Anti - Grief Suggestions. Stop all Griefers! -Ideas also wanted!-

    Jun 29, 2013
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    You could post the ideas you came up with to better help our space society from griefing eachother!

    Sector Limitation: During the first hour, thats where we are vulnerable to many griefers. So why not, after an hour is over, teleport the player out of sectors 2, 2, 2. all the way until 6, 6, 6. If bigger players could not enter this "Newbie" area, then it will leave to less massive buying, killing, thieving, mining, and other annoying things griefers do.

    -As such, we can further it down into Faction Sectors: to protect the HQ (HeadQuarters) of factions, where they could rebuild and have their own stations by buying a single sector. This will allow only members in the same faction to enter that sector. (IDK what to do with random people entering it, but it should just let them skip that sector, or keep changing the direction of the ship -there was a glitch like this, they could use it to better help keep out the morons-)-

    Vote To Kick: I am thinking of typing "/ban_player" and it will remove them from the server after 5 or so votes. But this option is removed after joining a faction and renders useless and not working (to prevent a faction from over running a server).

    Faction Farming: This is not common, but usually, a faction would invite you, tell you to work for them (hence put all your valuables in THIER storages) then kick you out of being part of them and stealing your belongings and killing you. Instead, have this impossible, even if there are people in the same faction, there should be some privacy for opning plex storages. And have factions remove people they choose (giving a 300 second headstart which warns the player they have been exiled and get a chance to run away).

    Shop Limitations: The most common griefers are the rich ones. They go to all the shops near the spawning sector and buy all the ship cores and power supplies, even thrusters. I mean... The people are still at the newbie area! Starters still need parts desperately for their ship! Limiting people to buy a certain amount of something is a good thing. Also, since they are "shops" that serve people in space, why dont they regain whats been bought after some time? Its not like anyone woud sell a power block, right? So they should get more in stock after some time. (Unless of course this is in sector 999, 999, 999 where ships as big as 10 sectors are constructed. The regaining of stock should be limited to the newbie area since everyone does start out with 25k. And I dont think Hulls need to have buying limits, but its just not fair to buy nearly 200 of something precious and just move on) -usually, I only see around 200 shield blocks in stores, so buying them all at once seems like a b**** and wont let other people have the ability to buy after them-

    Please, if you have an idea of your own PLEASE post it so we can strengthen our comunity as much as possible! If you have the feel to disagree with something, then please state all your ideas! We all could hear and be inspired about the details to create something that can over-write and fit in smoother without any harsh rules (like the last one I made up, it was horrible in my opinion, but I just feel the shop griefers need a way to stop).

    We all love starmade, its a cool, fascinating, admirable, and 1,000 other amazing things to say. But its just not right for griefers to do as they please without being hurt back. If in most cases, they play just to grief all day long, let it be taken into the hands of Starmade themselves and have the abuser's IP written down, so no matter how many times they re-install Starmade, their game version stays stuck to when they get banned from the creator's themselves.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    So thanks for letting me borrow some of your time. I hope this can lead a new way to make Starmade a well-known amazing, grief-free game ever!
    Jun 25, 2013
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    And most important lets stop people shooting each other. It would be a shame if someone would do any harm to anyone in any way ever... ok seriously:

    Faction Sector: You can build a home base where your ships and structures are invincible which prevents most griefing. Is a full invincible planet not enough? What the heck do you want with a full sector? A complete solar system next?

    Newbe protection: Just set 2,2,2 as protected zone. Although i have to admit that at our server there are always 2-5 3k mass ships camping there. I\'d sugest spawning beginners at random shops in the starter solar system and giving them 2h protection (or until they attack a player).

    For shop griefing: You are aware you need only one block of every type and some credits to generate infinite amounts of them (limited by your amount of credits which is billions after raiding some pirate stations). Thus shop griefing works only on newbs (because they just don\'t know) and morons (because they still don\'t know).

    Votekick: Make server rules. If someone breaks them, warn them, kick them, ban them. That\'s whatadmins are for. A votekick system would be the most awesome griefing tool ever.

    Faction Farming: Realy? It\'s about trust. If you trust them it\'s your problem. The whole thing works the other way too. If you join a faction you could rob them as much as they could rob you. If you don\'t trust them, don\'t join them. And believe me, the risk for the faction treasures is much higher than the risk for someones private treasure. That\'s why i\'d like to see some kind of rights management which could refuse members acces to storages in different areas or to areas directly.

    Summary: This game is about PvP. Players try to harm others and try to prevent harm. Since your home base is invincible and you can generate infinite amounts of ressources without effort most of your points futile. The only thing that could get improved is newbe spawn protection and some kind of rights management for factions since individuals are a much bigger threat to factions than vice versa.
    Mar 30, 2013
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    This thread is retarded. Griefing is fun. Look how much fun I had!

    Starmade is a PVP sandbox. If you\'re getting killed, build a bigger ship and kill whatever is killing you. Or just deal w/ it.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I believe there shouldn\'t be any \"anti-grief\" in starmade, it\'s the nature of the game.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Agreed. Sure, let\'s have spawn and maybe the surrounding sectors protected, but other than that you\'re on your own. It\'s not like there isn\'t a way to defend against griefing within ten or twenty minutes of starting, anyway.

    Buy mining beams, make noobship

    Find ice planet/derelict ship/space station



    ...And then you buy a faction module. Congratulations, your ship can no longer be griefed while you are inside it. There\'s also a brand-new feature where you can save the blueprints of your ship so you don\'t lose the design.

    If you went mining in a derpship for awhile and maybe upgraded it a couple of times, you should have a few million credits to blow off on whatever the hell you want.

    And if your ship is incredibly valuable, then you can always save the blueprint and then deconstruct it to get the materials.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Anti-Grief is a necessity in any multiplayer game. The trick is finding out where the intent of the game stops and where people start just being assholes. Starmade is based on faction and small-gang PvP, sure, but that doesn\'t mean I shouldn\'t be able to put a password on my personal storage box in my HQ station. A co-worker once told me, \"Locks are designed to keep honest people honest.\" Just because I start working for some company, that doesn\'t mean people should be allowed to steal my lunch. In the real world, you can force thieves to repay when they steal. In games, it\'s much easier to just keep the theft from happening.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    It depends on your definition of griefing. Sure, people spawning over 9000 battlestar galacticas in spawn is griefing. Bumping people around in spawn is dickish but unavoidable due to the physics engine.

    Stealing shit, however, cannot be considered griefing in this game because we have salvage beams specifically for this purpose and that profit is generally made off of salvaging, looting, and commandeering ships. Notice that they are not called mining beams. Locking boxes would simply lead people to break the boxes. If the boxes could not be broken, then they would be used to create unbreakable starships. If the boxes were made to lose all their items upon destruction, then someone shooting at your ship would have a very real chance of completely obliterating days worth of resource gathering with no possibility of recovery.

    And anyway, this is not the real world, if you haven\'t noticed. Okay, so someone steals your blocks that are really just lines of code and a little picture. So what? What\'s stopping you from shooting the guy next time you see him? Why can\'t you just use a faction module so people can\'t take your stuff in the first place?

    It\'s not like you have no options to prevent \"griefing\" here.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Really, I see so many people complaining that their stuff got stolen when someone walked up to their ship and right clicked. It\'s come to the point where I have a large explanation of faction modules, factions, and freaking THRUSTERS ready to copy-paste into chat. People just don\'t look for anti-grief tools before they start complaining.

    Sector Limitation: You have a faction home... You can put enough god damn weapons on an invinicible structure to destroy anyone who decides to walk within Render distance, and STILL have it look awesome. In addition, you\'re proposing that not only can people not edit blocks in the sector, but that they can\'t ENTER IT? That space will just warp around them, and they\'ll suddenly be 1k meters away, having skipped a whole sector? Even with non-faction home space stations, with enough resources you can easily equip them to defend themselves against most things that come their way. As Trinova mentioned, you can effectively get infinite supplies of everything in the game by abusing the catalog system (yes, only temporary) as long as you have the money.

    Vote Kick: Gah... Don\'t get me started.

    Faction Farming: Once again, I agree with Trinova. If you trust them, it\'s your problem. If people on the server don\'t warn you about a faction being assholes, then it\'s their fault to some extent. In addition, I see this much less than I see people pretending to be nice, joining the faction, then happily taking apart a base the instant they get block edit rights. At which point, you can\'t get the resources back from them.

    Faction leaders/anyone the leader gives permission should be able to set an area as only changable by anyone in the faction of a certain rank (for example: press R on a faction block, and in it there\'s a checklist for editing, check the ranks you want to allow editting rights to). Don\'t have this effect interaction rights, they should still be able to use blocks in the area (though, of course, you could also add another checklist with interaction rights).

    Shop Limitations: Restocking of shops should happen naturally, and it should be done by the trade guild. My main suggestion would be reliant on people actually selling to shops: trade guild ships go from one shop to another. When a shop has an excess of a certain number of blocks, the trade guild takes them to another shop which is lacking in them. Now, of course, this would require some way to replace those blocks lost in battle, as they would have no way of returning to the shop. You could just have them return to a random shop somewhere in the generated universe, to be redistributed by the trade guild where necessary. There are probably other better ways, but I can\'t think of them right now.

    Spawn protect: I\'d simply suggest that in spawn sector, all blocks are counted as having been placed by a faction with the placing player\'s name, and act as though they are protected by a faction block of that faction. Basically, this would mean that only the player who places the blocks in spawn can move them. Also, disable weapons damage. This would extend as far as the spawn sector, and no further.
    Jun 28, 2013
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    I agree with the others here. Full-on anti-grief babysitting servers was one of the worst trends to hit Minecraft. A little grief protection is alright, but at some point, you lose the initial idea of the game.

    I can get behind an anti-PVP starting sector, though. That much makes sense. Shop limitations can be an issue as well, though there is talk about ways around that (I\'ve seen some suggestions about shops slowly replenishing their stock), so that problem might end up gone through other means. Additionally, since you can create a lot of the items in the shop, people might start making factories to sell items once the credits are properly balanced.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Yeah, eventually we will reach the point where people will have elaborate setups to nearly automate production of things to sell. I predict that factions entirely focused on trading will become popular, and factions focused on defending trade factions may \"evolve to fill the niche\"


    Jun 30, 2013
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    The shop problem could be solved easily with the shops restocking regularly and also an aside to add dynamism some sort of trade guild supply ships that fly around from shop to shop acting as either a shop to friendlys (maybe unlocked somehow by being nice to trade guide) or could be raided by those less nice and can still get there loot with a hard fight
    Jun 24, 2013
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    The other thing to consider is average server population density. If you have a server that can run 50 people, it\'s always full, and they don\'t go 100 sectors from spawn, then a player-driven market system would be great. Most servers won\'t have that kind of luxury, so we\'ll be left with the inherent \'rarity\' problem of scooting from shop to shop (assuming we don\'t spawn in ships made of specific blocks which are paid for with equivalent-value anything-else) and dealing with an NPC-centric market. In that case, one should permit both setups to work by setting NPC prices higher than a player could sell the same things and still feel comfortable at a proper effort/reward.


    Also, about the theft being \"just pixels\" and \"lines of code\": If I somehow managed to swindle you of your life savings, then it\'s just money ... right? You can always earn more ... right? It\'s the same basic principle, just on a really small scale, since it\'s a game, and the money system has no sense of balance right now. If I\'m a dunce and allow somebody to take 10 million worth of ship ... oh well ... it\'s just 10 million and I was an idiot. Once that problem\'s addressed and it\'s all rebalanced, then it\'ll be more of an issue to lose a ship of that general scale. The objective in anti-grief in games is to keep normal players (not the whiny dumb ones) from ragequitting. Killing a server\'s population is counteproductive to everyone except that one guy who loves to drink tears.

    So, again, it all boils down to where the intent of the game design stops and where people start being assholes on purpose. Enforcing a little cohesion within a group of players via restricting what they can and can\'t take from their friends makes for more pew because they\'ll band together in a fleet and work together more readily. Anybody can understand that.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Its a great Idea bundle of ideas and thoughts, though some are only good in theory. I will give my thoughts on your ideas in order.

    1. Sector Limitation: Its a great idea, Iv been on minecraft servers were they implimented that same exact way of keeping greifers away as you stated, a timer for when you first join the server. I 100% back you up on this though if schema is going to/has offered server mod capabuilities im sure someone could simply make a server mod for that. +1 Thumbs up for this one! :)

    2. Faction Sectors: I\'ve read somwere that as long as your ship is docked to your factions spacestation/docking port its safe from being destroyed or greifed. Thought From what I\'ve gathered is that you use a faction HUB to make somthing itno your factions \"homebase\" sort of, and then each of the faction members has a faction....thingy... I cant remember the name... or somthing like that, attached to their ship so they can dock and whatnot.

    as far as \"owning a sector\" I think thats up to said factions attack power, If your faction is a mass fighting slaughter fest of a faction im sure no one will mess with you, but perhaps if your a mineing faction perhaps another faction could move into the sector and make their \"home base\" next to you, which would be interesting to see... maybe a \"partnership\" could come out of it... kind of a \"you scratch my back, ill kill ever mofo who come in here and tries to mess with you\" deal? eather way, Im not sure if I can thumbs up this or thumbs down it, its kind of a neutral thing.

    3. Vote To Kick: This is a good idea (in theory) I myself play with a few friends at all times, so if I didnt like someone I could jsut get all my friends to /kick because I jsut dont like them... which would also be bad for said kicked person becasue they could be right next to the person who dosent liek them.. which would resault in the following.

    Person A dont like person B. Person A tells all their friends to kick person B. after person B is kicked off th server their ship is left unattended, which allows person A and all their friends to salvage it to a bloody pulp.

    Though not likeing person B isnt the only reason why person B could be kicked, though it all ends with the ship being left behind to be destroyed. This is another idea im neautral in, though closer to a thumbs down at this point :(

    4. Faction Farming: Being someoen who played WOW I can see how this is/can be a problem, dumb people will be dumb. Theres a reason why \"awake and stupid\" is not a choice for mental status for patients. As you states, this is a two way road, If you trusted them and they stoll all your stuff, then thats your own fault. just like if you stoll all their stuff, though I agree chests should be like those faction blocks.. you should be able to change the \"permissions\" on them. + Thumbs up! :)

    5. Shop Limitations: Is yet another idea Thats good in theory, Shop limitations would get annoying, rich people trying to buy a large amount of hull blocks would get frustrated, I think the problem would maybe work if ONLY ship cors were infinit in stores, so someoen couldnt buy ALL the cores.. you can still fly around useing JUST a core, so it would see allow the person to travel around to other stores faster. and Like I said in #1 If their panning/already have server mod compatabuility servers could make it so peple start off with 3 cores... or jsut a block of sand.. its all up to the server owner in that case. but thats my thoguths.

    I hope my thoguths on the subjects were ok, sorry for any miss-spellings. i have a light case of dyslexia.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    I like the Ideas, I\'ve always wanted to instead of have my one sided planet have it double the thickness and 2 sided, so that factions can actually make a Interplanetary base, Instead of having to build outside of the planet.

    The shop limitations should also add the fact that Owners can upload custom shop Designs, allowing Shops to protect people that are buying and also themselves from griefers wanted to buy up everything and then getting the Trade Guild ships aswell.

    About sector limitations, wouldn\'t it be better to give new players a 30 minutes of santurary, were no one can hurt them, and they cannot hurt anyone, this way they can build get far away without issues.

    Factions getting items from players then kicking them 300 seconds might not be enough, I think if invited they can leave themselves anytime, but they should be given a 1 day before they are kicked, with a warning telling them that the kicking proccess is underway, allowing them to talk to the Faction why they are being kicked, and if they were being used for easy items a Server Admin/Owner with the chance to get back there items + the wrong doers get there punishment via Commands or a Owners/Admins mega ship.

    But this will be my Adding point for this, I\'ve seen that many of these griefers are just importing ships. Wouldn\'t it also be good to be able to for a server owner to Disable the Local Catalog from there server, but keep the Server based on. Making it were if you want a good ship they have to play longer, and in turn get help (make friends) to build the big/better ships, instead of just using the Local Catalog, selling stuff and buying some of the best ships.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    I think things are fine the way they are except for the catalog being exploity.


    Jun 27, 2013
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    Number 14:

    I agree with some of this here. Maybe needs some changes. Lets go down the list.
    Sector Limitation; Should limit the amount of weapons you can have on your ship and limit ship block size in the starter sectors to about the size of the Isanth-VI (Default NPC Fighter). If you try to enter the system with a larger ship, system police (like concord on EVE Online), arrive and give you a few seconds to leave before they fire upon you and not stop firing till the ship is blown up (ship core explosion, removing your ship from the game).
    - Protected faction sectors, all players should be allowed to enter the sector whether it\'s bought or not, but they should not be able to edit any blocks in that sector unless they plan to start shooting and destroying. No salvage or mining.

    Vote to kick could be abused, no.
    Faction Farming; it\'s your choice to trust a faction. If you are dumb enough to put everything you own in their storage and not keep something back yourself just in case, then you kinda deserved it. Though there should be some way of you restarting so you can get at least a small starter ship back, enough to fly to a planet and mine. (A ship core, 1 power block, 1 thruster) Shop Limitations; spawn area shops should have respawning items after a duration, shops further away should not and should be filled by the players.
    Jun 28, 2013
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    If you try to enter the system with a larger ship, system police (like concord on EVE Online), arrive and give you a few seconds to leave before they fire upon you and not stop firing till the ship is blown up (ship core explosion, removing your ship from the game).

    Rather than instant death, It\'d be cool if you could just fight back against the cops, to the point where they start throwing stronger enemies at you. That being said, for a spawn protection deal, I think it\'d be better to just make the shop and players immune to other player attacks.

    On another note, maybe the spawn shop could allow people to freely get a set of starting blocks once every 30 min/hour/whatever. This would allow people to restart, hopefully have a long enough period to make abuse not worth it, and not be tied to the shop\'s inventory. Maybe have it charge for the items, but is the only thing you can buy and go into debt with. Debt itself wouldn\'t have to be a huge mechanic, just a negative credit balance. But you wouldn\'t be able to buy anything else until this balance was positive again