Better Generation ! (Nebula , New Stations , Pirats and Trading Guild Planets )

    Jul 9, 2013
    Reaction score
    Hello everyone !

    I present this suggestion for get a Better Generation of the universe : I have actually only 3 idea but I'm sure there is some others to come !

    1) Nebula

    The Nebula are large and big dust clouds who are extended on 3-8 sectors of the galaxy , they are 3 to 5 generated per Universe (In Game) , we can see Nebula far away from it. Awesome ? But what use ? Because Nebula have many ability like ... We can't see what is in the Nebula : The Radar don't show it and that would be usefull for Hide Station inside and hide ship from other players but Nebula come with some Dangerous things ! Like the Pirats are more presents in these regions of space , because they too are invisible on Radars , and them too have space stations in ! There is also specials shops : These shops are very rare because the Nebula are dangerous , the fleet take longer for get in , so the "Nebula Shop" have they own turret and a factory for making themselves things to sell. Also in the Nebula we can't see very far , and you can't see the exterior of the Nebula so it's very deadly if you don't remind the "Out of Nebula" sector where you're entered in.

    To resume :

    • Bigs Nebulas who are 3 to 5 generated per Universe , who extend on 3 to 8 sectors
    • Radars don't work inside the Nebula that was usefull for hide ship and station , but that was deadly because you can't see if someone else are in the Nebula
    • Inside the Nebula you can't see outside of the Nebula and you're vision can't see very far (Like Blindness in Minecraft but larger)
    • More chance to find Pirats and Pirats Station inside the Nebula
    • Some chance for finding Shops with defenses (Turrets , one or two ships always here) who have they own factory for making what you need (More stocks , who 'Regen' them slowy)

    2) New Stations variations !

    Now there is the second part of this suggestion , basing on a simple estethic idea then it's come usefull, The actuals station have only two types (Normal and Pirats stations) who are excactly the same around the Universe , but why any stations are differents ? They aren't building in a Big Ship who make them as a Factory ! They must be 'Habitable' and some others stuff on them : A simple Pirats Station can have the Purple and Blue Hull in another color no ? See , change it into Red and yellow and you get a new station, Get a Normal Station and do there is one of the "Pillar" full of shield. And why not Trading guild stations with a lot of full PlexStorage , turret , shield and ships ready for fight if you want to steal ? And the Normal Station without two "Hangars" ? That would be usefull ! Ore another without the "Bridges" who are connected to the "Pillars" (You know the things with Power Block Inside)

    To resume :

    • More stations colors , with a lot of hulls colors , including some Pirats station who have Hardened hull instead of Simple Hull
    • Lot of variations , maked by Pre-maded parts of stations , and some have more priority than others (Like when you haven't the "Bridges" connected to the "Pillars" the Pillar are full without access to the space.
    • Make more types of stations , that would be nice , also if you combine it with the two others things you will got each universe unique !

    3) Pirats and Trading Guild planets

    This is the last thing (For the moment) , I've get this idea when I've build a base on a Planet , Why Pirats and Trading guild don't have planets ? Why did they only have Station/Shops ? Also the 2 needs a place for making Plans , an ocuppated planets need to have some structures, turrets and In-Orbit Ships , they have also , like a station , Plex Storage full of usefull materials and they will not give it without fight ! There is many ships and turrets on structures , also for protectings them of bombardments , there is a structure with shields inside.

    To resume :

    • Some planets have been colonized by the Trading Guilds and Pirats ,
    • Some structures in the planets : Factory , Storages , Shields and Power Factory , Larges Power Tank and more !
    • Ships are protectings the Planet , in Pirats case they attack you when they see you , in Trading Guild case they attack only if you attack before or destroy a block of the planet

    So that was all , thanks you for reading !