view from main ship to its turrets. Problem with that is, that it disables the Bobby AI when you enter it that way. I have over 200 meter long space station with 8 turrets... Going spacewalking to activate them all is very inconvenient. So just let the AI module be "fake" active while player is inside, where it wouldn't do anything. Kind of like temporary controls for player. It would automatically resume being "real" active when player leaves it.
    Jul 5, 2013
    Reaction score
    Press Up or Down arrow keys to switch turrets/mainship. It only works on flight mode though, so not usable on station build mode initially. You can get into the turret switching on station too, when you enter there through a ship or turret.

    Up/Down keys in build mode selects ship core or computers, but it is a little bugged, not selecting all the computers but just some of them.