Block Suggestion and Others

    Sep 5, 2013
    Reaction score
    This is my first post here so bare with me. I did a quick search and didn't see a suggestion on these.

    First is the block ideas. Some ideas are from Minecraft but they have more of a use here in SpaceMade.

    Power Block: Useful for powering inside circuits that maybe control sensors for doors and such. Even turning off lights and turning them on utilizing sensors. Would make sense if there was power requirements to use the gravity gen. and lights on a space station and you wanted to redirect power towards weapons and shields. Even on the ship as well. I'm including other peoples suggestions like the Computer Block idea listed below on this page.

    Magnetic Railing Block: Useful for different style elevators and moving assorted blocks, possibly a power block being pushed into place to power a specific Computer or Weapons System Block.

    Circuitry: Again, another idea from MC. Obviously it's in relation to Red Stone but in here Circuitry just makes more sense. This could completely add another level of gameplay if combined with Power Blocks and Computer Blocks. Maybe requiring Weapons and Engines to be connected by Circuitry to the Power Blocks. I know there are already main Power Blocks for supplying power to ships engines, shields, and weapons but I guess we could refer to the Power Block idea to something like Mini Power Systems Block or something.

    I know this is just Alpha and completely understand that it's probable that none of my ideas would even make it into the game so I won't flip a lid just because of that. These are ideas and that's pretty much it.

    Maybe once Starmade gets full mod support we'll see a shlew of ideas and mods that add a ton more functionality to the game. Adding more mechanics to the game would, in my opinion, blow minecraft away. Although, MC still holds a place on my HD this has taken over on what I spend my time on.