Auto-Shutdown Timer

    Jul 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    Hey, I noticed a pretty silly pair of default settings: Auto-Shutdown timer is at 10 minutes, and autosave timer is default at 5 minutes. But when the autosave fails, it resets the auto-shutdown timer ... I have a script set up to automatically restart the server when it shuts down, but unless I do it manually, it never will.

    I could change the autosave to 12 minutes, but players can do a whole lot in that amount of time, and it's pointless to have 10 minutes of waiting around on a server that isn't saving your work anyway.

    So, does anyone know of a way to change the auto-shutdown timer? If this has to be hard coded, then I hope Schema changes it to 60 seconds instead of 600. Please and thank you!