Better Pirate stations

    Jul 11, 2013
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    the current setup is lame and makes it to easy to make money.i would like additional pirate stations.

    Pirate Station Level 1: Current pirate stations but with plex storages scattered through out them. The loot would be low numbers of cheap stuff, like a group of 50 Power generators.

    Pirate Station Level 2: Current station+more size+stronger turrets. The loot would be slightly better like 300 power generators. And at a max L2 minerals and 30-.Turrets would be 2x as powerful and current.

    Pirate Station Level 3: Level 2+even more size+stronger turrets+much more turrets. They would be the money makers, with L5 minerals (only 100 at max, if your lucky). High numbers of stuff like 1500 power generators. They turrets would be 3x as powerful as the current ones. And level 3 would have pirate docking stations where drones would fly out and attack you.

    That way theres more fun and challenge in making billions, while making billions slightly harder to get, and there's that tange of adventure when you have to search for your prize in a big station of corridors, and knowing you earned the prize rather then just walked up and taken it.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Video Genius
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    I agree, especially with the part where you mentioned that enemy drones will attack you. It seems pretty stupid that pirate stations only layer of defence are a few lame turrets that could be so much better.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 10
    oh be quiet whiners, the game is in alpha.

    games in alpha are supposed to be like this.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    They just need to replace a built-in schematic with a different one to \"fix\" this issue. Therefor, the idea is simple.

    Use the weekly challenge board to get some good small to medium sized ships, along with some good looking station designs from players for \"piratey looking stuff.\" The entries get graded on both ship appearance and capability. The winners get to have their vessels put into the small set of default-generated stations and ships that are in the game.

    This would allow the default pirates and such to be upgraded by us, the alpha players, rather then force ship design onto the game\'s makers on top of all the other stuff on their table.

    Well, actually, they would need to do ONE thing for appearances sake: Set it up so that different NPCs can be set up with different ships. I mean, a trader NPC flying some ship with a big skull or something on the front would be kinda... Plus it gives them more excuses to use the challenge board (like for transport vessels and such).

    tl;dr, why not set something up so the players get saddled with improving pirate stuff?
    Jul 11, 2013
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    im not whining, this is my suggestion to make the pirate side of Star Made a little better.