Beam offset from entity - Bug or client/server issue?

    Feb 26, 2015
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    I've got a power module build that keeps misplacing the non-physical position of several power supply modules. This results in the beam being offset from not only the output block, but from the entire entity.

    In the screen below, I'm in build mode approx. half way along the module with the power supply computer selected. The system believes the connected blocks are offset from the vessel, and even though the current output is right at the front, the beam is emitting from the offset group far in the back.
    Starmade Block Offset Screenshot.jpg

    This build was working correctly when I built it yesterday, as were the 3 others I spawned from a blueprint. But it was doing this when I logged in this morning.

    I tried partially rebuilding the vessel and it appeared to solve the issue, but only until I logged out. When I log back in, the same thing is occurring.

    Also, once it starts occurring the problem is immediately present on any I try to spawn from a blueprint.

    I'm guessing this has to do with the size of the entity (1x5x700) because a similar design I use in another vessel (1x3x200) is working just fine.