Blueprint save corruption FLAWPROOF SOLUTION in the comment

    Jul 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    Hello there, everyone, and thank you so much for reading this -for I am naivelly assuming that you had come to help me.

    ...I shall try to emphasise some stuff for those of you who are not very fond of reading.

    The things are being like this: the server I am playing on recently crashed (I'm not sure that is actually relevant, but it's since then that my trouble began) and when it came back up, my catalog screen was empty, and I've found myself unable to upload the ships from the local catalog.
    The game would recognize the files and even their size, upload them fully (or at least claim so) and at the last moment decide that it actually couldn't find them.
    If I tried the same in the SP, the "targeting" rectangle for the ship would appear for a while, but no actual blocks would load, and the rectangle would soon disappear.

    So, I've tried the solutions that are to be found on the forums - I went into my blueprints folder, and indeed, all my "ENTITY_SHIP_" files were renamed to a senseless mishmash. So, I corrected this, renamed the files to their original names and tried again - but still, with no luck.
    While the names of the files remain the same from there on, they are still worthless.

    And that's when my -so far last- discovery came, I launched the SP and decided to simply save the ships anew, under different names, into brand new, corruption-free slots (the ships had been left created in the sandbox - just thought I should clarify that I didn't manage to load ANYTHING lately.) and guess what - it doesn't help. The files are being SAVED corrupt, it would seem, instead of getting corrupted somewhere in the process of loading.

    Anybody know how to help me? Pretty, pretty please? I'm really desperate.

    EDIT: I'm not sure if that's any help, but I had found out that the game always loads (recognizes) only exactly half of the actual ship file.

    EDIT 2: Now this doesn't make any sense, but I had found one old backup save of one of my ships, and that one -only one of around 20 saves- can be uploaded into SP and seems to be working fine.
    ...but none the less, it cannot be uploaded onto MP.

    I really hope this will help you find some clues as to what is happening, for I have none.
    Jul 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    To all those dealing with the same problem - I seem to have fixed it by reinstalling the game and copying the exported ship files.

    I can\'t tell how the server will react, whether it will not start me as a brand new character, but the single player definitely allows me to spawn the ships - while the original game folder refuses to do that, even when the ships are loaded from exactly the same files.

    Meaning that the problem isn\'t corruption of the saves, but rather a corruption of the program itself and the way it reads the ship files. Anyway, the ships aren\'t lost, so anyone who misses his old beauty can get it themselves back :)
    Aug 17, 2013
    Reaction score
    Didn\'t work for me, either. I wiped the whole game, didn\'t even bother copying my old blueprints - I simply placed a ship core, added a hull, a power block and some thrusters, saved it to the catalog, and tried to spawn it; the targeting icon appeared for a few seconds, then disappeared. When I logged back in, even the original ship had disappeared.