Bobby Ai servers ,Hacking, Surveilance and "stealth"(kind of)

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    Apr 12, 2015
    Reaction score
    So i have been playing starmade, for atleast two years now, and there are some suggestions that i would like to present to the devs or anyone interested in this kind of gameplay, instead of going in guns blazing, with massive ships.

    1) BOBBY AI Servers, i kind of dislike the way bobby ai works at the moment, an example of this is how is that little block abble to process such a big amount of data such as keeping track of enemy and friendly ships that come by?
    a better system for this is the bobby ai server, a multiblock structure that needs a computer interface in order to function and insert data in it such as enemy and friendly factions, this could be done by a portable interface or the computer interface, how ever this makes the system more sujectible to intrusions wich i will refer to further on, the bobby ai woud later connect to the turret or ship via a closed system or wireless(this is the only system that works for ships (obviously)) again this makes the system more sujectible to intrusions, other bases could be connected to the home base wirelessly in order to create a sort of "network".

    2) Hacking, im not talking about super easy hacking like watchdogs, im talking about in order to infiltrate enemy systems you need to first know what kind of software the enemy is using in order to infiltrate their network (this could be done by surveilance or "stealth") and potentialy cause damage to their infrastructure, software could be bought at shops, edited or even made with diferent levels of security, then one would need to write, buy or edit a virus, acording to the security level the software posesses a virus could have multiple porposes, some that had the ability to destroy comands, others to change them and others for espionage, hacking could disrupt bobby ai servers and ships controled by them to fit your own porpouses, it could also disrupt power systems, docks and turrets making them disabled.

    3) Surveilance, there could be could a new kind of "ship", a drone, how does it work?
    a drone works by linking a "wireless core" with a "drone computer" wich could be placed in a ship or station, a "wireless core" has the ability to perma jam a ship with a mass of 10 blocks for about 5 minutes and go atleast 8 sectors away from its ship (Configurable) it also has the ability to carry missiles , how ever its jamming ability is disabled when it carrys them, a drone's use could go from an attack drone to a surveilance drone wich could be used to identify a station or ship's software, but in order to do this the drone would need a scanner to do so, then the drone would need to come back so that the information could be acquired, however with a cost of more power and an extra block called " relay antenna" it could transmit the information to the target ship or station, note that this is an operation that takes 10 seconds and whiled doing so youre and the drone's position could be traced by the enemy (also not that systems wich do not recieve information or transmit them from or to other systems,(a closed system) cannot be scanned), now you must be thinking its kind of unfair to create a secret software to have a damm drone scanning it so that it could be hacked in to. Right?
    Nope! You could create a shield like field for a BIG cost of energy (for factions with lots of materials or money to buy them9, since its required to be always active in order for better security this shield like field blocks scanning from drones making your base safe.

    4)"Stealth"(kind of)
    After saying all the meins to protect yourself against drones, a new way of infiltrating highly secure bases is required, the way to do this is by cuting a hole in the wall with a plasma drill wich is a hand held item or by "hacking" doors wich is a more subtle way to say picking the lock, anyway the drill aproach is by using a multiblock structure that is built in the walls of the base ( these should be the only blocks that could be placed on a home base by enemy faction members, howeever the space between them is very small), this would disable the shields in the midle of the blocks wich could be cut using the plasma drill,or picking locks cutting and rewiring cables, however connecting the wrong cables might open the door it will triger an alarm IF installed with the door system, then comes the stealth part using a portable jammer wich jamms the player´s signal one could go inside the computer room and using an external device could download the entire software for further analysys, and youll be gone before they notice it, this is unless the base as AI captains you know the npcs that are sold like candy at shops, wich if they see you they will report you to the nearest player and shoot you on sight.

    So i think that these ideas are for a better connection between player and machines making base management and surveillance a necessary thing in order to keep faction security, i hope you like it! ;)
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    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    1. I especially like this one.
    • But it would increase the minimum size of a drone.
      • Perhaps not a bad idea to reduce lag and decrease the meta-data / block-data ratio + number of Drone Spam Devices (DSD :D).

    2. There are many threads about it.
    • Try different threads for different ideas.
    • Opinions are very different.

    3+4. I like your plasma-cutter drone idea.
    • But let it require some seconds before it starts damaging the hull, else it would be OverPowered

    Good luck with your thread.
    Apr 12, 2015
    Reaction score
    thanks, yes obviously the plasma cutter needs a some seconds to cut trough a hullblock 20 secondsish?
    i would like to see a similar system like this were you actually have to aim instead of a machine doing it for you

    For the drone perhaps 20 blocks i dont want it to be to big so that people start to make tons of those drones should be used for support or scouting
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