Bearo's Suggestions.

    Jun 26, 2013
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    Greetings, I'd like to apologize if I repost anything that has been mentioned in the past, I'd like to throw some ideas out so lets get to it shall we?

    Transporter: (Short range/Mid range)

    Much like a lock on missile with a longer lock on time, the idea would be to lock on the planet/ship/station you name it and get a secure teleport to the target(Instantly to the teleporter room or block, if the ship you were teleporting to didn't have a teleport block to get in to, than the teleport wouldn't go through.

    Would also be useful to pick up your friends on planets and stations, and save your friends that have been overrun and need to escape their ship. Mayb even the option to disable your teleporter off on your ship while you're flying, just so it doesn't get overused.

    Planet Control: (PvP oriented)

    The current system allows you to have a freebee planet, and I'm guessing in the future the whole "war" feature of factions will mayb have some sort of use.. I'm not against having one planet to store your goodies on, because I can see why people wouldn't want their stuff raided while they're offline and lose hours of play time.

    I think a sort of "assault" if you will would be fairly fun. Lets say you want to take control of your most hated enemy, you go to the shop and spend a large amount for a faction siege shard.. or something along those lines, and drop it on the planet you wish to take. At that moment a ticking clock appears for the defending side for 6-12 hours. This gives the defenders time to gather allies and his fleet. Once the assault begins only the assaulting side can do dmg to the planet, anyone out of that alliance could still not attack the defending sides defenses.

    With this you'll have meaningful fights over land, and if big factions wish to expand they'll have to be able to defend what they take.

    Starship events (PvP event)

    Have a server wide message that goes into detail on what time a ship will appear in what sector.. This ship would either be a heavily fought over ship.. or a ship with good plunder to be had. This way it would create a PvP hotspot for players to travel to and fight over resources.

    Selling your goods to the shop:(More of a wish, than a suggestion)

    Instead of having a limit on how much you can sell to the shop, have a timer that is larger based on how much you're selling.

    Navigation Block:

    Have a block that a friend can sit in and whatever they target pops up as the drivers target. Pretty simple.


    Blocks that can be released from ships, much like the current explosives. If only there was a way to activate them with a freefall.

    I appreciate if you managed to read through my drivel, I know that not all will see eye to eye with PvP in a amazing sandbox like this. But in the long run I think it would help if you had hotspots for the PvP players to play at, hey it might even keep people away from the spawn, and then the builders would have peace and quite away from all the action and could sell their high end super sick ships to the PvPers..

    Please try not to flame too hard, I really do love this game either way and will continue to play either way.. Aslong as there's some sort of PvP. I'm a sandbox junky.

    Thanks, and stay classy ^_^

    Jun 29, 2013
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    Transport Beam : Meh, it fufills the same role as the proposed warp drive, and frankly warp drives are cooler in both name and concept, as what you\'re talking about is basically a beam that drags you toward the specified target, rather than just accelerating you up to near light speeds to get to the object.

    Planet Control : Sure, although this would work best when planets are revamped, they\'re way to small and their geography is a bit mediocre at the moment, possibly when such ideas as double sided planets come in.

    Starship Events : Sure, while in most servers it could be a ship built by the game devs, it would be neat to see custom heavy spaceships used, designated by server owners.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Thank you for the feedback!

    The transport beam was more of a instant teleport, and not really a BEAM.. Guess I worded it wrong, but I do agree warp drives def sound cool :P I shall edit the post.

    As for starships the game could host building events to see what ships would appear in these events.. this way the pro builders could show off their work, and the PvP players could fight over it :)

    Jun 7, 2013
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    Transporter: (Short range/Mid range)

    I dislike this idea. We already have too many ideas for lazy, impatient players, with insta-travel, FTL etc. For planets and so on, I\'d rather see actual shuttles you land and then use to get back to your oribiting dreanought or whatever. And you can already make those.

    Planet Control: (PvP oriented)

    Idea seems fine, but I don\'t think it would work right now. The truth is, people rarely have a reason to take the planets over and there\'s plenty of them in space for one to find himself some if he\'s willing to.

    Starship events (PvP event)

    Already can be done by an admin who\'d just spawn a ship and announce to players there\'s one. If there would be such event randomly, I don\'t think I\'d be happy. But yeah, already in, in some fashion.

    Also, with current mechancis and balance, such starship - unless really masterfulyl made - would be just acquired for the sake of turning it into raw materials or cash. People, quite understandably (even if I regret there\'s lack of uniformity, but oh well), prefer to design their own stuff and often they may do it already better than what admins would make.

    On the other hand, you couldn\'t make the thing also overly powerful or valuable because a few such events and balance takes the nose-dive into ground.

    Selling your goods to the shop

    Makes sense in some way. Shops restock but items never decrease in quantity unless player buys some. That could be changed, as well.

    Navigation Block:

    Seems a decent idea though I\'d avoid a special block. Just manning a turret or whatever conencted to the ship and choosing targets could also share currently targeted objects highlights with whoever\'s flying the ship.


    In practice bomb-blocks would be basically slow moving, strong rockets. Adding ability to shoot rockets depending on the direction the launcher is facing would make us already golden - you just adjust the strength to moving speed ratio and can be on your way. Again, no need to add special block with redundant function.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Thank you for the reply, looks like you put better thought into some of the ideas, I really shouldn\'t make threads right before bed ha. Really just wanted to get some of this stuff out of my head.