Better rotation system fast-easy-better for noobs

    Jun 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    If the letter R is not bound yet then if you hold R or Ctrl + R then press a arrow key it will flip the block in the direction in perspective of the way you are facing. I love this game but the rotation system is just to slow I don't like it. I think this would make it alot easier and a lot less time consuming to use this. ( Now I have not played this game in a while my computer can't run it currently so I don't know if you changed the rotation system of the blocks. But if you haven't I think this would be a great additon to the game.) Please give me some feed back on what you think, and thanks and I hope this can be implememented into the game to make it easier.

    One last thing maybe try some more optimization on servers my single player isn't that bad but it's not great on multiplayer it be great for low grade computers like my current one. and again please give me some feed back on what you think