Avatar Orientation in space and spawn after leaving a core

    Aug 13, 2015
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    I have two major problems with the avatar.
    First: If i get close to an object, on the last meters my avatar is suddenly turned around by about 80 degrees and from that moment every move of the mouse turns the avatar around two axes at the same time. It is impossibel for me, to orient the avatar correctly in space, so that i often can not enter a small door, because the avatar is completly in the way... very annoing.
    Second: I built some big turrets, and every time i leave the core of a turret part, the avatar spawns OUTSIDE the turret, and not where i entered the core before. I always have to fly around the whole ship, to enter it again. Very annoing too...
    Am i doing something wrong, or ist that a little buggy?


    Jan 19, 2014
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    To align with things and make doors easier, press space. Before entering a core sit (o by default) and when you exit that core, you will be sitting exactly where you last were as long as the block hasn't been destroyed/obstructed.
    Mar 7, 2015
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    You are right Cooper99.

    Exiting a core is very experience breaking.
    I have a small shuttle I use to dock with my cargo ship. I enter the shuttle from the rear door and the docking point is also the same area thereby creating a linked corridor that is airtight. The core is about 2 blocks into the shuttle but in the floor. Upon exiting the core, the game puts me outside my shuttle into space. Not cool or realistic. It also means I cannot enter my ship anymore without using another airlock door elsewhere on the main ship.

    Also, fo some reason the devs chose a different way of manouvering spacesuits in space compared to ships. Something that actually makes no sense whatsoever.

    Unlikely to change, but you can always hope, right?


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    I've noticed that the game seems to think if there isn't room above the core or near it in some case that it can just pick a spot. Happens totally randomly too, sometimes I'll be where I'm suppose to be and other times not. It seems a 2 block high, and 3 blocks wide space above the core or entered block has to be clear for it to work right. I know a while back it spawned correctly in any open space within the ship or station, or at least tried to anyways.