Block-output depending on position

    Which parts do you like?

    • Block API

    • Logic Access/Channel blocks

    • even/odd position defines channel/variable which is accessed.

    • info-tooltips

    • Alternative choice( single blocks like now, multiple blocks like suggested)

    • NO! I want to live in stone-age forever and you should go leave together with your tech-magic

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    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    It would be useful if blocks could output more than 1 state.

    If you have 8 shield blocks, blocks on
    1. even x,y,z == "under damage" state.
    2. …3 more
    3. odd x, even/odd y,z = 16 different values for "charge-level"
    Each block-type could have a very own "API".

    If you have blocks like "computer" or want a block at a given position,
    it can channel it's 8 different output states
    by linking through a 2x2x2 "Logic- Access/Channel" block.

    Perhaps weapon-modules could print the linked-computer's properties.
    The even/odd state of the that block defines it's use.
    You can even split them to rear and front or top and bottom of your ship, as long as they are either:
    • linked
    • the block type you want info from
    When pointing your mouse at one of these blocks, it shows an info-tooltip like:
    "Connected : on", aka:
    "We are one!" –– language "jokes-en"
    ""Dear random parent, I love you (hug)" –– language "jokes-en" 2nd choice for random selection
    "Disconnected : off" aka:
    "We are split apart, nooo!" –– language "jokes-en"
    "Charge[0] : 6.25%"
    "Charge[1] : 12.5%"
    "Charge[2] : 25%"
    "Charge[3] : 50%"
    75%..100% = [3 AND 2] –– Detection range = (sum) to (sum+lowest)
    "above 62.5%" = [3 AND [1 OR 2]] –– For sure, there will be a list for certain ranges from community if this is implemented (don't worry about the thinking part).

    I know it interferes with existing builds, but how long do we want to "stick to stone-age tools"?
    Alternatively ( a more compatible version ):
    • Single blocks can be like now
    • Shields and multiple blocks like suggested
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