Arms and Armaments Proposals

    Jun 22, 2013
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    I've spent the last couple months thinking of potential additiions I would want to see in Starmade. Below is very rough/very brief version of my ideas. I can draw up some mock GUI's or answer any questions if anyone is interested. I'm hesitent to post loads-and-loads of detail if the rest of the community thinks its utterly worthless. So please let me know what you think either way.

    GOAL: To introduce greater variety of ship arms and armaments whilst maintaining balance and fun for ships of all sizes/classes/types. Inspired by historical naval and air warfare, as well as the science fiction classics.

    Multiple Weapon Damage Types:

    Energy and explosive/kinetic.

    Lasers, plasma, photon torpedoes, do energy damage. Shields are better at absorbing Energy damage than armor is.

    Cannons, flak and ramming cause explosive/kinetic damage. Armor is better at absorbing explosive/kinetic damage than shields are.

    New Weapons:

    Cannons: Cannons use explosive force to fire a projectile. Canons use less power to fire than lasers do, however each shot uses up a round of ammunition (ammunition is stored in a special storage item, a magazine, placed near to the cannon). Furthermore, their maximum rate of fire is lower than that of lasers.

    Projectiles range in size from 1/10 meter to 1 meter (maybe up 10m later on, this all assumes that blocks are currently 1mx1mx1m) wide. Projectiles can either be purchased from shops, or made by the players themselves, using a special crafting grid. The projectile crafting grid forms the shape of a round of ammunition and allows players to use blocks already in the game to construct the different parts of ammunition to their personal preference, or to suit a particular task. The different components of a round of ammunition are as follows.

    The outside of shell can be made from any hull block. Rounds of ammunition will keep the color of the hull blocks used, so players may color code their different loads.

    The propellent determines the speed of the round (along with the length of the canon) as well as how fast the canon may fire (more/better propellent = barrel heat = slower rate of fire).

    The warhead/penetrator determines how and what type of damage will be dealt if the round hits an enemy ship. Rounds can be tipped with a shield block to gain greater damage against shields, or with an explosive block to affect a large area. A round may also be tipped with a hull block for greater armor penetration.

    Bombs: Bomb blocks decrease exponentially in effectiveness when used in number (for example a 2 bomb block might deal 200 damage, a 20 bomb block would deal only 300). Bombs are not “fired” like other weapons. Instead when they are released, they travel forward along the same direction as the player. This makes them a much more effective choice for small, fast ships than larger slower ones. Small ships will essentially be able to execute “dive bomb” attacks WWII style.

    Flak: Falk decreases exponentially in effectiveness when used in number (much like bombs). It has a medium to heavy power requirement. When a shot of flak is fired it explodes into shrapnel when within a certain proximity of a ship (the firing ship does not count in this case). Shrapnel deals very little damage, but deals it over a wide area. It is meant to be used by large ships to prevent very small ships from having too easy of a time dodging the main laser/missile/canon.

    Shields and Armor:

    The density of protection that shields provide is directly linked to not only their number/placement, but the mass of the ship they are shielding. For example a square of 10 shield blocks would provide more shielding to a 1000 mass ship than a 10,000 mass ship, since it has less area to protect. This will make super-oversized-post-juggernaughts more expensive, and more vulnerable. It will also make armor more practical.

    Stealth and Detection: The distance from which ships appear (both on the map, the list of nearby objects and as diamond on the screen) is now proportionate to the mass and total power of a ship. Something the size of a Deathstar will now be visible for 100’s of sectors away, while stealth fighters may not be detectable until within a kilometer.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    After reading through this serveral times, I think I fully understand the additions you are suggesting. While I am fine with the last three changes / additions you are putting forward, I believe that \'Cannons\' and \'Bombs\' could use a bit of tweaking.

    The part about Cannons I believe that should be different is that the amount of customisation you should include, both with the ammunition and the crafting. It is a very cool idea, but I think a lot of people would find it confusing, distracting, or just avoid it entirely. While I agree with having the projectile different sizes, I believe that there should only be 3 types of ammunition:

    1. Damage based rounds - High damage, low radius, and slow (good at destroying \'heavy armour\' quickly)
    2. Explosive rounds - Medium damage, high radius, slow (overall damage is reasonable, but is spread over several blocks dealing low damage per block)
    3. Quick rounds - Low damage, low radius, high rate of fire and speed (each round is weak, but you can fire more of them, usefull to hit small, nimble ships)

    Also, instead of building these in a crafting grid, as you mentioned, I think that you should have a factory block that you put ingredients (minerals) in, get component materials (manufacturing) from the ingredients, and when you put some of the component materials back in, you get the ammunition. Amounts should vary between each type. This would allow for easier intergration into the game (I think), as you could connect it to your FactoryInput block or whatever you wish, and would be the same system as the current factory blocks.

    With Bombs, I think that all that should be changed is that where you said this:

    \"Bomb blocks decrease exponentially in effectiveness when used in number (for example a 2 bomb block might deal 200 damage, a 20 bomb block would deal only 300)\"

    I believe that it should be that the radius of the bomb that decreases enponentially, but the damage should increase proportionally to the bomb size (so if you had a 2 bomb block, it would deal 40 damage over 80 blocks, but a 20 bomb block would deal 400 damage over 100 blocks), otherwise people would use 10 two block bombs, instead of 2 ten block bombs, due to the damage ratios being very unbalanced.

    I hope you can understand what I put there, and why I put it. If not, oh well, maybe sometime you will realise what this crazy man is trying to say. Then again, maybe not.

    - Freddie G.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    The part about Cannons I believe that should be different is that the amount of customisation you should include, both with the ammunition and the crafting. It is a very cool idea, but I think a lot of people would find it confusing, distracting, or just avoid it entirely.

    You make a good point. I\'d hoped that by offering a couple stock varieties for sale at stores (maybe like the 3 you mentioned?) the \"depth\" of custimization would be there for those who want, while those who don\'t could just buy rounds, or have a factory spit out generic stock load rounds.

    I believe that it should be that the radius of the bomb that decreases enponentially, but the damage should increase proportionally to the bomb size (so if you had a 2 bomb block, it would deal 40 damage over 80 blocks, but a 20 bomb block would deal 400 damage over 100 blocks), otherwise people would use 10 two block bombs, instead of 2 ten block bombs, due to the damage ratios being very unbalanced.

    I should apoligize first, my description of bombs was rather confusing/vauge. I\'d imagined them as an explicit small ship targeting large ship/station/groundbase weapon. I forgot to write that I\'d hard limit them to 1 per ship.

    As for your suggestion, is 400 damage to 100+ blocks measured per block, or divided amongst the blocks?

    maybe sometime you will realise what this crazy man is trying to say.

    From one crazy man to another, I think I understood most of what you wrote. Thank you for taking the time to reply.