Better Inventory/Wallet system

    May 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    The problem with the current inventory is that you can store infinite blocks per slot, meaning in faction wars, most of the wealth is in player inventory so no matter how many ships you blow up, you cant steal anything from them. The Reason that this can't be a simple fix is when you are building your ship and using advanced build mode, it would be a pain to keep having to switch every 256 or somethings blocks. So my idea is that there is a slot in the core that can store an infinite amount of blocks, but they are dropped on core overheat. This would also allow admins to create prizes for taking down heavy enemy ships they spawned in. Players could store about 500 of every block.

    Players could also drop 1/8 of their inventory on death. My second problem is about credits. I have yet to see this "drop half of credits on death" feature on star made. Two ideas to fix this: One, Credits are dropped as an ITEM on death, meaning that players that kill you take half of your money. Two, make it so you can store credtis as an item in chests (If you read my paragraph on better storeage, credits would store at 100000000 a slot with the bank block having 10 slots in it*, this would help in pvp raids and make it so people can store more then the max amount of credits with one charature.

    Let me know what you think!
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    The profit you should be making off of enemy ships is the ship itself... Not the player.

    Personally, I dislike the idea of drop inventory on death. Limited inventory spaces would actually work fine, especially if it refilled the space when you emptied it if you have other stacks of the item in your inventory.
    Sep 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    Perhaps a random drop of a % of items could work here? that way someone doesn\'t loose all or all of one item and if mixed with credits based on ship size could add a bonus element for taking down larger ships